Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 245 There is only one truth


Leah said doubtfully that she had no feelings for her cousin Charlotte, he was just an insignificant person, so she would just kill him.

Now when I heard that Charlotte was actually a bait, I became confused.

In the banyan tree space, Eric and Danetta are also projected here, providing the two of them with a first-person perspective. Now they have said goodbye to Kahn and returned to the lower city with Elena.

Eric explained to Leah: "Not only Charlotte, but Weisman's abnormal behavior tonight may have been ordered by someone after learning that the brigade was very suspicious.

If the hunter and I were really forced to stay, they would definitely insist that we were members of the brigade and take action. "

Leah asked in surprise: "Has the other party confirmed that you are members of the brigade?"

Danetta sneered and said: "Aren't we very important? As long as we can lure other members of the brigade to show up, the plan will be successful!

Even if the rest of the brigade doesn't show up, it doesn't matter. We are just two dispensable pawns in the opponent's heart. Does it matter whether we are dead or alive? "

Leah suddenly understood, and Eric sneered again.

"It may not be easy to kill Charlotte. I suspect that there is an old antique in the Bening family who really can't hold on anymore. He wants to catch us before death and get the [Resurrection] ritual to regain his life."

Danetta and Leah looked awe-inspiring after hearing this.

Although many strong men of the Fifth Era have relied on sealing life activities to survive until now.

However, in addition to the continuous consumption of resources to maintain this seal, there are also limits.

The remaining lifespans of these powerful men vary. Some have more than ten years left to live, while some may only have a few months to live.

Life is still flowing when it is sealed, but the flow rate has slowed down thousands of times.

Take the sealed rat beasts in the Bloodline Laboratory as an example.

The reason why they can survive tens of thousands of years is because these rat beasts were in their prime before being sealed, and they still have at least hundreds of years to live. It is not surprising that they have survived until now.

And there must be strong men in the Bening family who only have a few months left to live. At this time, they are almost unable to hold on, and they can only forcefully revive to pursue the last hope.

This kind of strong man with an overwhelming desire to survive is very terrifying. Carlin can imagine what kind of crazy actions the opponent will do in order to survive at all costs.

The game set up tonight completely ignored the feelings of the Ranger Association, and even if the Secret Service and the Ranger Association were not good, they would really fight.

As for what impact it would have later, the strong man no longer cared, it was completely a waste of time.

After all, his life is almost gone, so how can he care about anything else?

Thinking of this, Carlin's temper also rose. Although he had a good meal tonight, he was also very unhappy at being plotted by two guys hiding behind the scenes.

"Oh, do you really think I'm easy to bully? Don't you all want to live? I won't let any of you survive!"

After listening to Carlin's words, Eric asked: "Captain, do you know who the murderer is tonight?"

Danetta and Leah also looked over curiously, and they heard some clues from Karin's words.

In addition to the powerful Bening family who may be hiding in the dark, the murderer of Abby may also be an old legend who is not going to die soon.

Karin did not answer immediately but asked Leah: "Spider, do you still remember the [Reincarnated Love] ritual recorded in the secret biography "Spider in the Web"?"

"Spider in the Web" is a secret transmission that Andariel asked Leah to forcibly practice. Compared with the secret transmission practiced by the Spider of Pain cultivators, it can be regarded as an upgraded version.

Many of the same rituals of the Spider of Pain are also recorded in this secret biography.

Karin once asked Leah for this secret biography when she was free, and Leah didn't hide it. Anyway, she gave it to Karin directly without any intention of keeping it secret for Andariel.

By reading this secret biography, Karin also learned how the legendary powerful Spider of Pain would use to extend his life.

The Spider of Pain has been frantically collecting the blood of pure girls before, but one of the ingredients in the [Reincarnated Love] ritual is all the blood in the bodies of a thousand girls who have not lost their virginity.

Although the material does not limit whether the girl is an ordinary person or an extraordinary person, it does not seem to be of high value, but it is very troublesome to collect.

The Feast helped the Spider of Pain collect them for more than half a year, kidnapping young girls continuously to get the number. Unfortunately, in the end, Karin cut off the beards and burned them.

After realizing that this was the material that the powerful Spider of Pain needed, Karin read "Spider in the Web" and immediately deduced that the ritual that the Spider of Pain wanted to arrange was [Reincarnated Love].

This ritual can indeed extend life. Although the effect is not as good as the [Resurrection] ritual, it can also allow an elderly legend to live for fifty more years. During this time, he can continue to look for other ways to extend his life.

However, the requirements are very strict. The recipient must practice the secret transmission from Andariel, and the gender must be female.

Then you need to fall in love with a man, you must really fall in love with the other person, live together for at least five years and be pregnant with the other person's child before the ceremony can be officially started.

After the ritual is started, the subject will eat his lover just like a pregnant female spider eating a male spider.

Let the fetus in the belly absorb the flesh, blood and spirituality of the lover and then grow rapidly, looking like a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for nine months.

After that, the subject must bathe in a blood pool altar filled with the blood of a pure girl for three hours every day.

This lasts for a month, allowing the fetus in the belly to completely absorb the blood of thousands of girls before proceeding to the last and most important step of the ceremony - giving birth.

The subject will transfer his consciousness to a new fetus to be born, and then eat the old body, just like a mother spider gives birth to a baby spider and feeds her body as food to the baby spider.

To put it simply, the whole ritual process is to eat the husband, bathe in the blood to provide sufficient nutrition for the fetus, then give birth to himself, and finally eat his own body.

After eating itself, the newborn baby will quickly grow to the state of adulthood, which is equivalent to its own transformation and extending its life span by fifty years.

And Leah also realized something after hearing Karin mention this ritual.

"Did you mean that?"

"Yes, there is only one truth, the murderer is Abby Glover's wife - Margaret Glover!

She is the legendary strongman from the Spider of Pain! "

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