Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 300 The undead soul who was the chosen one during his lifetime

Princess Yilin asked everyone to discard some unimportant things and move everyone to the Ranger Association's manor as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, nothing happened on the fifth floor of Princess Carmen for nearly half an hour.

Most of the passengers gathered in the banquet hall, while other subordinates and servants stayed in their respective mansions and manors, making the street look particularly deserted.

This made Princess Yilin's personnel transfer very smooth without any setbacks.

This situation made Eric relieved. Dornan's group had not yet officially started taking action.

During this period, Eric asked Erica to leave midway and return to the seventh floor on the grounds of the safety of the fifth floor. No one else knew Erica's strength and didn't care much about it. Anyway, if there was a fight later, it would make no difference if there was a fight with her or not. .

While all of them were nervously setting up defenses in the manor, Erica, who had left midway, did not return to the seventh floor as others imagined, but also came to the residence of the third prince Jialan.

The Garland Mansion is less than 300 meters away from the Ranger Club's manor. When Erica came to a square, pieces of paper were attached to her body. Soon the pieces of paper disappeared out of thin air and her entire figure was covered. All covered up.

After Connor and Hannibal left Phillip's manor, they walked slowly on the road, pretending to go to the next level of passage.

They had already planned it. The route they chose to go from the seventh floor to the sixth floor passage happened to pass by Jialan's mansion. They only needed to take a walk and go there. This way they also had a reason to intervene in the battle.

Carlin's other marionettes and deputy puppets also arrived on the seventh floor at this time, and they all stayed quietly in Snitch's backpack.

Snicki was hiding with Leah near Yilin's mansion while carrying a backpack.

The dark concealment barrier opened, and a crystal ball was suspended in front of the two of them. A large number of curious dolls were scattered around the mansion, forming a tight surveillance network. The vision of all the curious dolls was reflected in the crystal.

Now there is only Ninth Prince Serimi Linna who has not made any arrangements.

Since he began to suspect that there was a Clearance cultist among the four, Carlin quickly eliminated Richard and Garland as suspects.

The two psychic beasts were originally the targets of the Clear Sky Empire tonight, and based on this, they were directly ruled out as suspects.

If they were really Jingkong cultists, Karin would admit it.

Among the two suspects, Princess Yilin and Serimilin, Karin was not sure who was the Jingkong cultist for a while.

But it doesn't matter. Whether everyone is a human or a ghost will be revealed tonight. In any case, the enemy hidden in the dark is more threatening than the enemy on the surface.

If there is a chance, Carlin would not mind eliminating Dornan and the lurking Clearance cultist tonight. Of course, if the time is better, it is not impossible to directly kill them and let the ceremony end successfully. Everything depends on the situation.

In the town of Spiritual World Gift, Prince Philip has come out of the black obelisk at this moment, and the obelisk has begun to shake after being overloaded. Black powder is constantly peeling off the surface. It is estimated that the obelisk will be completely wiped out in a few hours.

Prince Philip and the other mentors, Jie Chaofan, were gathering in a spacious conference hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on a picture reflected in mid-air.

Although they are all sealed here, it is still possible to check the internal situation through the connection between the obelisk and the Princess Carmen.

After investigation, they found that the seal on the outside world was gradually getting weaker without spiritual supplementation, but it would take several hours to weaken to the point that they could break it alone.

Everyone looked at the scenes on the fifth floor and were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They had no idea what the conspiracy of the Jingkong Empire was, and now they could only wait in agony.

However, Prince Philip breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Princess Yilin taking the initiative to move.

"The Ranger Association's extraordinary senses have always been very sensitive. They must have sensed something was wrong."

Although the strength is still a bit weak, it is not unprepared anyway.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Phillip was keenly aware of the abnormality, and the scene instantly shifted to the entrance from the sixth to fifth floors.

Inside the Princess Carmen, lift platforms are used up and down. The lift platform at the public entrance is as big as a small square.

At this time, everyone saw more than fifty passengers on the seventh floor standing on the lifting platform and rising all the way to the fifth floor.

The composition of this group of passengers is very complex. There are people from all walks of life, but most of them are wild extraordinary beings with no background.

But at this moment, they changed from their usual sloppiness and formed a neat queue. They didn't look like a motley crew at all, and directly showed a shrewd and capable temperament.

The leader among them was Donan, with a lazy black cat lying on his shoulder.

Philip stared at the black cat, which was the fifth psychic beast in the ceremony!

Although Dornan is just an ordinary professional with no outstanding strength, it can be seen from the expressions of others that everyone's actions are directed by him.

The Jingkong cultists no longer pretended to be in disguise and displayed their aura unscrupulously. Except for the nine instructors who stood out from the crowd, the others were all professional levels.

One of the mentor-level Jingkong cultists was wrapped tightly in a thick black robe, and even his face was hidden.

He exuded a dark aura of corruption and filth. After seeing the man in black robe, Prince Philip suddenly felt something in his heart and had a very bad premonition.

When the group of Clear Space cultists stepped off the lifting platform, Dornan nodded to the man in black robe. The mysterious man in black robe did not speak but left the group alone and headed towards the banquet hall.

Seeing the other party leaving, Donan and the other Jingkong cultists all performed a solemn etiquette with solemn expressions.

"Alec, have a good journey, everyone will always remember your sacrifice!"

Soon, Donan calmed down and led other Clear Space cultists to take their own steps. Without any cover, they aimed directly at the mansion of the eldest prince Richard.

Philip and others in Grace Town watched the mysterious man in black robe gradually approach the banquet hall in the central area, with their hearts in their throats.

They kept praying and hoping that other people on the fifth floor would quickly notice something was wrong and take action to stop the black-robed man from advancing.

But at this time, there was almost no one outside on the fifth floor of the Princess Carmen except for a group of Clear Space cultists. The residences of the four princesses and princes were also very far away from the banquet hall.

Philip's and the others' prayers were destined to have no effect. Alec, wrapped in a black robe, was getting closer and closer to the banquet without any hindrance.

Seeing that Philip's nerves were about to stretch to the limit, Alec suddenly stopped after stepping into a square in the middle of the street. At this time, he was less than two hundred meters away from the gate of the castle manor where Philip was holding the banquet.

Suddenly, there was a sound of tearing cloth, and Alec's strong hands quickly tore all the clothes on his body into countless pieces, and he stood naked in the square in the middle of the street.

The next moment, a strong smell of filth began to spread rapidly in all directions, and the hearts of Philip and the others gradually sank.

At this time, Alec looked very terrifying. A dark and dirty crystal was embedded in his chest, and the surface of his body was covered with rotten black spots.

Black pus continued to ooze from the black spots, and the surface was covered with dense tentacles that were still squirming slightly, giving those who looked at them covered in goosebumps.

The specific appearance of a face could no longer be clearly seen, and one could only vaguely see that Alec himself was suffering from great pain.

When Phillip and others saw this scene, they felt a bone-deep chill that penetrated their hearts.

"Damn it, the people in the Jingkong Empire are indeed lunatics, and the mentor-level warriors are dead soldiers who can be sacrificed at will!

They actually sealed a dark vortex on this guy! "

Alec didn't know that all his actions were under the eyes of Philip and others, but he wouldn't care even if he knew.

He was plagued by pollution and tortured to the point of going crazy. He only relied on the fanatical faith in his heart to persist until now.

At this time, a hint of fanaticism flashed in his eyes and he opened his arms. The crystal shattered in an instant and turned into a dark and deep whirlpool.

Once freed, the dark vortex began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, swallowing Alec in the blink of an eye.

As the vortex spread, the clean and tidy square began to rot, the smooth marble floor turned into corrupted black soil, the ubiquitous spirituality began to become violent and chaotic, and gray fog began to spread and gradually enveloped everything.

If it is not contained in time, it will only be a matter of time before the Princess Carmen is completely corrupted into a land of black soil.

Although the situation was bad enough, Philip and others soon felt that the dark vortex was not a big deal, it was just something that could be solved with a seed of order.

Compared with what they saw next, the dark vortex was nothing more than scabies.

As the dark vortex spread crazily, a majestic wizard tower "grew" out of the vortex like crops in the field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the top floor of the tower, a skeleton mage in a gorgeous red robe was quietly looking at everything in front of him. A terrifying army of undead loyally guarded the tower around him. One after another, white skeletons emerged from the rotten black soil. .

Eric, who was in the Ranger Club Manor, looked towards the central area of ​​the fifth floor with some feeling, and suddenly there was a very familiar aura there.

He was sure that he would not admit his mistake. The group of undead that Banyan Tree encountered in the black earth a month ago, especially the red-robed skeleton mage, left a deep impression on him.

When Philip saw this scene, he roared hysterically: "Impossible!

How could an evil being who was the chosen one be successfully summoned to the Princess Carmen?

Why hasn't Wan Zhong taken action yet? ! "

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