For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was tense, and all the guests' hearts were in their throats, fearing that the two groups would get into a fierce fight at the next moment.

The two parties faced each other silently, and no one would put down their weapons first.

Just when he was about to explode, Kahn suddenly shouted: "What are you doing! Put away your weapons immediately. Your arrows are used to point at the enemy. Are the agents of the Secret Service our enemies?!"

And Weisman immediately took advantage of the situation and said to the agents of the Secret Service: "Put down your guns. What do they look like!"

After the two spoke, all the Rangers and Secret Service personnel lowered their weapons.

But Elena still pointed an arrow at Weisman with a cold face.

He was not annoyed about this and just pointed at Eric and Danetta and said calmly: "I'm very sorry, Miss Elena, you can leave, but they two can't leave."

"Yes, neither of them can leave until they are completely cleared of suspicion."

At this time, Charlotte also spoke, his eyes staring straight at Eric, as if he wanted to see him through.

Kahn frowned, Elena's face became even colder, and her eyes were fixed on Weisman.

Eric sneered and said: "Hey, do you think I am suspicious? The two of us have been staying in the corner with Miss Elena since we came here!

Moreover, the reason why we participated in today's action was also invited by Miss Elena yesterday, otherwise we would not be interested in attending this banquet. "

Elena also said with a cold face: "Yes, I personally invited the two of them to participate in the operation yesterday. If you suspect that they are doubting me, I say it for the last time, get out of the way!"

A white mist suddenly appeared in Eric's hand, and everyone felt that the temperature in the hall began to rise rapidly.

Even some of the guests who were hiding away began to sweat, whether it was from the heat or fear.

Danetta's pair of crossbows also appeared in his hands at some point, and the golden flames and black flames slowly condensed.

Weisman said nothing when facing the three people who were ready to fight at any time. He just looked at Kahn to ask for his opinion.

"President Kahn, what do you think?"

Kahn, who had been frowning, seemed to have figured out something and finally spoke.

"Weisman, you don't have to be so eager to express yourself.

Although the current relationship between the Ranger Association and the Bening family is somewhat cold, it is only because of some misunderstandings caused by Carlin.

I have always had a good personal relationship with you, but your behavior tonight was very abnormal. Did a big shot from the Bening family come to Wayne City and instruct you to do this?

Or maybe you can’t wait to express yourself in front of that big shot? "

Weisman, who had always looked confident, finally changed his expression, as if he had been told something that was on his mind.

At this time, the priest's robe on Kahn had slowly fallen to the ground, revealing the gauntlet covering his right arm.

A small crossbow with a shimmering light was connected to the arm armor, slowly raised, and condensed into an arrow that exuded a cold metallic light.

Weisman, who was pointed at by Kahn's arrow, felt a thorn in his back, and his body subconsciously tensed up.

Elena's bow and arrows were only a small threat to him, but Kahn's crossbow arrows made him feel fatal danger.

Kahn raised the arrow and spoke slowly: "Weisman, I don't know if it's because I usually have a very gentle temper, so I gave you the courage to make things difficult for my daughter in front of so many people!"

At the end of his speech, Kahn's tone became stern.

Weisman's hair stood on end and his expression completely changed. He quickly clarified: "President Kahn, this is all a misunderstanding. How can Miss Elena and her friends be suspected?"

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had become depressed again, Charlotte wanted to say something.


"shut up!"

He only said two words and was immediately interrupted by Kahn's loud shout.

"Now that you recognize me as your uncle, why did you say something to stop your cousin from leaving here? Are we blood relatives just tools that you can use in your eyes?

From now on, you and we are no longer relatives. If things like today happen again, don’t blame me for applying to the kingdom to reclaim the blood of you and your brother! "

Hearing Kahn's decisive words, Charlotte's face turned pale, and the way others looked at him also changed.

Charlotte didn't expect things to develop like this.

According to the mainstream concept in this world, bloodline is not a dispensable thing. Bloodline is the link that maintains unity and mutual assistance among tribesmen.

Under normal circumstances, people of the same race who are obviously related by blood should be closer to each other when they are away from home.

Charlotte's paternal bloodline is not very outstanding. The only outstanding person is his father, Conan Moriarty.

It can be said that he and his brother were able to achieve what they are today without the support and help of Kahn and his relatives on the maternal line.

Otherwise, no matter how outstanding Mycroft is, in this world with distinct classes, it is impossible for him to sit in the high position of Director of the Security Bureau under the age of thirty.

Kahn's words also made everyone realize that Charlotte's behavior tonight was to make things difficult for her cousin with outsiders, like a white-eyed wolf.

For a moment, the members of the Ranger Association looked at him with unkind eyes.

The people in the Secret Service, including Weisman, also had some subtle looks in their eyes. Although Charlotte shared their position and would not directly accuse the other party, she could not help but criticize such unethical behavior in her heart.

Kahn ignored the pale Charlotte and strode directly out the door, followed closely by Elena, Eric, Danetta and other members of the Ranger Association.

Weisman quickly made way for the others, and he just watched the other party leave the banquet hall with an ugly expression.

He didn't dare to stop him. Not to mention that Kahn was a legendary seed, he was no match for him and couldn't stop him.

And if he dares to stop Eric and Danetta from leaving, he will completely break up with Kahn.

The official Brent Kingdom will not defend him for this kind of behavior, otherwise it will further intensify the conflict with the Ranger Association.

Weisman sighed with a bitter expression. Tonight, he simply spent time with his wife and lost his troops.

Not only were Eric and Danetta left behind, but the relationship between him and Kahn also dropped to a freezing point.

He turned his attention to Charlotte again, and saw that Charlotte was standing there in a daze, mumbling to herself.

"Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

Seeing that Charlotte was completely out of shape, Weisman had no choice but to take everyone with him to carefully inspect other parts of the manor.

‘I hope I can find some clues’

In the banyan tree space, Carlin, who was a member of the melon-eating crowd, exclaimed that he was very satisfied, and Leah, who was pulled by him to watch the whole process, had a very subtle expression on her face.

"Is the structure of Wayne City so complicated?"

"Haha, Weisman steals the chicken but loses the rice, but he also let me know that Charlotte may not be so easy to kill.

A strong man from the Bening family secretly came to Wayne City, and Charlotte was the bait used to lure out the Shadow Brigade.

As long as I dare to show up and attack Xia Luo, the strong man hiding in the dark will definitely come with a mantis attack on the cicada, followed by an oriole! "

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