Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 431 Great Harvest

Everyone first takes what they need and makes a valuation acceptable to everyone for the items they take.

A group of people picked for a long time and put nearly 20% of the loot into their pockets.

Among them, Kasha and Sass's harvest was pretty good. Although they didn't collect all the promotion materials, they also got a few key items.

As promised, Ain took two corpses containing power seeds and two-thirds of the boundary stones, and also took away some potion materials. These materials can be used to refine some growth potions recorded in the Holy Blood School.

Carlin did not compete with him for potion materials. After many changes in the "Unknown Secret Book", the potion part has some obvious differences from the Holy Blood School.

Potions such as spiritual replenishment, temporary increase in strength, and purification of pollution can be used by different professions, but potions related to cultivation cannot be used universally.

As the school changes, the nature of spirituality also changes.

Unfortunately, he found nothing in the spoils that would help shorten his third growth cycle.

In addition to taking away a legendary corpse containing power seeds and one-third of the boundary stones, the thing also pocketed two broken [Forbidden Gears].

Others didn't argue with him. Everyone knew that the Shadow Brigade had engineering warlocks, which was exactly what the other party needed.

Carlin's loot will be like this for the time being, and Henry promises that his spiritual gold coins and alchemy materials will not be in a hurry.

After he completes the distribution of the spoils, he will conduct another transaction with the other party in private, converting the unused items in his share into the required spiritual gold coins and materials.

After the last remaining Angela directly transformed the four corpses containing power seeds into paper figures and pocketed them, the first round of distribution was completed.

The second round of allocation process is much simpler.

Among the other six legendary corpses, Kasha, Pascal, and Plague Priest each received one power seed, Henry and the other four received two. The remaining corpses belonged directly to Carlin.

Excluding the corpses, nearly 60% of the remaining loot was left, and everyone was divided into fifteen equal parts.

Karin and the nine strong men on the scene each had one copy, and the other five were from the Kingdom of Hreem.

The Princess Carmen directly took over a demigod incarnation of the Bloodborne God, occupying five shares and no one had any objections.

After all, Henry will have to have in-depth cooperation with the Kingdom of Hreem in the future, and the other party's share cannot be ignored.

After all the loot was distributed, the ground was cleared again, and then Henry took out six more Fountains of Youth.

Ain, Angela, Pascal, Kasha, and Plague Priest each have one share, and Karin has two share. This was agreed upon before the war started.

Carlin already had one copy before, and now he wants two more copies for Danetta and Ciel.

Even if there is an adequate supply of high-quality spiritual food, the third growth cycle of the two of them will be twice as long as his. It will take nearly ten years. Two fountains of youth can quickly shorten their growth cycle.

This time it was a great harvest for Carlin.

When the fountain of youth was distributed to everyone, the division of the spoils was finally completed successfully, and everyone was very satisfied with their harvest.

It was rare for more than twenty legendary warriors to gather together to fight, and this time there was almost no damage to one's side, and the enemy group was wiped out, making a lot of money in one fell swoop.

Carlin couldn't help but sigh in his heart about the gold belt of murder and arson.

After everything that needs to be done is done, it's time to say goodbye.

Ain was the first to say goodbye: "Henry, I'm leaving first. Remember to let me know if there is such a good thing next time."


After saying goodbye, Ain turned into a black stream of light and rushed into the sky, flying towards the new continent, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Then Ivan said something to the plague priest and left.

Just when Angela was about to say goodbye, Karin suddenly pulled her back: "Wait for me for a while."

"Is there anything else you can do?"

"My deal with Henry is not done yet."

After hearing this, Angela said directly: "Let me know when we set off."

Upon seeing this, Kasha said understandingly: "Then you go ahead and don't worry about me. We will discuss the cooperation matters later."

Henry immediately showed an apologetic expression after hearing this.

"Sorry for the poor reception. You two can go to the Lord's Mansion first. After Carlin and I have finished handling the transaction, we will come to receive you two."

Angela shook her head: "No need, I'll wait for Carlin here."

Henry said no more, then turned to the three Dodorosa and ordered: "Sass, you and Kasha go to the lord's mansion and wait for me.

Hicks, you are with Her Royal Highness Angela.

Dodo Rosa, let everyone inside the White Snake come out as soon as possible and restore order on the island. "

"Okay, boss."

"According to your wishes."

"Yes, Captain."

And Carlin also pretended to give some instructions to the witch, Snitch, and Eric, asking them to wait for him at the dock.

Then Henry took Carlin into the depths of the Emerald Isle.

After the two left the dock, Kasha also went to the Lord's Mansion on the top of the mountain, accompanied by Sass. Hicks stood respectfully next to Angela, like a housekeeper receiving guests.

Dodo Rosa came to a square halfway up the mountain and waved in the air.

In an instant, hundreds of silver mirrors appeared out of thin air across the Emerald Island.

Not long after, people inside the White Snake began to pour out.

Obviously, they all received the notice and knew that not only did the Emerald Island win a great victory this time, but Henry and Sasse also officially announced their return.

Everyone could not suppress the smiles on their faces. After this battle, not only did the Emerald Island receive countless benefits, but they also felt honored.

As our family becomes stronger, the local residents who rely on the Emerald Island for survival will also receive a lot of benefits. At least going to sea will be smoother in the future.

In the Lord's Mansion on the top of the mountain, Anna, Wade, and Phillip all had dazed expressions on their faces.

When they entered the White Snake, they kept watching what was happening outside.

Karin fiercely summoned three historical powerhouses to show off his power, and then chatted and laughed with a group of legendary and demigod powerhouses to share the spoils. All of this was seen by them, and they couldn't help but feel the shock in their hearts. .

With such a strong heritage, and the fact that Carlin is himself a chosen one, they all feel like they are witnessing a rising star.

"After this time, no one dares to underestimate the Shadow Brigade anymore. Except for the lack of strong men to take charge, they have all the conditions to be on an equal footing with other major forces."

Carlin didn't know the emotions in the three people's hearts. At this time, Henry was taking him to the warehouse where the remains of the legendary ordnance were stored.

Along the way, the two talked and laughed, and there was no barrier at all due to the difference in extraordinary levels between the two.

During the conversation, Carlin suddenly remembered something and asked Henry: "How much do you know about the Plague Clan?"

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