Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 274 Red-robed Skeleton

Fifteen minutes later, the miko quickly crossed the low-risk zone and stopped at the edge of the black earth.

A shadow with black hair and black eyes suddenly appeared next to her. It was Karin's banyan tree clone.

The banyan tree was teleporting using the witch as an anchor. After about a minute, the figure finally turned into reality.

Next, the witch handed the gas lamp and talisman stone she bought in Princess Town to the banyan tree, then turned and left, preparing to go to the dust area to join Karin and Leah.

Soon, only the banyan tree man was left in the place. Feeling the powerful power in his body, he smiled. Now this clone can be regarded as an enhanced version of Kalin.

Then he crushed another rune crystal and finally took his own steps.


Along with the footsteps on the soft black soil, gray mist began to fill the air rapidly, spreading to a range of three hundred meters in an instant.

Rather than using gas lamps to dispel the fog, the banyan tree simply and roughly spreads its own [Spiritual Mist], and everything covered by the [Spiritual Mist] is displayed in his eyes.

One after another, the triangular-headed evil creatures hiding in the shadows of the dead trees were nowhere to be seen. Even the banyan tree saw a dozen professional-level evil creatures.

But what concerned him the most was the underground. Countless bones were buried underground, and the black eye sockets of the skulls still reflected the flames of souls.

‘It turns out that the people who rule this area are a group of undead. ’

While thinking this way, the banyan tree kept walking. One after another, the triangular-headed evil objects on the surface were directly burned to ashes, while the countless undead figures underground were still sleeping with no intention of waking up.

The banyan tree walked towards the center regardless. Although there were many hidden triangular-headed evil creatures, their levels were only as high as the trainee level.

The area of ​​​​the black soil land is not large, and the banyan tree only advanced about two kilometers before reaching the central area.

The surface here is barren. In addition to the ubiquitous pollution and spiritual erosion, there are only some triangular-headed evil things derived from chaotic forces.

At this moment, the banyan tree suddenly stopped. He sensed that the boundary of the [Spirit Mist] three hundred meters away touched a layer of barrier and caused a silent collision.

There is still endless gray mist outside the [Spiritual Mist], and all the banyan trees inside cannot be sensed.

Just when he was about to continue spreading the spiritual mist to see what was behind the barrier, he suddenly noticed a spiritual riot, as if a being in the black earth had awakened.

The next moment, countless pale skeletal arms burst out of the ground, making a clicking sound as they swayed.

From all directions, skeletons armed with weapons came out of the ground and attacked the banyan tree. However, when they entered the [spiritual mist], they were instantly burned to ashes, and high-quality ghost dust was scattered all over the ground.

But the banyan tree ignored these miscellaneous soldier skeletons and just let the gray mist continue to spread in order to see what was behind the barrier, but the barrier exuding a cold aura blocked the diffusion route of the [Spiritual Mist].

The scorching gray mist and the icy barrier were of the same force as water and fire. When the two powerful forces collided, shock waves were produced, and the nearby bones and skeletons were instantly turned into powder.

Seeing this, Rongshu frowned. If his [Spirit Mist] was released with all its strength, the ordinary defensive barrier would be as easy to break through as if it were made of paper.

Even if a professional-level transcendent who is proficient in the field of magic circles and wards has deployed a defensive barrier, it will only take some time to break through it.

But the barrier in front of me is as stable as a mountain, no matter how the [Spiritual Mist] impacts it, it remains easy.

After realizing that [Spirit Mist] alone could not break through the barrier, the banyan tree took another step towards going deeper.

As he moved forward, the [Spiritual Mist] also began to gradually shrink, and bones and skeletons continued to emerge from the ground one after another, but the result of approaching him was only the annihilation of their souls, leaving behind a layer of high-quality ghost dust.

When the banyan tree came to a distance of only fifty meters from the barrier, it stopped. At this time, he could sense nearly a hundred indifferent gazes hidden in the mist.

The owners of these eyes are at least professional level undead, and there are seven or eight mentor levels, and they are not weak in the same level.

Even the look that put the most pressure on him directly caused a fatal sense of crisis in his heart.

Rongshu began to recall the mentor-level powerful men he had seen before. He counted them down one by one. Only Kahn, Salier, Tombkeeper Jason and Salin, the vampire elder in the Steam City, could make him feel this way. , which made Rongshu heart-broken.

"The leader of this group of undead is not only at the mentor level, but his strength is not weaker than the legendary seeds!"

However, the banyan tree showed no fear on its face and began to recite a lengthy mantra.

Anyway, he is just here for reconnaissance. At most, it is just a trace. It is enough to find out the details here. After the death of this body, the data banyan tree condenses a new body and it consumes some divine power.

As the [Spiritual Mist] shrank to a range of fifty meters, its power became more concentrated, and the collision with the barrier also entered a white-hot stage. The air even began to spontaneously ignite out of thin air, and the blazing flames were fleeting.

There are more and more skeletons emerging from the ground, as if the number is endless.

Although these skeletons will be burned to ashes if they enter the [Spiritual Mist], but before they are on the verge of destruction, they will self-destruct with soul fire and impact the [Spiritual Mist].

Banyan tree felt a little tired under this tactic of self-destruction of the sea of ​​skeletons. Both [spiritual mist] and spiritual energy began to be consumed rapidly, and the sound of chanting the mantra became even more urgent when thinking about it.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the fog, and a forest-white bone spear exuding the aura of death cut through the fog and rushed straight towards the banyan tree. He felt that as long as his body was hit, he would be killed instantly.

At the critical moment, the banyan tree did not stop reciting the incantation, but just let the spiritual mist around it shrink again and condense into a sharp thorn that rushed towards the bone spear.

At the same time, the [Throne Steam Engine] inside the virtual divine kingdom began to operate at full capacity, blessing the banyan tree with powerful power, and the main film [Spirit Mist] bloomed brightly.


The mist spike and the bone spear met thirty meters in front of the banyan tree, and it was like the collision of a needle tip against a wheat awn, resulting in a violent explosion.

A large crater was instantly blasted out of the soft black soil, and the surrounding white bones and skeletons were also directly annihilated.

But then several more bone spears were shot out of the fog, and the banyan trees directly condensed into fog thorns to block the deadly bone spears.


The mist spike bought the banyan tree a few precious seconds, and with a series of explosions, the banyan tree also finished singing its spell.

I saw a soft white light blooming, illuminating the dim black earth land, and a fully chanted [Light of the White Tower] bloomed brightly.

In an instant, the white bones and skeletons on the black earth melted like ice and snow, and the fog shrouding the unknown enchantment was also dispersed.

The wizards of the White Tower Academy are very proficient in the field of purification, and even the fog of the spiritual world can be dispelled by the [Light of the White Tower].

Although there is still a hazy layer of fog covering the unknown barrier, now that the fog has been weakened, it is no longer able to block the gaze of the banyan tree.

The next moment, Banyan Tree's pupils shrank sharply.

Inside the barrier, a skeleton mage wearing a gorgeous red robe stood on the top of a high tower.

That indifferent gaze was like a lofty king looking down at an ant that didn't know whether to live or die.

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