Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 273 A good start

Leah looked at the land of black soil in front of her, her expression became eager to try again, she urged: "Hurry up and call the rest of the brigade, let's explore this land of black soil together, if you let others take the lead, But that’s bad.”

Karin proposed to her: "Have you forgotten where we are?"

Leah's whole body suddenly withered. This land of black soil had obviously just entered the radiation range of Princess Town not long ago. I believe that the Kingdom of Hreem will take action soon.

Even if they enter in a short period of time now, they will not be able to reap any big benefits, and they will have to be driven out by the army of the Kingdom of Hreem.

At the same time, the witch left Apartment 1197 on the seventh floor and walked quickly towards the entrance of Princess Town.

At the edge of the low-risk zone, Leah calmed down after listening to Karin's words and stopped mentioning it.

"Let's go and take a look at the real medium-risk area."

After saying that, Leah changed her direction and took another step without looking back. The spiders around her also quickly shrank and crawled into the pocket on her waist again. She was going to go around from other places in the low-risk area. Pass through the black earth land and enter the medium danger zone.

The two of them marched along the edge of the Black Earth Land in the low-risk area, and traveled more than two kilometers before completely bypassing the Black Earth Land.

Each area in the medium-risk area is much larger than the low-risk area, and all areas combined together roughly appear as a ring with a width of ten kilometers.

When the two of them were ready again, they both carried kerosene lamps to dispel the fog and stepped into a gray land filled with desolation.

When Carlin entered this gray area, he felt much better than the environment in the black land.

Although it is still eerie and quiet, the pollution is much worse than that of the black land, but the spiritual creatures that live here are much stronger and more aggressive than those in the low-risk areas.

Only ten seconds after stepping into the dust, Karin sensed something. Before he could make any move, Leah took the lead and drew out a dagger and threw it towards the ground beneath her feet.

There was a soft pop sound, and the dagger was instantly withdrawn, along with a handful of dark green liquid.

The next moment, a hole opened in the ground beneath their feet, and the figures of Karin and Leah disappeared in an instant.

A giant worm with a ferocious mouth was seen emerging from the ground, and there was still a deep wound on its head, spewing green blood.

After the worm emerged from the ground, its body swayed and twitched crazily, and soon it lost its life and lay motionless on the ground.

Carlin walked up to the body that was more than five meters tall, knocked the horny carapace on the worm's body and made a crisp sound, while he was amazed.

"Tsk, the medium-risk area is indeed different. As soon as we entered, a professional-level worm warmly welcomed us."

Leah also came to the corpse at this time, holding two slender daggers and began to peel away the skin and handle the trophies. Large areas of blood spurted out. She curled her lips after hearing Karin's words.

"This bug is just an underage 'silkworm baby'. Hurry up and collect the spoils. Its parents will be here soon!"

Speaking of this, Leah's movements suddenly stopped, and Karin's expression became subtle.

"Uh, I think its parents are already here."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another loud bang.

Two giant worms with a body length of more than ten meters broke out from the ground under their feet. The moment they were about to fall into the insect's mouth, Leah and Karin disappeared in an instant, and soon reappeared ten meters away.

The worms looked at the murderer of their children roaring angrily, and the ferocious mouthparts spurted out blazing flames towards the two of them.

Immediately, the red mist spread rapidly around Karin, and the cold red mist quickly extinguished the blazing flames.

And six slender daggers from Leah's waist flew out automatically, flying rapidly in the air.

With a brush, wounds appeared on the surface of the two worms, and green blood spread.

In pain, the two worms roared angrily. Leah's attack seemed to have aroused their ferocity and pounced directly on Leah. The ferocious mouthparts made people's hair stand on end.

On the side, Karin had already withdrawn from the distance with a leisurely look on his face, watching Leah dealing with the two worms.

These two worms are also only at the professional level, but their strength is much stronger than that of the silkworm.

Leah's face didn't look serious, but she was controlling her six daggers with ease, leaving wounds one after another on the worm's body.

Brush - brush - brush -

Leah's body moved flexibly between the two worms' bulky bodies, and sometimes she even jumped on them and took off a piece of their hard carapace.

In addition to the two daggers in his hands, the other four daggers drew blue tracks in the air like butterflies.

Karin, who was fishing on the side, also let his red mist envelope the two bugs, and the coldness instantly turned into burning heat.

Silks of green smoke emanated from the surface of the worm, exuding waves of meaty aroma. The hard carapace was also burned red, while the soul was invaded by an icy chill.

The movements of the two worms eroded by the red mist suddenly became stiff and sluggish. In addition, Leah continued to add new wounds to them, causing a large amount of blood loss.

The two insects felt that their bodies were gradually getting weaker.

Just after Leah dodged the worm's bite again, she suddenly waved her hands fiercely and shot two cold lights at the head of another worm.

With a puff, the dagger sank deeply into his forehead. With the fatal blow, the worm let out a shrill wail, and then his body twitched and then hit the ground heavily.

The other worm finally realized the strength of the enemy and wanted to escape by burrowing into the ground, but Leah would not give it a chance. She jumped up high in an instant and grabbed the two daggers flying in the air. She jumped to the top of the worm's head and hit the head with it. Insert.

After the dagger pierced the soft flesh, Leah's body surface bloomed with blue light. The strong power was transmitted through the dagger into the worm's head and began to wreak havoc. In an instant, the brain was turned into a ball of paste.

The worm lost its vitality without even letting out its final wail. The corpse hit the ground with a bang and billowed with smoke and dust.

Leah's body also returned to the ground. With a flick of her eye, the four daggers she threw quickly flew back to her waist and were sheathed again.

When Kalin saw that Leah had called it a day, he also took back the red mist and began to handle the loot with Leah.

The flesh, skin, carapace and other parts of these three worms are very valuable.

"Three flame worms are worth about twelve thousand pounds. It's a good start. I hope I can harvest more in the future."

Five minutes later, when they skillfully packed away the three insects, they picked up the kerosene lamp and moved forward again.

The prepared miko also walked out of the gate of Princess Town, and the direction she headed towards was the land of black soil.

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