Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 299 Sacrifice and Seal

Hannibal said quickly: "Have you forgotten the relationship between the captain and Elena?"

This sentence made the two of them react immediately. Although they did not know the true identities of Eric and Danetta, Hannibal's words were very reasonable.

At this moment, Karin's voice suddenly appeared in Ciel's mind.

"Tell Connor and Hannibal to leave the banquet hall immediately within ten minutes. After that, they will be free to move around and do everything by ear. You will continue to follow Richard and play your role until you receive my order."

After hearing this, Charles immediately said to the two of them: "The captain also contacted me just now and asked you to leave here immediately and move freely."

The two nodded after hearing this. Connor patted Ciel on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Take care and pay attention to your own safety."

"Don't worry, Uncle Connor, the eldest prince is the safest place."

After saying another sentence, Connor and Hannibal also left the banquet hall directly.

Just as Carlin speculated, it would take some time for all the mentor-level experts from various extraordinary organizations on the fifth floor to rush to the Gift Plain after receiving the news.

Next, one mentor-level figure after another appeared in the teleportation square, accompanied by groups of soldiers who were also teleporting.

Their actions were very efficient. After receiving the news, they immediately summoned other people in the organization to rush to the Grace Plains as soon as possible.

In just half an hour, a total of 53 mentor-level extraordinary beings gathered around the unfinished black obelisk, and an army of 15,000 soldiers was also assembled.

"Thank you for your help. The kingdom will be grateful after this incident. Time is urgent now. We can deal with some trivial matters after we deal with the madman from the Jingkong Empire."

At this time, after many people knew that the enemy was the group of lunatics from the Jingkong Empire, they all looked unhappy and just wanted to get rid of them quickly and go back.

Philip, who was inside the obelisk, stopped talking nonsense and started giving orders directly.

A line of stripes suddenly appeared on the blank ground to form a huge magic circle. Under Philip's arrangement, 53 mentor-level extraordinary people stood at the nodes of the magic circle to connect their spirituality with the magic circle nodes.

The army of 15,000 men was also ready to go out, waiting for Philip to defeat the enemy before they set off to clean up the enemy.

If they attack rashly without taking care of the land battleship, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

In addition, all the workers and most of the passengers in the Grace Plains have returned to the Princess Carmen. As for some passengers who are in the outside world and cannot come back in time, Philip can't control that much.

When everyone was ready, Philip informed him and immediately began to operate the obelisk overload.

In an instant, the energy stored inside Princess Carmen rushed toward the obelisk in the spiritual world crazily. For a moment, the obelisk and the entire magic circle glowed brightly.

The dazzling light made the nearby soldiers subconsciously close their eyes.

Soon, terrifying power condensed in the air, and at the same time, all mentor-level extraordinary beings located at the nodes of the circle felt a force impacting their bodies.

Some people couldn't help but groaned, feeling a bit of pain.

However, after the energy shock, which is very fatal to the mentor level, is divided into fifty-four parts, everyone can bear it. As long as the time does not exceed an hour, there will be no big problem.

The changes in Grace Town were quickly discovered by the army of the Clear Sky Empire on the opposite side.

In the captain's room of the land battleship, the middle-aged captain in straight uniform and hanging pipe showed a smile when he faced this.

However, his smile immediately stopped completely and was replaced by a solemn expression.

After placing the pipe on the table, the captain began to seriously issue his orders to other people in the army, or rather tell his last words.

"Fellow parishioners, we are about to wake up. Tell me are you afraid?"

In an instant, his voice was directly spread to the entire army.

After hearing the captain's voice, the other soldiers and officers stopped whatever they were doing, and their expressions became solemn.

Everyone roared with all their strength.

"In order to save the world, we devote ourselves to the cause of justice, and our achievements will be far remembered by future generations,"

"Death is not scary, what is scary is the end of the dream!"

The roars of eight thousand people were deafening, as if they were about to overthrow the sky. At first, everyone's roars were a little uneven, but after two sentences, their voices merged into one channel.

The bodies of all the soldiers and officers slowly turned to metal, and their vitality began to drain away rapidly.

And everything such as firearms, steam chariots, alchemical artillery, and the land battleship gradually melted into golden liquid, and the golden light completely enveloped the entire position.

But in the process of life passing away and approaching death, everyone's expressions remained solemn.

Philip had only heard some rumors about the Clear Space Empire from the New World, and had no specific impression in his mind.

If he saw the current expressions of all the soldiers in this army, he would definitely overturn the previous conclusion that an army of 15,000 Hrims could win miserably if they took the initiative to attack.

The reason is morale.

Madmen are not scary. What is scary is a madman who is not afraid of death. What is scary is a madman who thinks his goal is noble and just. What is scary is a madman who is willing to sacrifice himself for his ideal.

But now, this kind of ‘just partner’ is not just one or two, but everyone in the entire country!

To fight this kind of army, even if the 15,000 troops of the Kingdom of Hreem are elite enough, their paper strength is still stronger than this army.

But after a close encounter, they will definitely be defeated due to the collapse of morale before the opponent.

No matter who is in his right mind, he will feel terrified when facing this kind of enemy.

Just when all the officers and soldiers yelled out their last words, Enci Town suddenly shot out a jet of black lightning across the sky, accurately hitting the space crack in the edge area in just the blink of an eye.

Click - click -

With a few crisp sounds, the space shattered into pieces, and the huge cracks disappeared instantly, leaving only pieces of space like a broken mirror.

Then ripples passed by, slowly smoothing the space like a pair of invisible hands.

When the Clearance soldiers saw this lightning, they knew that it would be their turn next moment.

At this last moment when death was approaching, they did not have any fear, still told their last words, and embraced death with solemn expressions.

At this time, their bodies had been completely metalized, and their skin gradually melted into golden juice that flowed like melted candles. The scene looked indescribably weird.

"Even if people all over the world are against us, we still stand for nobility and justice!"

"Only through emptiness can the dream of the only supreme true God be prevented from ending. This is the only way to save the world!"

"I'm willing to give everything for the sake of peace!"

A dark beam of light rushed over the town of Grace, easily tearing apart the solid defensive barrier of the land battleship in an instant.

The captain felt it the moment the light beam emitted. He took a deep breath and shouted his last words with all his strength.

"Eternity clear!"

The next moment, everything in the Pure Air Force merged into one, turning into a golden flood and rushing toward Grace Town.

The jet-black light pillar was instantly submerged by the golden flood, without even a bubble emerging.

Philip, who immediately sensed something was wrong, instantly changed his expression. He controlled the obelisk, which was already in an overloaded state, and launched a crazy attack.

But the beams of light rushing towards the golden flood were quickly submerged, and everyone in Grace Town could only watch in despair as the flood surged toward them.

Everything was too sudden. Everyone was originally waiting for Philip to use his power to kill a group of Clear Space cultists to ashes, but they didn't expect that they would be drowned by the terrifying flood in the blink of an eye.

Although I don’t know what happened to the pure air force. The entire army sacrificed itself and turned into a flood. However, no one thought that this golden flood was safe and harmless. It didn’t matter what the consequences would be if they and others fell into it. Say more.

Philip had already begun to close his eyes in despair and wait for death, but something happened that immediately stunned everyone.

After the floodwaters reached the edge of Grace Town, they immediately began to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, the flood completely solidified. At this time, Enci Town was surrounded by golden walls on all sides.

From the outside, it looks like a giant golden bowl hanging over the town.

It took a while before the people in Enci Town felt that they were not dead.

Mycroft took a few deep breaths as if to vent his anger. After he came back to his senses, he looked at the golden wall that enveloped the town in confusion. Not only his other mentor-level transcendents, but also the same.

Phillip, who felt something was wrong, also opened his eyes. At this time, everyone was confused. The suspicious human behavior of the group of Clear Space cultists completely numbed them.

But soon someone with keen perception noticed something.

"Seal! This is a seal! All those cultists sacrificed themselves just to form a seal to trap us all!"

Suddenly everyone was in an uproar, and Phillip immediately felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong in the end.

Just as everyone was racking their brains to discuss what this meant, an officer suddenly rushed to the obelisk and shouted anxiously.

"Your Highness! The teleportation square is affected by a special barrier. We will not be able to return to the Princess Carmen in a short time!"


After hearing this, Phillip broke out in a cold sweat. Not only him, but many other mentor-level extraordinary people also realized something.

"Damn it! The goal of those cultists is not the spiritual world at all but the Princess Carmen in the mortal world!

We mentor-level extraordinary beings and 15,000 soldiers are all trapped in the spirit world. The Princess Carmen's power is now extremely empty! "

Everyone's face was very ugly. They finally knew the purpose of that army's human confusing behavior, but it was too late.

This seal cannot be broken in a short time, and during this period of time, the power inside the Princess Carmen was extremely empty.

There are only a dozen tutor-level transcendental beings on the entire ship, and the total number of troops left behind is less than 3,000. If the Clear Sky Empire has any conspiracy, now is the best time to take action.

Thinking of this, Phillip's face became even uglier.

"I hope Richard and the others can hold on until we return for reinforcements!"

When Philip and his group were trapped in Grace Town, Eric and his group had already arrived at the Ranger Club Manor. At the same time, everyone under Princess Yilin received the notice and immediately began to move quickly to the Ranger Club Manor.

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