Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 298 Bold Hypothesis Real Purpose

After being rejected, the waiter left respectfully without much entanglement. At this time, Eric also saw the expressions of many mentor-level experts in the banquet hall who had also received the notice change immediately.

Prince Richard's side.

Mycroft, who was also with him, heard the waiter's request and immediately asked in confusion: "What happened to make His Highness Philip issue this order?"

Richard, Yang, and Mrs. Amiya on the side also showed puzzled expressions. Prince Philip was very wrong before and left in a hurry without even saying hello. Now he has to summon a large number of mentor-level experts to complete a task. ceremony.

Although the waiter was anxious, he simply told what happened.

"The Clearance Empire used some method to open a teleportation channel in the Gift Plain, and a powerful army is attacking the Town of Gift.

Time is urgent. His Royal Highness is afraid that more troops will come out of that passage and decides to fight quickly. He wants to overload the unfinished obelisk and exert its full power."

"I know what Uncle Phillip means!"

When Richard heard this, he interrupted the other party directly. After hearing this, the waiter bowed respectfully and went on to find the next restaurant.

Looking at the different expressions on the other three people's faces, he explained a little.

"If the unfinished obelisk is overloaded, it can exert its full power, but this behavior will subject the host to a violent energy impact.

Uncle Philip cannot withstand this kind of impact alone, which will lead to serious injury or even direct death, but if dozens of mentors share the impact, it will be no problem. "

After hearing this, Mycroft said with a solemn expression: "Since this is the case, then I have no obligation to refuse. I will immediately summon the other three mentor-level experts from the Security Bureau to go to the Grace Plain!"

Richard nodded and looked at Yang and Mrs. Amiya again.

Lady Amiya said with regret: "Sorry, you are the most important thing compared to the problems in the Grace Plains. We will not waste energy on anything other than instructions."

Both Richard and Mycroft were choked by this rhetoric, but neither of them had any intention of persuading.

Although everyone in the Clear Sky Empire is crazy, the Fateweaver Order is not much better. It is just because this order generally behaves harmlessly, so it has not been labeled as a cult by the extraordinary organizations of the Order camp. .

Their persistence in following instructions would be enough to call them crazy. In order to fulfill their instructions, they would do anything no matter how crazy and absurd it was.

But they don't pay attention to things that have nothing to do with instructions.

Richard could only express his understanding politely to Mrs. Amiya.

At this time, an old man standing behind him and side by side with the bodyguard Dake suddenly said: "Your Highness, in order to avoid accidents, I will not go to the Grace Plain."

Richard said quickly: "Uncle Samuel, you are right. I really can't let all the power around me leave."

Samuel is also a mentor-level transcendent, and is also his uncle, who has been by his side to assist him since he was a child.

The bodyguard Duck, who is a legendary seed, can be regarded as his right-hand man. Richard has always respected his uncle very much.

He also agreed with the other party's prudent approach. Although the waiter had a very anxious expression, Richard did not think there would be any trouble in Gift Town. He knew very well the power of the Princess Carmen.

It is estimated that Philip will come back soon and bring a good news.

In the banquet hall, one after another mentor-level experts received the news and left the banquet hall without saying a word.

On Eric's side, Yilin also explained some situations of overloading the obelisk.

He looked at the people leaving one by one and suddenly asked Yilin: "Your Highness, do you know how many mentor-level experts there are on the Princess Carmen?"

Yilin did not speak after hearing this, but Qin behind her answered: "According to statistics, excluding those who have not been informed, the Princess Carmen currently has a total of 65 instructors, 17 of whom are members of the Kingdom's crew, and 44 The name is a passenger.

In the accompanying fleet, this number must be at least doubled. Do you have any thoughts on asking this question? "

Eric then asked: "Yes, but I still need to confirm. Your Highness Yilin, can you tell me how many tutor levels are required to bear the overload of the obelisk to be considered safe?"

Yilin glanced at him and didn't know why she asked this question, but she answered his question truthfully.

"It takes about 50 mentor-level experts to bear the impact of the overload to be unscathed. Otherwise, you will suffer more or less injuries."

Eric thought thoughtfully, and then asked another question: "I heard that the Princess Carmen can fight against demigods. Is this true?"

After hearing this, Yilin immediately understood what he meant, and her expression became even more solemn.

"This sentence is indeed true, but except for the three people including Uncle Philip, there are strict restrictions on how others can mobilize energy to attack internally."

Eric nodded. This is easy to understand. The Princess Carmen's attacks are mainly designed to be external. Almost all fortresses, battleships, and large aircraft are designed this way.

After all, no one would go to great lengths to design a fortress that points weapons completely inwards, only lunatics would design it like this.

The Princess Carmen also took into consideration the presence of powerful enemies inside, but only three people had the authority to mobilize forces in the internal space to attack with all their strength.

But what if none of these three authorized people are able to preside over the Princess Carmen's array internally?

At this time, Eric's face also became serious.

"The situation is very bad. There may not even be ten mentors on the fifth floor.

If something unexpected happens, the accompanying fleet must first berth in the Princess Carmen berth if they want to provide support after receiving the news.

This process is very cumbersome, and it would take at least an hour for the strong men in the fleet to support the Princess Carmen. "

In an instant, other people also realized what was going on and their expressions immediately changed drastically. If something unexpected happened, Phillip and his group would be trapped in the spirit world and unable to come back.

During this at least one hour of free time, the power inside the Princess Carmen was unusually empty, and Philip and the other two were not there either. . .

"I suggest that His Highness immediately gather all the forces under his command at the Ranger Association's manor and take the psychic beasts with him, otherwise it will be too late!"

Elena also reacted and immediately said: "He is right, Yilin, your mansion has not yet had time to set up a defensive circle. No matter what happens in the future, my manor will be safer than your mansion!"

Yilin was entangled in her heart. She refused to let the psychic beast go out, but after thinking that most of the mentor-level extraordinary people on the fifth floor would go to the Gift Plain, she immediately made a decision in her heart.

"Just listen to you, the safety of the psychic beast is the most important thing!"

Then the group of people walked straight out of the banquet hall, and Eric did not forget to pull away Erica, whose brain was still out of control.

Carlin controlled Eric to follow Princess Yilin closely, and he also made a new discovery at this time.

‘Obviously only the Hreem royal family and some high-level personnel within the Obelisk are aware of the overloading of the obelisk, but now the Clearance Empire is here for this.

So the question becomes, how did they know about this? ’

Through this, Carlin finally thought of a possibility that he had always ignored.

‘There must be a lurking inner ghost. Someone in a high position within the Kingdom of Hream is a Jingkong cultist!

Since the possibility of this matter is not low, let's make the next hypothesis a little bolder.

If one of the four princes or princesses participating in the ceremony is a Jingkong believer, and successfully becomes the winner of the [King Selection] ceremony and ascends to the throne.’

In an instant, Carlin felt as if he had grasped the key point. If this bold hypothesis was indeed true, then all the things he had been unable to figure out would suddenly become clear.

At this time, he finally found a perfect explanation for the Clear Sky Empire's behavior of confusing humans.

As long as a member of the royal family who is a Jingkong believer can become the king, the Jingkong Empire will be able to crazily erode this ancient and powerful country. In that case, their power in the old continent will develop fissively!

As long as this goal is achieved, for the Jingkong Empire, all the efforts made so far in the [King Selection Ceremony] will be worth it!

With the thoughts that suddenly emerged in his mind, Eric pulled Erica and followed closely behind Yilin and Elena to leave the banquet hall.

Others were not too surprised after seeing it. The news of the incident in Grace Plains had spread in just a minute or two, and it was nothing if Princess Yilin left the scene directly.

Everyone looked worried, thinking about what was going on.

Not far from Richard and his party, Ciel, Connor, and Hannibal also formed a small circle and chatted familiarly.

After seeing Yilin and his party leaving, Hannibal realized something: "The Rangers may have received the news. I think the time is coming. Kang Nang, we should leave here too!"

"How could you make such a guess?" Connor and Charles were stunned after hearing this.

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