Facing the horrified Milton, Carlin did not feel unhappy because his words were interrupted. Instead, he breathed a refreshing sigh of relief.

"Thank you for listening to me, a lunatic, speak your mind. I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time!"

Since time traveling, Carlin has been unable to integrate into this world. It is really difficult for a good student to have any sense of belonging in this fucked up world.

Karin usually kept a lot of things in his heart, and even Miss One Ear didn't talk to her. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't dare to say it.

Many things were trashed in his hometown, but they looked shocking here.

Talking about this kind of thing to Elena, a divine descendant, Karin felt that he should not be so obsessed with it that he could not wait to die.

Growing up, he had experienced many things that made him unhappy, but he had always kept them in his heart and was unable to talk to anyone.

Karin felt that his soul was getting more and more depressed. It was like spending 24 hours a day surfing the Internet even when sleeping. If he continued like this, sooner or later he might really become abnormal.

But Carlin can only try to maintain a healthy mental state.

And he himself is a person who is very afraid of death. He has no intention of leading the comrades workers in this world to make any big news. If he really wants to be the first, he will definitely die miserably.

Carlin doesn't think much about this world. In fact, he just wants to go home, hoping that one day he can find a way to go home after standing on the top of the world.

If he couldn't find his way home, he would have to settle for the next best thing and change the world.

Since the world makes him unhappy, then he will fuck the world until he feels happy!

After pouring out his innermost thoughts to Milton for more than an hour now, Carlin felt that he was finally comfortable and became cheerful.

But now it was Milton who became depressed.

The family he was born into was just an ordinary middle-class family. Both his parents were just clerks. They were not rich and could barely live a living.

I still remember that I caught a cold when I was thirteen, and I lay in bed in pain for more than a month.

During the more than a month when he was bedridden, the family had to save money and spend it. Even the food became more and more expensive, so that they could barely maintain a decent life.

Because of this experience, Milton developed the habit of being sensitive to the prices of all commodities.

Carlin's confession reminded him of this experience.

He quickly recalled his parents' salary level and the cost of his own medical treatment, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

Their family's standard of living is usually adequate, and the cost of medical treatment accounts for less than one-tenth of their parents' salary.

But just this one-tenth was like the straw that broke the camel's back, almost bankrupting a seemingly respectable family.

He didn't pay attention to this kind of thing before, but a series of words such as "invisible exploitation", "light luxury goods", "unnecessary and decent expenditure" popped out of Carlin's mouth.

He quickly understood the essence of the matter - "exploitation" and "respectability".

Milton is a chosen son and the leader of more than a thousand people in his new home settlement. He is absolutely very smart.

In this decent society, the middle and upper classes are pathologically pursuing the word respectability. If anyone doesn't want to be decent, others will make him look dishonorable for the rest of his life.

You must hire servants at home, you must take a carriage when traveling more than a hundred meters, you cannot wear the same set of clothes for different banquets, and the living room and dining room must be decorated very delicately even if you tighten your belt.

In short, all these behaviors of striving to be in line with the upper class are to distinguish themselves clearly from the lower class, thereby reflecting the superiority of the middle class.

Basically, few people realize that this is abnormal, and even if they do, they still have to behave and maintain their dignity, otherwise the neighbors will really make themselves look disgraceful for the rest of their lives.

"It seems you have realized the nature of the matter."

Carlin's smile is so sunny and cheerful. Even if this kind of smile appears on a person with ordinary appearance, it will show extraordinary personality charm.

But Milton's smile was a little stiff. He believed that Carlin had no ill intentions for the time being, but at the same time, he increasingly believed that the person in front of him was really a madman, and not just an ordinary madman.

He spends all day long thinking about how to get along with the gods in the spiritual world. What else is he if he isn't a madman? !

And he can only try his best to comfort the other party and prevent the other party from getting sick.

It's not impossible to kill Carlin directly to avoid future troubles, but his condition is not good now. Forcibly driving the energy tower may cause catastrophic consequences, otherwise he would have killed this madman directly.

Milton could only follow Carlin's words and try to make his tone more sincere.

"Karin, I understand that loneliness is very uncomfortable. You must have been very unhappy in the past twenty years, but now you are not alone. We can all be your friends. This is your new home."

Carlin became even happier after hearing this: "Are you willing to accept me as a member of your new family?"

"Of course, this is a safe and warm shelter in the apocalypse. I have always tried my best to rescue and take in everyone who is still alive. You will not starve or freeze here, and you will not feel lonely!"

While speaking, Milton also canceled the lock on Carlin from the energy tower.

Seeing the sincere expression on the other person's face, Carlin breathed a sigh of relief. This guy was finally willing to accept him. It was really not easy!

Carlin had no idea how much of a psychological shadow his venting for more than an hour had on Milton. He quickly calmed down and stopped thinking about all that.

"Milton, what do I need to do here?"

After adjusting his mood, Carlin immediately asked about his work arrangements.

Anyway, his purpose is to ensure that his new home is not destroyed, and at the same time, he can gain a lot of knowledge.

Milton pondered for a moment and decided to tell Carlin about the crisis that his new settlement would face. At this time, he could only count on Carlin.

‘Although it’s a bit risky, I can’t worry about that much! ’

"follow me."

After speaking, the transparent projection turned and entered the energy tower, and Karin followed.

After entering the inner space of the energy tower, an elevator transported the two people to the upper level.

As the brass hinge rotates, the elevator slowly rises.

After getting Milton's permission, Carlin released his spirituality and began to perceive the internal structure of this energy tower.

Gradually, he discovered that some modules of the energy tower were damaged, and there were splicing marks on the surface of some components, which were obviously repaired later.

‘Was it the damage caused by the battle between Milton and Winnie when they captured the energy tower? ’

Karin kept all of this in mind for the time being.

The lift was very fast, and Karin quickly reached the top floor. He stepped out of the lift and entered a spacious and bright room.

The room seemed very empty, with mysterious patterns carved on the walls, ceiling, and floor, and Milton's body stood quietly in the center.

However, his body looked unusually pale relative to the projection condensed by the energy tower array, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

"Ahem, Karin, I'm going to tell you about the upcoming crisis in your new home."

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