Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 269 Princess Town

Karin turned around and saw Leah, who was disguised in a human skin mask.

The girl's voice was full of excitement: "Come with me quickly, I saw something good!"

"What good stuff?"

Karin followed Leah through the shantytown and asked curiously.

"You'll see it soon."

While talking, the two of them came to a stall, and there were several other extraordinary people standing next to them, picking up something.

In addition to a bunch of strange plants and minerals on the stall, there was also a spider egg that exuded a mysterious aura.

Karin understood after seeing the spider egg, and asked in a voice that only Leah could hear: "You want that spider egg? Why, can't you even afford it?"

In Carlin's perception, although this spider egg is of good quality, it is not a rare treasure with a sky-high price. It can be obtained for less than 10,000 gold pounds.

And Leah was not short of money to begin with. In addition, she got more than 300 spiritual gold coins from her share of the spoils in Wayne City, which was more than enough to buy this spider egg. He also became confused about this.

Leah said depressedly: "That guy only wants the Philosopher's Stone. Come on, lend me 3 grams first, and I'll give you the money later."

Everyone else in the Shadow Troupe knew that the leader always had an unknown amount of Philosopher's Stone stored in his body. Leah thought of Karin immediately after hitting the wall.

After hearing this, Karin didn't hesitate and gave her 3 grams.

After getting the Philosopher's Stone, Leah hurriedly went to trade with the stall owner, and within half a minute she got the spider egg in her hand with excitement on her face.

"This Kesia has the potential to become a queen spider. The spiritual world is indeed full of wealth. You can encounter a Kesia female spider that is rare in the mortal world just walking around here."

Seeing Leah's excitement, Karin couldn't help but interrupt her.

"You are more familiar with the spiritual world than I am. Please help me understand the situation here."

When he came here, he was blind. His understanding of the spiritual world was limited to what he read in books, let alone this small town built in the spiritual world, and Leah had entered the spiritual world before. Learn more here.

"First go to the west side to buy some necessary items for exploring the spiritual world, and then I will take you for a walk in the wild."

Leah carefully put away the spider eggs and said a word before walking towards the store area on the west side of the town.

On the way, she also began to explain the general situation of this town to Carlin.

The town is called Princess Town, and the black obelisk in the center radiates a layer of enchantment.

The area within one kilometer in diameter is considered an absolutely safe area. You will hardly be exposed to any pollution if you stay here, and there are no wild extraordinary creatures.

Continuing to extend outward for five kilometers is a low-risk area, which is lightly polluted and can also be attacked by extraordinary creatures in the spiritual world. It is very suitable for apprentice-level exploration. Even professional-level extraordinary people may have great potential here. reward.

Within fifteen kilometers is the medium-risk zone. Not only has the spiritual pollution become more serious, but the spiritual creatures that live here are also much stronger.

Although the professional level in the medium-risk area is not an exaggeration to say that they are crowded together, it is not a rare animal. Generally, only professional level or mentor level extraordinary people enter here to explore, and it is best not to explore alone.

Outside is an unknown area with high pollution, shrouded in gray fog, and what lies behind is unknown.

It may be that only chaotic spirituality fills the space, or it may be a dangerous area where a mentor-level person will escape death as soon as he enters it, or there may even be a very small chance that it will be a treasure land that can make a weak person rich in an instant. In short, everything is unknown.

For unknown areas, even mentor-level extraordinary people generally would not dare to enter alone. This is not a matter of strength but a matter of luck.

Who knows if I will encounter a legendary level evil creature taking a walk after dinner immediately after entering an unknown area?

Within the radiation range of Princess Town, three areas are divided to meet the needs of extraordinary people of different levels. All passengers who stay in the town need to hand in a spiritual gold coin every day, and the first time is free.

The reason why the town is so simple now and even has a shantytown is not because the Kingdom of Hrim doesn't care, but because it is much more difficult to build infrastructure in the spiritual world than in the mortal world.

After entering the spiritual world, Karin felt that his spirituality had become more active. The spirituality here was much more active than the mortal world.

In the mortal world, if his spirituality bottomed out and he relied solely on automatic recovery without meditating, it would take nearly a day.

In the spirit world, he found that his resilience had undergone a qualitative change. Even if he stood doing nothing, he could regain all his spirituality within an hour or two.

Not only that, the effects of some spells, rituals, and extraordinary items have been enhanced in the spiritual world.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The environment in the spiritual world is more suitable for the cultivation of extraordinary people, but corresponding to it is the pollution of chaotic spirituality.

Although the obelisk in the center of Princess Town has purified a safe area and suppressed pollution, it is only suppression but not non-existence.

Low-level extraordinary beings who stay in the town for up to ten days must go back and rest for a day before entering the spirit world again, and some mortal objects will also be negatively affected.

Ordinary building materials will be corroded by chaotic spirituality and become rotten after being placed in a small town for a month or two. They must be purified every once in a while. The process is very cumbersome, unless they are built with some expensive extraordinary materials to resist erosion.

Most of the buildings in Princess Town are built using mortal objects, and only the East, South, and West districts are built by the Kingdom of Hreem.

The shanty town on the north side, which accounts for more than half of the entire town, was built by the passengers themselves. If the house is damaged, they can just use a few wooden boards to build a new one without having to worry about maintenance.

But Leah looked very resentful about this.

"The special environment in the spiritual world forces everyone to make do with it. If you don't want to live in a shantytown, you can only rent a house in the apartment area on the south side. But the terrible thing is that not only is the rent expensive and you need to pay it daily, but there are no vacancies now. Got it!"

After hearing this, Karin shook his head and no longer dwelled on the topic. He just asked casually: "Did you find out where the battle area designated by the Hreem royal family for the [King Selection] ceremony is?"

According to the rules of the Evening Bell, participants in the ceremony can move freely within the radiation range of Princess Carmen and Princess Town, while the Kingdom of Hreem further restricts the activity area.

There are a series of forbidden places inside the Princess Carmen, and there is also a specially designated combat area in the spirit world that does not affect other passengers.

After hearing this, Leah shook her head and said, "I only came here about half an hour earlier than you, so I haven't found out yet."

After hearing this, Carlin immediately stopped thinking about it. Anyway, it would take a long time, so if you don't rush, Danetta and Elena will be able to get more information in a few days.

While the two were talking, the simple wooden houses around them gradually disappeared and were replaced by clean and tidy shops.

This is the shop area on the west side. Many extraordinary people with a small fortune have rented a shop here.

On the street, Leah looked around. After a while, she selected a store with a green sign, explained it casually, and entered first.

"Although the products in the Forest Whisper store are only average, they don't have any side effects, and the prices are moderate."

Carlin took a look and found that it was indeed opened by "Language of the Forest". He had also patronized the other party's business in Isaac Manor.

After entering this store full of fresh and natural atmosphere, Leah skillfully said to the clerk behind the counter: "Two sets of medium-risk area exploration tools."

After hearing this, the clerk asked: "I wonder how long the two guests plan to stay in the medium-risk area. Do they need to camp in the wild?"

Leah did not speak but looked at Karin. He thought for a moment and then said to the clerk: "In about two days, I will get another set of camping tools."

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