Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 341 If you want to save the world, you must first destroy it

Carlin and Snicki followed Winnie from a distance, and a safe distance of 100 meters was restored between the two parties.

In Winnie's eyes, he was a time bomb that could explode at any time, leaving her with a thorn in her back.

On the way to the energy tower, Winnie took Karin in a large circle, choosing a route with as few buildings as possible, and it seemed that everyone here had been notified.

Along the way, Carlin saw only two-story sheds and not even a single person.

While speechless, he was also observing everything in the settlement.

The architectural arrangement of the new home settlement is very interesting.

With the energy tower with a diameter of thirty meters as the center, a layer of gray foundation spreads out to the surrounding area of ​​300 meters.

Built next to the energy tower are ten-meter-high three-story work sheds. The structures of these work sheds are simple and strong, and they are completely designed for the current doomsday environment.

Each shed can accommodate thirty people, and there are a total of fifty sheds built on the foundation around the energy.

Occasionally, there are a few large buildings scattered among these work sheds. What they are used for is unknown to Carlin for the time being.

As for outside the foundation, the density of buildings began to gradually become sparse, and the gaps between buildings were covered with snow.

Carlin also noticed that stone roads about five meters wide extended from the energy tower, connecting each building.

There are copper pipes attached to both sides of these stone roads, which not only transmit the heat of the energy tower to all buildings, but also keep the road surface warm so that ice and snow cannot flood the road.

The road extends from the energy tower to the mountain wall, and the buildings become sparse as it goes outward. But behind the mountain wall on the south side, there is only a solitary factory building standing in the snow.

Winnie said nothing, and Carlin didn't bother to guess the purpose of those strange buildings. Anyway, he would know it in the future.

As the two walked along the stone road and entered the 300-meter range of the energy tower, Carlin also felt that the surroundings had become warmer.

Soon, they passed through the empty sheds and came to the energy tower. At this time, an illusory projection stood under the tower, as if it had been waiting for a long time.

This is a man in his early thirties wearing a white striped robe.

The sparse stubble on his chin looked a bit slovenly and weathered, but his facial features were very strong. There was no trace of fatigue on his body, and it seemed that no matter how great the difficulty was, he could not defeat him.

While Karin was looking at the man, the man was also looking at him. After a while, the man showed a gentle smile and sent a mental wave to Karin.

"Hello, a stranger who does not belong to this era, I am the leader of my new family - Milton Tyron."

Carlin also nodded politely: "Karin Hawkins."

The first meeting between the two parties was in a harmonious atmosphere, but Carlin felt that it would be better if Milton could remove the lock on him from the energy tower.

Winnie saw worry and distress on Milton's face for some reason, but she quickly calmed down her emotions.

"Milton, I'll leave him to you. He's still waiting for me at the plantation."

"Go quickly, I can handle it here."

After the couple said a brief farewell, Winnie's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment she appeared a hundred meters away, quickly rushing towards a large building on the west side of the energy tower.

Only the shadows of Carlin and Milton were left in front of the tower.

Carlin said apologetically: "I'm really sorry that I came here so unexpectedly and disturbed Mrs. Winnie's work."

"No, instead I should be grateful for your help."

Suddenly, Carlin's expression became helpless.

"Does your gratitude mean that the energy tower keeps locking me?"

A trace of embarrassment immediately appeared on Milton's face. Just as he was organizing words in his mind, Carlin spoke first and said: "Don't worry about this, I also know that I am a madman."

After a pause, his expression suddenly became serious: "But I still have to say, I am not wrong, the world must be wrong!"

After hearing this, Milton not only did not object, but said in agreement: "You are right, everything is the world's fault.

Whether it is the death of the two Si Chens or the coming of the doomsday, they are all tragedies caused by this abnormal era. Unequal life is the original sin that causes all tragedies. As long as this original sin exists, similar tragedies will still happen in the future! "

Karin was suddenly shocked, and his expression became excited: "You can actually understand my thoughts!"

For a moment, he felt regretful that he had not met Milton earlier. The only shortcoming was that Carlin was still locked by the energy tower.

“You know, before I came here, I had been living in an environment where no one would starve to death, and where, at least on the surface, everyone was equal.

But after coming here, I, an alien, seemed so out of place.

In fact, I am really not a madman, but compared with my hometown, normal people here are rare animals, so I became a madman."

For some reason, Milton suddenly had a bad premonition. His intuition told him that he had to shut up Carlin immediately, but at the same time, there was another voice in his heart that tempted him to let Carlin continue talking.

But Carlin ignored it and just said what he had been holding in his heart for twenty years. He suddenly found that this was a good outlet.

"I have always believed in the truth that no snowflake is innocent when an avalanche comes.

Every extraordinary person will not think that this doomsday caused by the imbalance of rules is his or her own responsibility, but everyone has responsibilities that cannot be evaded.

To maintain the stability of the world's rules, many people think that this is Si Chen's business and has nothing to do with them. But when disaster strikes, it is you who suffers in the end.

There are problems in this world, big problems, especially the rentier group headed by the small group of blood gods in the spiritual world, which has caused serious solidification of all social classes and made society run into cyberpunk.

The invention of the steam core seems to have nothing to do with the death of the two Si Chens.

But as long as the essence of the social system remains unchanged, even if we turn back time and give them another chance, I dare to say that the two Si Chens will still fall. The difference is just sooner or later."

Karin seemed to have opened up his chat box, and words that he usually dared to say but dared not say poured out of his mouth like beans.

As a listener, although Milton still maintained a polite smile, he felt more and more horrified as he listened.

Kalin didn't care about anything at all. He said unceremoniously that with the birth of the Ice Calendar, all blood gods must bear the greatest responsibility. There was no trace of reverence for the gods in his words.

Milton was also afraid that he would irritate the "madman" in front of him by interrupting rashly, so he could only remain a quiet listener.

But soon, he was horrified to discover that although some of Carlin's words were absurd, after carefully recalling what he had seen and heard, he found that many of them were true!

What was even more shocking was that Milton himself gradually began to unconsciously agree with what Carlin said.

It begins with the famous original sentence in "Das Kapital": "Capital comes into the world, from head to toe, and every pore is filled with blood and filth."

Then the word surplus value popped up in Carlin's mouth: "Surplus value is the secret of capitalists' exploitation of workers."

Then there are a series of names in "Das Kapital" such as cost, profit, means of production, variable capital, constant capital, labor, value, use value, added value, currency, primitive accumulation, capital re-accumulation, etc.

Until the last sentence, the horror in Milton's heart finally reached its limit.

"The capitalists control the mortal world, and the blood gods in the spiritual world are their backers. If we want to avoid this severe cold disaster, we must first deal with these greedy capitalists, but this will inevitably stand against all the blood gods.

As I said, this world is very twisted. If you want to save the world, you need to destroy it first. There is no way to kill gods."

"Shut up!"

After hearing the word 'killing gods', Milton's nerves finally couldn't keep silent any longer, and he interrupted Carlin with a yell.

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