Danetta's figure appeared in front of the library door at some point. She slowly walked toward Leah without deliberately lowering her voice, which was heard by a large number of nearby extraordinary beings.

Immediately after the scene was quiet for a while, the sound of pumping could be heard frequently.

Immediately, a red-haired man broke the silence. He glanced at Danetta apologetically.

"I'm sorry, our Knights of Fire also need this invitation very much. I am willing to pay 650 million gold pounds."

Immediately afterwards, another young woman exuding the natural aura of life also spoke: "Nature's Word is willing to pay 70,000 gold pounds."

A middle-aged man who looked very gentle said not to be outdone: "The Brando Medical Association is willing to pay 75,000 gold medals."

In an instant, biddings were heard on the spot, and soon the price soared to 100,000 gold pounds.

The large number of extraordinary people who were watching were all stunned. They really experienced something today.

The forces behind these bidders are not short of money.

Willing to spend 100,000 pounds to fight for a possibility.

[Resurrection] The possibility of the ritual being included in the ruins library.

Most of the twenty-odd extraordinary people who had surrounded Leia gave up bidding directly.

The organizational strength behind them can only be considered to be okay. Although they are not wealthy, they are still far behind compared to a large and wealthy force like the Rangers Association.

One hundred thousand gold pounds is not impossible for them to come up with.

But spending 100,000 pounds for an invitation to a ruined library clearly exceeded their inner bottom line. They were not so generous as not to regard money as money.

After all, everyone is just guessing that the ruined library may contain the [Resurrection] ritual, and there is no conclusive news. Otherwise, they would compete.

Only Danetta and members of three other organizations with chapters in Wayne were still bidding.

Leah opened her mouth to say something, but immediately shut up again. She could no longer refuse in this situation, otherwise she would not give face to everyone.

Danetta looked at her anxious expression with a hint of excitement. After praising the other party's acting skills in her heart, she spoke again: "One hundred and fifty thousand gold pounds."

The scene was quiet for a moment. Just when the other three people wanted to continue bidding, Leah suddenly said with an uneasy look on her face: "Four of you, why don't you jointly buy this invitation? If you really get it [Su Birth] ritual can also be used together.

Also, can you four give me some protection after the transaction is completed? "

"I have no objection," Danetta glanced at her, then looked at the other three and said, "What do you say?"

The three of them also looked at Leah with admiration. This girl did not lose her mind because of the unexpected wealth.

The four of them will definitely not default on their debts, but the sudden acquisition of such a huge fortune can easily cause other people to covet it.

At the same time, inside the virtual review room, a leaf of the data banyan tree bloomed with bright light, reflecting the dense text.

‘. Just when the four of them listened to Leah’s suggestion and prepared to jointly buy the invitation for 100,000 gold pounds, Cassia, a professional agent from the Secret Service, also entered the bookstore.

He had received the news before and rushed here as quickly as possible, just when Cassia was about to say something.

Miss Moran, who had been sitting quietly behind the counter, flipping through the files, suddenly spoke.'

"I also have four invitations here, each priced at fifty thousand gold pounds."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The three people from the Knights of Flame, the Brando Medical Association, and the Word of Nature left Leah and Miss Moran to start discussing the deal, and Cassia also joined them.

However, Danetta did not leave and said to Leah: "How about I buy yours for 50,000 gold pounds and protect you for three months?"

A trace of regret flashed across Leah's face, but she still agreed: "Okay."

Her acting skills were very good, and she vividly expressed the regret and loss after having her harvest cut off in half, and no one else noticed anything unusual.

But at this time, the script of Story Pen was not finished.

‘.The transaction on the spot was very smooth. After giving out 50,000 gold pounds, each of the five people got an invitation to the ruined library as they wished.

Cassia quickly left Moran Bookstore in an excited mood, returned to the Wayne City branch of the Secret Service as quickly as possible, handed the invitation to Weisman, and received a generous reward.

As for how Weisman would handle this invitation, it was not his concern. Cassia was more concerned about the bright future after making this great contribution. ’

Even if the script is completed at this point, Kalin does not need to worry about the subsequent development. It will definitely develop according to the plot he envisioned.

Everything in Moran's Bookstore went smoothly. The extraordinary people racked their brains to select five books and paid for them. Then they opened and browsed the contents with anticipation.

As written in the script, Cassia returned to the Secret Service as quickly as possible and handed the invitation to Weisman. She was praised and promised a generous reward.

After Weisman sent him away, he also left his office and went to Marshall's room. Soon the invitation was in Marshall's hands.

"Is this the invitation from the ruined library?"

After also sending Weisman away, Marshall looked at the invitation in his hand and thought for a while.

"If I can't capture the members of the Shadow Troupe, this invitation is my last hope. I hope the ruins library contains the [Resurrection] ritual."

Another three hours passed in his contemplation, when Elena also came to Moran Bookstore.

She walked towards the bookshelf with the same expectant eyes as everyone else, and after pondering over a pile of books with unknown contents for a long time, she finally selected five books.

After waiting in line for a long time, Miss Yi Er started browsing the contents of the book with a look of urgency.

Soon her whole body shrank, and Carlin, who looked at her through Miss Moran's eyes, also showed a hint of sympathy.

"This kid's face is a bit too dark. All five books are basic collections of the Ranger Club library."

At this moment, Charlotte's figure also appeared here, which immediately stunned Carlin.

He was not surprised that Charlotte entered Moran Bookstore at this time, but he found that Charlotte's spirituality seemed to have undergone some kind of change.

But when he took a closer look, it seemed like it was his own misunderstanding. Carlin couldn't tell what was going on, but it just felt very weird.

But Carlin would not regard this as his illusion.

'There must be some kind of change in him that I don't know about. I can't see through it at all. It may be related to the 'old brass'! ’

Charlotte didn't know that Carlin was observing him. After entering the bookstore, he glanced around and immediately walked towards Elena after seeing Elena who was disappointed because of her dark face.


Miss One Ear, who was doubting her life, felt even worse after hearing Charlotte's voice.

"Hey, look who this is. It's not our great detective Charlotte. I can't afford a cousin like you."

Faced with Elena's weird taunts, Charlotte didn't have any disturbance in his mind, and his expression was very sincere.

"I'm sorry, cousin, I've been thinking a lot these days. It was indeed my fault in the past. I don't expect you and my uncle to forgive me, but I have something important to tell you."

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