Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 270 The magical spiritual world

Ten minutes later, Leah and Karin each walked out of the Forest Whisper shop with a large package.

Karin looked at the large package on his back and sighed: "This set of items can only last three days in the medium-risk area. It seems that gold mining in the spiritual world is more dangerous than I imagined."

Just now, the two of them just bought two sets of necessities in the medium-risk area and a set of camping tools, which cost five thousand gold pounds, and most of them were consumables and would be used up in three days.

After hearing his emotion, Leah responded casually: "But as long as there is a small gain, the investment is definitely worth it."

Upon hearing this, Karin smiled and said: "Then let's go quickly, I can't wait to explore the spiritual world now!"

"Haha, be careful when extreme joy leads to sorrow. The spiritual world is not a safe place."

The two of them walked and talked like this, heading towards the east military camp. On the way, Leah kept explaining to Karin some survival experiences outside the safe zone.

Much common sense that applies to the mortal world does not apply in the spiritual world.

If the spiritual world is compared to an endless ocean composed of polluted spirituality, then safe areas like Princess Town, the secret realms of strong men, and the divine realms of gods are islands drifting in the ocean.

After leaving Princess Town and entering the low-risk and medium-risk areas of Obelisk radiation.

If extraordinary people want to gain a foothold in the wild, they need to face chaotic spirituality and dangerous spiritual creatures.

In addition, you must always maintain your positioning of the safe zone, otherwise it is normal to get lost.

There is no such thing as southeast, northwest, or northwest in the wild. Almost all the land under your feet is in a state of movement. Without positioning and guidance tools, it is easy to get lost in the wild and never find your way back.

Even if you stand still, you may get further and further away from the safe area.

Upon hearing this, Karin asked in confusion: "You mean, all the land in the spiritual world is actually made up of moving islands pieced together?"

Different pieces of land will not collide when they come into contact, but will naturally merge into one piece.

However, different areas are distinct and will not truly merge into one without the action of external forces. All the land is still moving and will separate again after a while.

The world view of the spiritual world is too abstract, and it is difficult for Karin to imagine a specific picture.

"This is your first time entering the spiritual world. There are many things that you can't imagine just by relying on me. You will understand in a moment."

Leah didn't explain much about this, she just let him feel it for a while.

Not long after, the two entered the heavily guarded military camp, which was the only exit into the wild.

The edges of the other three areas on the west, south, and north sides are surrounded by stone walls. It is said that there is only a very sticky-looking fog outside, and there is no land for people to stay.

Princess Town is like a coastal peninsula, with only the east side connected to the inland.

After entering the military camp, a transcendent who wants to go out or return is limited to walking freely on a wide road, and other places are not open to the public.

On both sides of the road, there are one sentry at ten steps and one sentry at five steps. Soldiers standing guard one after another have sharp eyes and faithfully perform their duties.

Soon Karin followed Leah to the end of the road, which was a tall city wall. People were coming and going at the city gate, and there was a gray fog outside, making it difficult to see anything clearly.

When Leah and Karin passed through the city gate, they also registered the time they went out. When they come back next time, they will have to pay the relevant fees according to the number of days. Extraordinary people must pay fees every day to stay in the spirit world, otherwise they will be forcibly deported. Return to Princess Carmen.

"Tsk, the daily stay fee alone is estimated to be worth millions of pounds. It's really profitable to open a safe zone in the spiritual world."

While sighing in his heart, Karin saw Leah take out a white crystal stone engraved with runes from the package and crush it directly. Then he also took out the rune crystal and crushed it.

Two soft white lights submerged into their bodies, seemingly unchanged, but they could isolate the ubiquitous pollution in the wild for a period of time.

When Karin followed Leah and stepped into the fog, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The fog disappeared and what he saw was a land of ice and snow.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, and the cold wind whizzed at his body like a knife.

This immediately stunned Karin, and a less obvious mist appeared on his body. The warm mist dispelled the sudden chill.

Then he quickly turned around. Not only him, but also several extraordinary people who came out with him and entered the spiritual world for the first time also turned around and looked at the city gate when they came. They relaxed when they saw that the city gate was still close in front of them. Take a breath.

One of the young men said in amazement: "Is this the spiritual world? It's exactly what the teacher said. It's really amazing."

Karin also marveled at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. Leah on the side said: "Do you understand now?"

“Indeed, it’s amazing here!”

It is clear that the interior of Princess Town is as warm as spring, but as soon as you walk out of the city gate, you enter a world of ice and snow. This is two unrelated lands that are forcibly pieced together.

Karin felt the spirituality here again. Compared with Princess Town, it was more lively or should be said to be more violent.

If no protective measures are prepared, a trainee-level transcendent will be completely contaminated and transformed into an evil thing within ten minutes at most after entering this place.

Although Carlin was very proud of his resistance to pollution, he did not dare to stay for more than an hour without using the rune crystal.

Leah smiled and said: "How about it, are you shocked? In fact, this is a safe area. What I mean is that there are no dangerous spiritual creatures and natural disasters. Even trainees can be here." Safe freedom of movement.”

After hearing this, Kalin turned his head and looked into the distance. After he spotted a few apprentice-level creatures with white skin lurking in the snow, he asked doubtfully: "Is this considered safe?"

While speaking, the unknown creatures seemed to have noticed Karin's gaze, their fearful expressions flashed away, and they fled away from the place like frightened deer, their figures directly covered by the white snow.

Seeing this scene, Carlin was also speechless. These spiritual creatures were indeed very harmless. Not to mention the trainee-level transcendent, even ordinary people could easily solve them with the revolver as long as they ensured that their mentality was correct.

Although the weather here is a little colder, there is really no danger other than that.

"Let's go. This area is of little value to us. Let's go to the medium-risk area."

At this time, Leah said something and took steps again, followed closely by Karin.

After they left footprints on the ground, they were instantly covered with snow. The two men in thin clothes were not afraid of the cold blizzard at all.

After walking about a few hundred meters, the white snow on the land ahead suddenly disappeared, replaced by a vibrant plain that spanned only about five or six hundred meters.

When reaching the edge of the blizzard area, Leah suddenly stopped and turned to explain to Karin.

"The blizzard area we are in is fixed by the Kingdom of Herim and cannot move, so it is easy to identify the direction and not get lost. After leaving the blizzard area, we must rely on extraordinary items to guide us!"

Carlin looked at the plain in front of him and saw a big gray bird suddenly swooping down. It opened its sharp beak and caught a red rabbit in the grass, then took off again and flew away.

On the other side of the ice and snow, several white-skinned cats looked curiously at the plain opposite with their big eyes.

One of the 'little kittens' finally couldn't bear it and stretched a paw into the plain, but immediately its limbs began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The warmth of the plains is a terrifying reminder to them who have adapted to the cold of ice and snow.

This scene made him sigh once again at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

The two distinct pieces of land are now forcibly pieced together without any impact on each other's environment.

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