Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 385 Agreement

Shanty town in Princess Town, where the Nord Brotherhood resides.

Although the arrest of Brooke and the others caused great losses to the Nord Brotherhood, the organization has not disbanded, and the remaining two hundred members are still hugging each other for warmth.

And Carlin did not stop his alchemy business with them, plus the Grace Plains was opened again.

After several months of development, the severely damaged Nord Brotherhood was finally back on track.

After Carlin finished talking to Charles, he immediately asked Thorne's disguised Yolin to find Wood to inquire about the news, but the first words he spoke made Wood look surprised.

"What? Master Yolin, do you want to get off the ship?"

Thorne said calmly: "Yes, my destination was originally the Broken Islands. It just so happened that after the last batch of goods was delivered today, the transaction between us ended."

Wood suddenly showed a look of reluctance. The Nord Brotherhood can develop so well, and most of the credit depends on Yolin, the alchemist master.

Not only was every transaction never postponed, but the commission was also not high. Now that I heard that the other party was leaving, my heart started to bleed. It was basically impossible to meet an alchemist master who was willing to cooperate with them without Yu Lin. .

However, although he was reluctant to give up, Wood still forced a smile and said: "If Master Yolin wants to get off the ship, you can go to the tavern to ask for information. There are now many merchants purchasing goods from the Broken Islands gathered there."

Thorne immediately looked sideways after hearing this. In the past few months, Carlin had been too obsessed with studying, and he didn't even know that a new batch of merchants had arrived on the Princess Carmen.

"Thank you."

"I wish you all the best."

After completing the last transaction with Wood, Thorne left the Nord Brotherhood station and rushed to the store area.

Although he and Wood said so, Carlin was not sure whether to get off the ship now and wanted to find out more information first.

After finding a random tavern and entering, Thorne felt like he had entered a vegetable market.

At every table, passengers on the Princess Carmen and strangers from the Broken Isles could be seen arguing loudly about something.

Thorne listened for a while and finally figured out what was going on.

When the Princess Carmen entered the Broken Sea, local businessmen got the news somehow and swarmed in like sharks that smelled the fishy smell.

The Princess Carmen is located in a safe zone in the spiritual world and produces a large amount of rare resources that are rarely seen in the mortal world. The cost of purchasing from here is much lower. If you go back and resell it, you can make at least two or three times the profit.

After listening for a while, Thorne walked directly to the bar and placed a 10-gold note on the counter.

The bartender burst out laughing when he saw it, put away the banknotes and filled Thorne's glass of high-quality ale with skill.

"Master Yolin, what can I do for you?"

In addition to bartending, bartenders in bars usually also serve as tipsters or brokers to earn some tips. They listen to the conversations in the bar all day long and are exceptionally well-informed.

"Well, I just learned that the Princess Carmen has arrived at the Broken Sea, and I want to know the situation."

Then Thorne deliberately lowered his voice and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"The Princess Carmen only encountered some unlucky little pirates along the way. I don't believe those large pirate groups are so abiding by the rules. Do you have any news here?"

"You really asked the right person," the bartender just smiled and filled up his glass. "I have actually heard some news. This is top-secret news that few people know."

When he said this, he immediately stopped talking. Thorne immediately understood and took out one hundred gold pounds from his pocket and placed it on the bar.

The smile on the bartender's face grew wider. After collecting the money, he also approached Thorn and whispered: "You don't know that the Kingdom of Hreem has already made agreements with many strong men, including the pirate general Barbarossa.

Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that you usually don’t pay much attention to the external situation. Listen to me, everything starts with the decline of the famous White Snake Pirate Group.”

More than 1,100 years ago, the White Snake pirate group was famous, and Henry, the demigod leader, was recognized as one of the pirate kings. Henry had the final say in everything in the White Snake sea area.

At its peak, there were a total of six legendary strongmen in the entire pirate group, and Henry, the demigod, was even more ambitious in planning to become a god.

But more than 700 years ago, Henry failed to become a god and fell. His first mate Barbarossa naturally became the leader of the pirate group.

Barbarossa, the first mate, usually held a position above ten thousand people, and his prestige was enough to occupy the top position after Henry's death.

However, no one else had any objections, except for the stormtrooper captain Sass who was dissatisfied and made a fuss, and in the end everyone broke up unhappily.

After the six legendary strong men divided up the inheritance, they all set up their own businesses. The White Snake pirate group fell apart. There was no White Snake in the White Snake Sea anymore, and only six pirate generals remained.

For a time, the sea of ​​​​the film fell into a chaotic era of feudal lords fighting for hegemony. Among them, the fight between Barbarossa and Sass was the most intense. The two seemed to be fighting to the death and wanted to dig up each other's ancestral graves.

As time went by, the six people grew old and died, and to this day only the pair of enemies, Barbarossa and Sass, still exist.

Speaking of this, the bartender's tone also became sad: "I think about how majestic the White Snake pirate group was back then, but it's a pity that now there are only two legendary strong men left who are aging.

General Sass is still active in the White Snake Sea, while General Barbarossa brought his confidants to the Broken Islands to retire. "

Thorne heard this and asked thoughtfully: "So Barbarossa has reached an agreement with the Kingdom of Hream, and is this to clear his name?"

The bartender shrugged: "What can a small bartender like me know about the things of big people like them?

However, the situation seems to be almost the same, otherwise you would think that the reason why you didn't encounter powerful monsters and terrifying natural disasters along the way is because Barbarossa gave his treasured sea map to the Kingdom of Herim. "

Thorne suddenly understood. He had never known that the Princess Carmen's sailing route was calm all the way. It was obviously a very mature and safe route.

You must know that sea charts are the lifeblood of every pirate. The reason why they are difficult to deal with is that they rely on their geographical advantages to disappear without a trace. The victims who were robbed do not know where their lair is if they want to take revenge.

Barbarossa handed over all the charts, which showed his sincerity.

‘I see, I asked why the Princess Carmen was so quiet along the way. Then the next plot should probably be that Barbarossa leads the Princess Carmen to encircle SARS as a local snake?

There may be demigods behind this planning all of this, so should I get off the boat in advance to avoid this whirlpool? ’

With this thought in his mind, Thorne began to chat with the bartender about his daily life.

In the virtual kingdom of God, everyone put down their work and began to cooperate with Eric and the [Throne Difference Machine] to conduct a divination ceremony.

After the ceremony started, Karin immediately felt that everyone's spirituality began to be consumed rapidly.

The quill struggled to write on a leaf, as if it was encountering a huge resistance.

Kalin was also mentally prepared for this. This divination might involve demigods. He carefully maintained the ritual and tried his best to avoid disturbing demigods or legendary powerhouses.

A full three minutes later, when most of the spirituality of all marionettes, deputy puppets and data banyan trees evaporated, the pen of the story automatically flew back to Eric's hand.

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