Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 378 A house that’s too hot to death

"Damn it, are you killing a pig?"

As soon as Carlin arrived at Medical Clinic No. 1, he saw a tragic scene.

Reed was tied tightly to the hospital bed, and a large piece of flesh was cut off from his left arm. The blood directly stained the white sheets red.

Dajiao on the side holds a bloody dagger in his hand, and he is obviously the culprit.

As for the piece of meat that was cut out, it was placed in a glass vessel, and Susan, the little vampire lolita, was carefully sealing the vessel.

The other gray prophets and vampire children in Medical Clinic No. 1 stood in a circle and watched.

After seeing Karin coming, everyone immediately moved out of the way.

At this time, Dajiao also casually threw the dagger into the copper basin aside, and excitedly rushed to Kalin and said: "You know, I just discovered a disease caused by Si Chen's power."

"My skin has turned white, and there is a white tumor in my body, right?"

Dajiao asked with a confused look: "How did you know?"

"Just now, my puppet found more than twenty survivors infected with albinism near Station No. 8, and is now sending them back to their settlement."

Then Karin told Dajiao some information about vitiligo.

"Can it still be contagious?! No, I have to tell Milton right away!"

The excitement on Dajiao's face disappeared after hearing this, and he was about to rush out of Medical Clinic No. 1 to find Milton, but Carlin grabbed his tail and pulled him back.

"Why are you in a hurry? I have already told Milton that the new home is undergoing a major inspection. Anyone suffering from vitiligo will be sent to the medical clinic as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Dajiao breathed a sigh of relief, and Carlin turned his attention to Reed who was lying on the hospital bed.

At this time, Reed's pupils lost their highlights, and he looked like he was hopeless and spoiled.

After Dajiao dug out the white tumor, he also helped him deal with the wound and residual toxins. However, the child was a little weak and had to rest for a day before he could get out of bed.

Carlin looked at Reed and was filled with admiration. The white skin disease that had made him so anxious was so easily solved by Big Horn and the underage Vampire Lolita Susan.

The Gray Seer's spirit of destruction weakens the white tumor's resistance, and the vampire is then responsible for pulling the tumor away.

After the white tumor was pulled close to the skin, they directly cut out the flesh and blood containing the white tumor with a single stroke of the knife. The whole process took no effort from either of them.


Carlin took off the tape that sealed Reed's mouth and asked him, "How do you feel now?"

Reed's eyes were dull and he replied feebly: "I'm fine, I'm just in a little pain."

Carlin shook his head. It seemed that this treatment had left a deep psychological shadow on the child.

At this time, Dajiao, who was washing his hands, asked Karin: "Come here, do you have anything to do with me?"

Carlin retracted his gaze from Reed and replied: "In addition to telling you to be prepared, I also want to ask you how the research on antifreeze paint is going?"

In addition to being a doctor, the Gray Seer can also prepare various alchemical industrial reagents from the Skaven of the Fourth Age.

Lubricating oil, catalytic fluid, protective coating, etc. These reagent raw materials also contain spiritual toxins, and some are even toxic to a certain extent, but they are an indispensable part of the Skaven industrial system.

The antifreeze paint that Carlin mentioned was designed to keep warm. This special extraordinary paint is applied to the surface of a closed object, which can greatly reduce the rate of heat loss and increase the temperature in disguise.

However, because the current weather is much more extreme than usual, Carlin has strengthened various indicators to ensure that the indoor temperature can rise ten degrees under the current weather.

He handed the original formula to the gray prophets in Dajiao, hoping that they could improve it to meet his requirements.

After hearing this, Dajiao said excitedly: "Yes! Yes! Anti-freeze paint, just paint the surface of the house once to prevent the cold. What a magical idea! We have tested the new formula, and I will give it to you right away!"

After getting the formula from Dajiao, Karin left Medical Clinic No. 1.

As soon as he came to the outside world, he saw several patients with vitiligo rushing towards several medical clinics.

Seeing this picture, Karin felt relieved. He almost got rid of the thunder last time, and now the white skin disease will not cause any big trouble to the new family at all.

After leaving Medical Clinic No. 1, Carlin came to Work Station No. 3.

At the workstation, Aimeida, Ivan Zheng and other engineers gathered around the workbench, using a draftsman to draw a residential drawing.

After seeing Karin appear, Ivan said hello casually: "You are here, the design of the house will be completed soon."

Carlin also nodded after hearing this. The house is an upgraded version of the work shed, mainly to enhance the cold protection and anti-pollution capabilities.

Ivan and Almeda also contributed their knowledge after joining their new home.

A lot of vampire knowledge is very helpful for pollution resistance.

Although Almeida looks like a frail sister Lin, as a chosen person who has successfully created a career, raised a team of 5,000 people in the apocalypse and lived a comfortable life for more than half a year, she will definitely not be. What a fuel-efficient lamp.

The ice ghost clan, a human subspecies that has awakened the ghoul bloodline, is very proficient in spells involving ice, snow, and cold.

When he was still the boss of Winter House, he made certain design improvements to the indoor heating device based on what he had learned, and his ideas were completely different from the mainstream.

In most cases, everyone is doing addition, thinking about how to provide more heat indoors to achieve the purpose of warming.

Aimeda's idea is a bit strange. He is doing subtraction, trying to find a way to absorb the cold in disguised form to achieve the purpose of heating. This can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

Originally, the temperature inside the work shed could be increased by twenty degrees, but if the upgraded building was fully powered, it would probably heat people to death in the pre-apocalyptic winter.

The anti-freeze paint increases by ten degrees, the cold-absorbing array increases by ten degrees, and the vampire's anti-pollution absorption and shielding array can reduce the temperature of white skin disease by about ten degrees.

If coupled with the four-level heating of the energy tower and the heating lamp that everyone wears on their chest.

Professional level extraordinary people stay in a building where all devices and magic circles are fully activated, and they will only get sick from vitiligo when the outside temperature drops to minus 120 degrees.

However, Carlin feels that this is not very safe. You must know that the temperature dropped to minus 90 degrees in 37 days during the last ice and steam calendar. Who knows how low it will drop again in the next 11 days.

So before he entered [Holy Spirit] this time, he specially bought 1,500 pieces of powerful anti-pollution black vests from Prince Philip, just for this purpose.

Gradually, the drawing of the house was outlined stroke by stroke in front of Karin's eyes.

He looked at the freshly baked drawings and felt filled with satisfaction.

‘I don’t believe I can’t survive 48 days this time! ’

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