Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 246 Old Brass

After Karin finished speaking, everyone else's eyes flashed with shock, and Danetta and Leah felt a lingering fear in their hearts.

They were actually so close to a legendary-level cultist. Fortunately, the other party did not dare to be exposed at the critical moment of the ceremony, but this still made their hair stand on end.

Then Danetta was suddenly startled, and at the same time Eric and her eyes turned to the light screen in the center of the round table.

At this time, Elena and the two of them had arrived at the door of Apartment No. 11 on Squirrel Street.

When Eric was about to say goodbye to the two of them, Elena suddenly asked: "Are you a member of the Shadow Brigade?"

After hearing this, Eric's expression became very funny, as if he had heard something funny.

"You are asking, I actually hope to be a member of the brigade. Do you know how difficult it is for me to advance to the professional level?

My career promotion ceremony required a large amount of black light stone to build a wizard tower. For this reason, I gave up the good development in the Steam City and left there for Yorkshire.

I found out that there is a Skaven Engineer Warlock's workshop ruins nearby, and there are a lot of blackstones inside.

Then I entered the ruins and almost died. It took me another three months to build a simple wizard tower in the ruins before I could advance to the professional level.

If I were a member of the brigade, would it still be so difficult for me to wait until now to advance to the professional level? "

Elena shook her head listening to Eric's sad tone.

"Sorry, I just asked casually. I also believe that you are not a member of the brigade. I wish you a good night."

"It's okay, I'm used to being doubted."

After speaking, Eric entered the apartment, while Elena and Danetta continued to walk towards the sisterhood headquarters.

On the way, Danetta asked Elena: "You are still doubting him, right?"

"It's just my intuition," Elena shook her head, and then asked her new best friend: "How much do you know about him?"

The village girl pondered for a moment before saying: "I didn't stay with him for a long time, less than a month.

I was his maid at that time and worked hard to learn all the knowledge he taught. If nothing else happens, I will become his housekeeper in the future."

Speaking of this, Danetta was silent for a while. Elena, who knew that there was an accident later, sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I feel very sorry for what happened in your hometown."

The village girl and Miss One Ear stopped talking and just walked silently on the streets of the lower city.

Carlin in the Banyan Tree Space was thinking about something.

'The legendary strongman who was forcibly resurrected by the Bening family and came to Wayne City should be the 'old brass' in Angela's divination proverbs, and Margaret of the Spider of Pain. How should I kill you two? ? ’

Just as he was thinking in his mind, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening at the Secret Service branch located on the banks of the Lanyin River in Shangcheng District, but the lights were still bright here.

Each guard in the corridor stood at his post energetically, and the civilian staff and agents who shuttled back and forth between the rooms were still busy.

And Weisman, who found nothing after searching the manor, also returned here, and Charlotte was still confused beside him.

He used to live at St. Wayne College, but he couldn't go back after what happened, so he followed Weisman back to the Secret Service.

Charlotte's heart felt empty, and Kahn's determined expression was still lingering in her mind.

Weisman looked at him and shook his head. He just called an agent in the corridor and asked him to take Charlotte to choose a dormitory to stay temporarily.

And he came to a room, a trace of fear flashed on his face, but he quickly took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

"Come in."

Soon an old voice came from inside

The room was about three hundred square meters and looked like a study. There were three doors on the other side of the wall connecting to other rooms.

An old man was sitting behind the desk, holding a thick copy of "Oliver Twist" and reading it with gusto.

The old man has gray hair on his temples and looks in his sixties. His whole body is filled with a bookish aura. He looks like a scholar. It can be vaguely seen that he was very handsome when he was young, but he cannot withstand the wind and frost of the years.

Weisman walked over quickly and said tremblingly: "Mr. Marshall, I failed to live up to your expectations and the plan failed."

Marshall then put down the book in his hand, raised his head and asked, "Oh, tell me what happened."

Immediately afterwards, Weisman told everything that happened at the banquet in detail, completely from the perspective of a third party without any personal feelings.

After hearing this, Marshall sighed: "It seems that I have touched Kahn's bottom line. Forget it, there are only two unrelated minor characters on the left and right. It was Charlotte who had doubts about them that I decided to test. It's a pity. That child."

When talking about Charlotte, Marshall only had a hint of regret in his heart. After the relationship between Charlotte and the Ranger Association was at loggerheads, it was no longer possible to continue to use each other's power to find out information.

Marshall's fingers tapped on the desk rhythmically, and he was lost in thought. Weisman, who was standing in front of the desk, dared not make a sound.

After a long time, the knocking sound suddenly stopped, and Weisman's heart immediately rose to his throat.

Marshall then said: "You have nothing to do here. Go and call Charlotte. I have something to explain to him."

Weisman seemed to have been granted amnesty, but he didn't show it on his face. He just walked out of the room respectfully and gently closed the door.

He didn't relax until he closed the door and walked some distance in the corridor. Staying with Marshall was particularly stressful.

Because the other party is a legendary powerhouse, and he is also the founder and first-generation principal of the Royal Alchemy Academy.

Although he looked gentle and like a scholar with no airs, Weisman knew that the other party's emotions were actually very unstable.

Spirituality also has a bit of a corrupt nature. If you don't try your best to restrain it, it will easily cause serious pollution and erosion to the low-level transcendental beings around you.

This was a legendary strong man who would be buried in his grave within three months at most. When Weisman reported, he was afraid of Marshall's rage. This situation scared him to death and he had no place to reason.

Weisman sighed in his heart again, hoping that the old man would get what he wanted soon, so that he wouldn't have to worry all day long.

He, a mentor-level expert, could be considered a respectable figure in the Old Continent, but now he feels that his life is very aggrieved.

After all, the un-legendary is just an ant in the eyes of the powerful Marshall legend, and the opponent's end is approaching, so he doesn't care what kind of bad impact it causes in order to survive.

Even if he is killed casually, he will not be held accountable by the officials, because the other party is considered one of the masters of this country.

Thinking of this, although Weisman didn't show it on his face, an evil fire surged in his heart.

‘Why do I, a powerful mentor-level man, have to live in such a miserable state!

Unfortunately, I am not a legendary seed. It is almost impossible to become a legend. It is time to plan for the future! ’

While thinking this way, he also came to Charlotte's dormitory.

Five minutes later, Charlotte came to Marshall in a daze.

At this time, Charlotte's face looked haggard, and the usual confident temperament on her body had long since disappeared.

Marshall said indifferently: "Charlotte, do you want to catch Carlin?"

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