Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 379 We will definitely survive!

The temperature drop on the 6th day of the Bingqi Calendar had no impact on the new home. Only 35 people suffered from vitiligo in total.

Everyone just regarded this as a small episode and just paid a little attention. Everyone is now busy with a new round of construction.

One building after another in the new home settlement began to be renovated, one after another four-legged steam robots came off the assembly line and went to work, and everyone became busy again for a while.

Following this, resource consumption doubled, but the three branch mines, Ark Base, Edison City and Winter Home, could supply a large amount of resources every day.

Now the new home has no pressure on resources, and can even act like a hamster party and desperately stock up on goods.

In addition, the electric tower in Edison City and the ice barrier in Winter Home are also being demolished and prepared to be rebuilt into the new home, so that there will be two more layers of barrier against the severe cold.

As time gradually passed, the temperature in the mortal world began to gradually drop.

On the 18th day of the iceberg calendar, the temperature dropped to minus 60 degrees, but at this moment the new home was completely brand new.

Almeda presided over the arrangement of the ice barrier, and Kalin also began to rebuild the electric tower after consuming more than 2 units of diluted divine power to fuse "Thunder of Split".

Until the 18th, not only all the buildings in the new home had been renovated to withstand the cold, but the electric tower and ice barrier were also completed ahead of schedule as everyone rushed to work.

When the temperature drops to minus sixty degrees.

The twelve additional towering metal electricity towers surrounding the heating area formed a lightning barrier, and the ice barrier that was demolished from the Winter Home and re-carved into the new home immediately raised the temperature of the heating area by two levels. .

In addition, the energy tower turned on the fourth level of heating, which suddenly brought the internal temperature back to zero degrees. Residents even felt a little warm after hanging heating lamps on their chests.

Compared with the last time I was caught off guard by vitiligo, my new home seems to be more manageable this time.

After producing enough industrial robots, the industrial zone has achieved 24-hour unmanned operation, minimizing the risk of people leaving the heating zone and being exposed to the cold and getting sick.

Seeing that the heating area was warm and the resource reserves were increasing day by day, Carlin was relieved.

Now the new home is seriously surplus in both resources and labor. Milton even built a new brewery in the heating area because of too many resources to use the excess grain to make wine.

After the drinks were served, Carlin could clearly feel that everyone in the new family had calmed down and became much more relaxed.

He would also go to the bar to have two drinks every day and chat with other people. Now most of the work is done by four-legged robots, so many people are free.

However, in their spare time, everyone will also make consumables such as spells and potions, which can also play a protective role. They are not as long-lasting as heating lamps and isolation suits, but they can save lives at critical moments.

As the days pass, the temperature outside is getting lower and lower.

On the 37th day of the ice steam calendar, the temperature dropped to minus 90 degrees, and the outdoor temperature in the heating area was minus 30 degrees. At this time, the new home had already stored enough resources and food for daily use for half a year.

At this time, all residents had put on the protective vests provided by Carlin to prevent themselves from contracting albinism.

Under this temperature, even the vampires in the hunter's cabin stopped going out to hunt, and even they could not move around in such a harsh environment.

The four-legged robots in the industrial area worked even more crazily, and Milton no longer cared about the damage to parts of these robots in extremely cold weather.

They seize every opportunity to collect urgently needed resources such as coal and gold mines.

When the robot breaks down, it is dismantled and replaced with a new one. Edison City provides sufficient steam core reserves.

At this time, except for greenhouses and kitchens, all other workplaces in the heating area have stopped working, and most people have long been idle.

Carlin was afraid that something would happen to them, so he brought out mahjong and playing cards.

Mahjong and poker are two games that can really make people very immersed. They temporarily forget about the difficulties and unpleasantness in reality. Now everyone is drinking, playing cards and playing mahjong at home.

Compared with most other optimistic attitudes, Carlin, Milton, Winnie, Dajiao, Ivan and Almeida still have a sense of crisis lingering in their hearts.

In a vacant room of the energy tower, Karin made a stove and asked six people to gather around and eat hot pot while chatting about the approaching cold wave.

Milton said with a worried look on his face after stuffing a piece of cabbage into his mouth.

"The conversion power of the energy tower is declining as the temperature drops, and we must invest more coal and graphite to maintain the original heating level."

After hearing this, the others stopped picking up the food in their hands, and Almeida also said: "The same is true for the consumption of spiritual gold coins to maintain the ice barrier."

Ivan, the only one who didn't use his chopsticks because the recipe didn't match, immediately asked: "How long can the resources we reserve last?"

"Based on the conservative prediction that the average daily consumption in the future is twice that of the present, the spirit gold coin can last for 62 days, while the coal and inkstone can only last for 53 days!"

Everyone frowned in an instant, but Karin still had to eat and drink.

After stuffing another piece of meat into his mouth, he said casually: "No matter what, we have done everything we can, and everything that follows depends on fate."

After listening to Karin's words, the others also sighed, and Dajiao, who was usually very cheerful, also wilted at this time.

"Damn apocalypse, damn blizzard!"

Milton quickly calmed down and said with a determined expression: "I believe this apocalypse is not forever!"

Kalin also followed suit and said: "Yes, I also believe that what the four Si Chens did before is not unreasonable. I guess they may be promoting the birth of a new Si Chen."

Everyone immediately brightened up after hearing this. Carlin's words made sense.

The four Si Chens of the Ancestral Path fed all the gods, demigods, and legendary strong men in the world to the sun. They definitely couldn't be venting their anger on those guys.

This looks like he wants a new Si Chen to be born from the corpse of the blazing sun and invisible fire.

Although Carlin's idea was an unreasonable guess, everyone believed it immediately.

The current situation is so desperate that they can only make themselves as optimistic as possible, otherwise they will be defeated by despair first.

"No matter what, we will definitely survive!"

The temperature of minus 90 degrees only lasted for three days, and on the 40th day of the Ice Vapor Calendar, it dropped another 10 degrees.

At this time, the four-legged robots in the industrial zone finally stopped working. After putting on isolation suits, Carlin and the others braved the severe cold to collect all the robots. The industrial zone has since completely stopped production.

Large quantities of coal are put into the furnace of the energy tower and burned to produce a large amount of heat, which is transported to all buildings in the heating area through brass pipes.

The steam formed by the heating in the new home formed a column of air that rose crazily, but it only sprinted to a height of less than three hundred meters before it was defeated by the cold and instantly condensed into dry ice.

Under the triple protection of energy tower, lightning barrier and ice barrier, the heating area can still maintain a smoky state.

The biting cold wind roared from the sky into the basin, and the ice cubes caught in the storm were directly shattered by the arc.

On the 43rd day of the Ice Vapor Calendar, the temperature continued to drop ten degrees unswervingly, and the front edge of the most terrifying snowstorm in history had reached its new home.

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