Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 384 Arriving at the Broken Sea

When the Princess Carmen entered the White Snake Sea, the daily weather also became bad.

However, the successive storms, huge waves and even the maelstrom formed by undercurrents along the way did not have any impact on the Princess Carmen.

No matter how big the storm is, as long as it approaches this mobile city on the sea, it will be smoothed by an invisible force, and it even attracts many passengers to come to the deck to stop and watch.

Karin would occasionally come out on the deck to get some air and enjoy the fury of nature.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Princess Carmen has always exuded a strong aura, and the sea monsters encountered on the way escaped far away.

Except for the occasional encounter with some unlucky pirates, the journey was uneventful, except that the wind got a little stronger.

Karin spent almost all his time soaking in the [Holy Spirit] to learn knowledge.

As the runes of each school in the Second Era were analyzed by him, he also began to try to improve some of the alchemical inscriptions and ritual formations he knew.

But it's just some improvements. He's still a little immature if he wants to make qualitative changes.

The secret transmissions included in the "Unknown Secret Code" are all fine works that have been refined over time. Their sources are either demigods or gods. Some of the techniques are not so easy to improve.

However, this does not prevent him from combining different runes to produce new effects.

Every sweat comes with a reward. Carlin's qualifications are already very good, plus he has a lot of resources to practice.

As time went by, his alchemy level became more and more sophisticated. In reality, he updated and upgraded the equipment of himself and the Marionettes.

He also has his own understanding of some of the alchemical creations recorded by the Skry clan and the Holy Blood sect.

A month after the Princess Carmen entered the White Snake Sea, Carlin actually began to try to use his own hands in front of the alchemy workbench to rub out the enhanced steam core of the second era without the assistance of the alchemy workshop.

However, the Second Era did not have as mature a process as it did later. The manufacturing process of high-energy items such as steam cores was accompanied by great risks, such as


With an unknown number of explosions, a small wooden house far away from other buildings in the new home was directly submerged in the flames.

Soon, Karin, whose whole body was covered in jet black, walked out of the smoke and sighed depressedly.

His alchemy room was blown up again. If it weren't for the marionette and deputy puppets sharing the damage for him, he would have died directly from the [Holy Spirit] just now.

Carlin was not discouraged, and quickly regained his composure, re-entered another cabin that had been prepared, and started a new round of production again.

The days passed like this day after day, and time gradually came to August 6, 546.

Four months in reality, twenty years in fantasy.

Not only did Carlin successfully rub out a Second Age steam core with his hands, he also successfully transformed the first seed rat.

The most gratifying thing is that the Sky Fortress machine has finally been manufactured. It took boss Carlin a lot of effort to digest the manufacturing process of this big guy.

Over the sky above the new home, the Sky Fortress aircraft like a steel monster circled and danced wantonly. The thick and long barrels of the cannons with flashing alchemical inscriptions made this super aircraft look like a hedgehog.

The huge size did not slow down its speed. Arcs flashed all over the fortress machine, and it flew out of its new home range in a whoosh.


The roar of artillery fire was deafening. In an instant, the area around the new home became a mess. The snow was instantly vaporized, leaving only huge holes on the ground, lingering with a miserable green poisonous mist.

Carlin came to the shelling site and inspected it, showing a satisfied expression.

If this Fortress aircraft bombed Wayne City with full firepower, it would only take half a minute to level the entire city unless the golden Valkyrie statue of St. Wayne College took action.

Think about how cool it will be to have this big guy following you wherever you go from now on.

Immediately afterwards, Carlin conducted a series of tests on the Fortress aircraft. After working for most of a day, he recorded the data before letting the aircraft land at its new home.

In reality, it is unrealistic to build this big thing in a short time. Not only the production time is too long, but the money is not enough.

This is a masturbation aircraft that can rival the legendary powerhouse. Carlin’s current wealth alone cannot afford to build one, and even the existing resources in the Holy Spirit cannot build a second one.

Kalin demolished his new home, Winter Home, and Edison City to get the rare metals and other extraordinary materials needed to make the fortress machine.

However, this did not prevent him from becoming familiar with the manufacturing process in [Holy Spirit].

After working stumblingly for so long, Kalin finally understood the manufacturing process of the Sky Fortress and started manufacturing it again.

After digesting these technologies, Carlin planned to make magical changes to the original design. For example, Edison City's electric tower could be installed on the Fortress aircraft to make the aircraft's firepower more sharp.

Except for the flying fortress machine that cannot be built in a short time.

Carlin, the other weapons of the Skry clan, has not been spared. If the alchemy workshop is completed in reality, it will be no problem to produce some in small batches.

After testing the data of the bastion machine, Kalin directly exited [Holy Spirit] and let the illusion reset.

Just when he was about to enter and start going deep into the modified Sky Fortress, Charles suddenly contacted him.

Karin frowned, but still entered the banyan tree space. Charles and Danetta would not disturb him with ordinary things.

"What's up?"

However, Ciel's first words made him stunned for a moment.

"Captain, the Princess Carmen has arrived in the Broken Sea. Should we disembark now or wait until we reach the New World?"

"Arrived so early?"

"Yes, it was very peaceful along the way. Apart from encountering some unlucky pirates who were killed, there was nothing noteworthy."

It was then that Carlin suddenly realized that he was so obsessed with studying day and night that he ignored the passage of time.

The Broken Sea is equivalent to the offshore waters of the New World. Countless debris islands have been peeled off from the periphery of the New World and are floating in random directions.

Large and small islands with erratic orientation are mixed with a group of fixed natural islands to form the Broken Sea.

After the Princess Carmen arrived here, it was said that it had entered the radiation range of the New World.

After coming back to his senses, another doubt arose in Karin's mind.

"Could it be that the pirates in the White Snake Sea didn't do anything and just let the Princess Carmen reach the Broken Sea smoothly?"

Ciel was also puzzled by this, scratched his head, and finally could only answer helplessly.

"Daneta and I are also very strange. The situation is indeed a bit abnormal."

Princess Carmen's role as the venue for the [King Selection] ceremony is just incidental. Her main mission is to open up a new golden route.

And if they want to open up a route, the pirates in the White Snake Sea cannot get around it. The Kingdom of Hreem must carry out a large-scale bandit suppression campaign to ensure the smooth operation of the route.

In this case, either the Princess Carmen takes the initiative to seek the bad luck of those pirates, or the pirates attack the Princess Carmen or show their own strength to make the Kingdom of Hrim retreat.

But now the two sides seem to be on the same page, which seems strange. There must be something fishy in this.

After Karin thought for a while, he said to Ciel: "I will understand the situation first and then come to you."

After saying that, the projection disappeared in front of Ciel.

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