Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 251 Sky-high price invitation

Salier, who had just finished checking thirty-five books, still held two talisman bookmarks in his hand. Previously, seven members of the Ranger Club entered the bookstore and bought five books.

"There is indeed no problem. I also checked the members who entered the bookstore. Their spirituality is normal and they have not been tampered with in any way.

I just don’t know which demi-temple this secret realm belongs to and what its purpose is. "

Kahn pondered for a moment and said: "No matter what the purpose is, at least it seems that His Highness has no ill intentions now, but you still have to maintain a certain degree of vigilance. Maybe this is the process of a certain ritual."

"No matter what, we can't stop other extraordinary people from going to the bookstore to buy books."

In addition to the Ranger Association, similar conversations have also occurred within other extraordinary organizations.

However, like the Rangers, they did not restrict members from going to Moran's Bookstore.

In less than a day, the news of Moran Bookstore swept the entire city of Wayne.

Although there are some doubtful onlookers, after all, one cannot be too cautious when facing such abnormal behavior from a demi-temple.

But more people put their doubts behind them after seeing the lucky ones who won the jackpot. There is no risk anyway, so why should they worry about this and that?

Two days passed quickly.

In the past two days, Moran Bookstore appeared somewhere in Midtown and Uptown respectively, but soon a few lucky people found the bookstore.

Not only did he buy five books, but he also made a fortune selling information about bookstore locations.

The threshold of Moran's bookstore was almost broken. If Erica hadn't been able to freely control the size of the secret space, the small bookstore wouldn't have been able to accommodate these enthusiastic extraordinary beings.

On the bookshelf, one book after another is bought, and every time a book is bought, a new book appears on the bookshelf, as if there are infinite books in the bookstore.

However, there are still very few lucky ones. Most of the books are ordinary commercial products, but if you really win the lottery, it will definitely be a big prize.

Job transfer rituals, rituals or potions that challenge the limits of the human body, sky-high price alchemy blueprints, powerful secret transmissions, and bookmarks with various magical functions.

These all touch the hearts of the supernatural beings in Wayne City, especially those wild supernatural beings.

This kind of precious knowledge is something they would never dare to think about, but now that they have the opportunity to obtain it, they are all going crazy.

On only the third day, more than 5,000 people have been to the bookstore, and even extraordinary people from other places have begun to come here to try their luck.

At this time, the manor of a certain baron in the upper city was full of extraordinary figures.

Moran Bookstore was directly manifested in this manor today. When the baron found out, he could only smile bitterly and took the initiative to open the manor to let other extraordinary people enter.

Anyway, he didn't dare to block the news or prevent others from entering the manor, otherwise he would have to face the wrath of countless extraordinary beings.

After disguising herself, Leah also entered the bookstore among the crowd.

Two days later, she discovered that the small bookstore had expanded directly into a large library that could accommodate more than 500 people.

One after another, extraordinary people shuttled through the tall bookshelves, sifting through books one after another.

They can only guess the content of the book based on the title, and it is not easy to find out the omissions.

Seeing this scene, Leah was stunned.

‘Tsk, this guy Carlin actually has so many good things. He makes a lot of money just by selling books. If he couldn’t beat him, I would have wanted to rob him. ’

And she did not forget her mission. She walked to a bookshelf, and she and other extraordinary people took down a book and carefully looked at the cover and title, as if trying to spot the flowers.

It took her about ten minutes to carefully select five books and take them to the counter to queue up.

At this time, the crowd in front of the counter had formed a long queue. Not everyone had tried to just take the books and go out without paying. Then they were beaten to pieces by a group of powerful paper puppets.

However, no one sympathized with their fate, and this behavior was unanimously despised by others. If they dared to think wrongly in a bookstore under a demi-temple, there must be something wrong with their brains.

Moreover, fifty gold pounds for an extraordinary book is simply a conscience. Even if the book you buy is a cheap one that only records some low-level knowledge, it will still be cheaper than the market price.

The fate of this small group of extraordinary people who wanted to read the Book of Overlords has greatly shocked the others. Now everyone consciously queues up obediently when checking out, and does not dare to jump in line, so they just wait slowly.

But Leah waited for more than half an hour before it was her turn. After paying two hundred and fifty gold pounds, she pretended to be eager to open one of the books.

Then there was an exclamation from the front of the counter.

"The bookmark of this book is actually an invitation from the ruined library!"

Everyone looked around and saw an exquisite invitation lying quietly in Liya's hand. In an instant, the queue of people exploded, and all kinds of envious, jealous and hateful eyes were cast on Liya.

"Hell, she must be so lucky, it's actually an invitation from the ruined library!"

"Damn it, although I don't have the guts to go to the library to participate in the trial, but now the price of each invitation has been raised to more than 50,000 pounds!"

"I hope my five books can also produce such treasures."

Although the scene was a little noisy, it still maintained good order, and no one took advantage of the chaos to jump in line.

On the contrary, the extraordinary people in line checked out faster and faster, directly threw the two hundred and fifty gold pounds on the counter, and eagerly opened the books in their hands without waiting for Miss Moran's response.

In front of the counter, a series of voices of regret or annoyance came out.

At this time, Leah was also surrounded by more than twenty extraordinary people, who all asked her if the invitation was for sale.

The trial in the ruined library involves fighting Angela's book puppet. The puppet's strength changes according to the level of knowledge it needs.

If you win, you will get the book you want, if you fail, you will be turned into a book.

Who is not greedy for all the knowledge collected in the Bucks Principality? Even if all he can get is just the tip of the iceberg, he will be very satisfied.

There are many people who get invitations and go to the ruined library and gain something, but only a small number of them. Most of the guests invited by the library have become books.

Therefore, people who are not very confident in their own strength will not go, and more people will resell the invitations after receiving them.

The price of each invitation in the ruined library was already very high, but after the [Resurrection] ceremony came into everyone's sight, it increased several times because the library may contain the knowledge of the [Resurrection] ceremony. .

In the past six months, the market price of invitations has reached fifty thousand pounds due to this reason. This is only the market price. In real transactions, such valuable but unmarketable items will definitely have a premium.

The group of people surrounding Leia were either confident in their own strength, or they were extraordinary people from powerful forces.

The former want to go to the library for a trial, but they are not coveting the [Resurrection] ritual. Even if the library includes it, the strength of the corresponding trial puppet must be very terrifying.

The latter wants to take over and hand it over to the powerful person within the force. Not only can he be reimbursed for the cost of purchasing invitations, but he can also receive generous rewards.

After hearing the transaction request from a group of people, Leah looked embarrassed. Just when he was about to say something, suddenly Danetta's cold voice sounded in front of the counter.

"I'll pay sixty thousand gold pounds for this invitation!"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

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