Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 380 Super blizzard at minus 180 degrees Celsius

Endless amounts of ice and snow were carried by the violent air currents and poured into the basin from all directions.

In less than three hours, the Xinjia Industrial Zone was completely submerged. Inch after inch of space in the basin was filled with ice and snow, leaving only the heating area still holding on.

The column of hot gas generated by the combustion of the energy tower is like a huge shovel, directly bouncing away the ice and snow that wants to be poured into the heating area.

The lightning barrier composed of twelve electric towers hits the ice and snow crazily, and the ice barrier absorbs the cold current all the time.

Everyone knows that if this blizzard is allowed to pour into the heating area, most of the buildings will be torn to pieces by the violent torrent.

But this is just the appetizer after the last cold snap arrives.

On the 46th day of the Ice Vapor Calendar, the temperature dropped again, suddenly dropping to minus 120 degrees.

At this time, all workplaces except the kitchen were shut down, and all the people working in the kitchen were Carlin's mentor-level puppets, responsible for cooking for more than 1,400 people in the new home.

Thanks to those 1,500 black vests with strong anti-pollution capabilities, everyone can now move around freely in the outside world.

At this time, Karin's heart became nervous.

"The last three days! I must be able to hold on!"

Another day passed, and the time came to the 47th day of the Ice Vapor Calendar. The temperature dropped sharply by thirty degrees, which was like a thunderbolt hitting everyone's hearts.

The temperature of minus 150 degrees directly doubled the consumption rate of coal and spiritual gold coins, and everyone was gritting their teeth and enduring.

Time passed in a day of rapid resource consumption, and finally it was the 48th day of the Ice and Steam Calendar, which was the last day of the Ice and Steam Calendar.

But what caught people off guard was that the temperature dropped another thirty degrees to the terrifying temperature of minus 180 degrees, and the consumption rate of coal and spiritual gold coins doubled again.

“Everyone stay home and don’t go out under any circumstances!!!”

Milton, who was caught off guard, reacted immediately and quickly issued a notice. His voice echoed throughout the heating area.

After hearing this, the others followed his words and stayed home.

At this time, all the doors and windows of the buildings were closed, and even the ventilation ducts were reinforced layer by layer to ensure that there were no gaps.

Except for Milton, Carlin, and Almeida, who maintained the operation of three barriers in the energy tower, everyone else returned to their houses.

Energy towers, house heating systems, and chest-worn heat lamps can provide an additional hundred degrees of heating, which is already an exaggerated number.

But it seems so powerless in front of the terrifying number of minus 180 degrees.

"Milton, overdrive!"

After hearing Carlin's voice, Milton finally came to his senses and activated the energy tower overload as quickly as possible.


A terrifying heat wave rose into the sky, violently colliding with the torrent of ice and snow from all directions.

The two additional temperature levels increased by overloading were like sending carbon dioxide in the snow, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, even worse news reached the three of them.

"Someone is sick!"

In the house, Winnie established remote contact with the three people and informed them of the news.

Just now, the first case of vitiligo in forty-two days appeared.

The black vest also has its limits, and it is already very impressive to get sick at such a terrifying low temperature.

However, Carlin was not too nervous. There was only less than one day left in the ice-cold calendar. The patient could put it aside and wait for treatment tomorrow.

But this sounded like a bolt from the blue to Milton and Almeda.

Amida, who was concentrating on controlling the ice barrier, gritted her teeth and said, "No! This won't work. Karin, I'll hold on for now, and you can take over when I can't hold on any longer!"

While he and Karin presided over the barrier, they also withstood the impact of ice energy and thunder and lightning.

It is already the maximum load they can bear, and if they continue to increase the power of the barrier, they will definitely be injured.

After hearing this, Karin immediately stopped Almeda: "I have many puppets, I will go first!"

After saying this, without giving Almeida time to react, he directly controlled the magic circle and began to operate overloaded.


Twelve electric towers emitted blue arc light beams one after another, and the lightning barrier seemed to be injected with blood. Not only did it heat up the inside of the barrier by twenty degrees, but it also began to spread to the outside.

Under the crazy whipping of the violent lightning, the barrier was forced to expand twenty meters, and the ice and snow filled in the space vaporized in an instant.

At this moment, lightning flashed on Carlin's body, and thunder raged in his body.

But the next moment, the violent thunder and lightning was divided into more than ninety strands by all the marionettes and deputy puppets, and it suddenly became calm.

After being diverted, the thunder hitting a single person is like scratching an itch.

Only then did Almelda and Milton heave a sigh of relief, and only then did they have the time to worry about the patient's condition.

Milton immediately asked Winnie, "How many are sick?"

Winnie was relieved when she saw that the lightning barrier was overloaded: "Thanks to Carlin's quick action, only five people got sick. Dajiao and Ivan have taken them to the medical clinic for treatment."

After hearing this, the two felt relieved.

Now apart from the three of them in the new home, only Amiya, Winnie, Dajiao and Ivan can safely move around in the outside world.

At this time, Carlin's Alchemy Colossus was also dispatched. The Colossus and Winnie were responsible for delivering meals to everyone with the cooked food prepared in the kitchen.

They shuttled among the islands-like houses, and looking at the busy figures of Winnie and Colossus, a glimmer of hope seemed to be injected into the hearts of all the residents who were hiding in the houses and dared not go out.

Karin also felt a little numb looking at everything in his field of vision.

It was really ice and snow, as if there was only ice and snow in the world except for the heating area of ​​​​the new home.

The blizzard poured into the basin like a super avalanche, but the fire of energy remained standing like a candle in the wind.

In the severe cold of minus 180 degrees, the energy tower can no longer bring warmth to people, but the towering energy tower supports three barriers for everyone, so that everything in the new home will not be destroyed by this super avalanche. Minced.

Although the three barriers looked very fragile, they really blocked the blizzard.

The temperature in the house returned from minus 60 degrees to minus 40 degrees. Although it was still cold, it kept the residents of the new home away from the threat of albinism.

At this time, there was no other sound in the new home except the roar of the snowstorm, and the three barriers maintained the final temperature.

Everyone can only wait quietly in their own houses. With the current rate of resource consumption, they can only last for less than twenty days at most.

The long day gradually passed, just when despair was rising in everyone's hearts.

On the body of the dead sun, a white sun finally rose.

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