Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 432 Absurd space rules

It can be said that Carlin knew nothing about the Plague Clan, so he could only ask Henry for advice. After all, he agreed to his invitation and wanted to go there in the future, so he had to do his homework beforehand.

Henry recalled it and began to introduce it to him.

There is a primeval forest in the middle of the New World that has existed for countless years and is called the Forest of Death by the outside world.

The Death Forest is one of the few natural fixed areas in the New World, and it is also the largest in area among all fixed lands. It is a continuous sea of ​​trees spanning hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

From the mountains to the plains, canyons to hills, almost everything is covered by a sea of ​​green trees, hundreds of meters high, and there are many giant trees surrounded by more than a dozen people.

In most places, the branches and leaves are so dense that even the light of day is blocked from shining on the ground. There are murderous intentions hidden everywhere.

Except for the traces of some large beasts or intelligent creatures living in the forest, there is no path to follow in the forest of death. There is no guide to lead or special items to sense the direction. Even legendary strong men will get lost in it.

There are a large number of wild extraordinary creatures inside, including some legendary creatures, and even legendary demigod creatures existing deep in the forest.

Although the Death Forest is full of dangers, it also contains very rich extraordinary resources, but the danger is too great.

No matter how enthusiastic the outside adventurers are, most of them only dare to explore the outside. Only the legendary strong ones are qualified to go further inside.

In addition to wild supernatural creatures, there are also some powerful indigenous tribes or alien races that are famous in history. The Blight Clan is one of the best.

The Plague Jungle occupied by the Plague Clan only accounts for a little more than one percent of the Death Forest.

It was almost impossible for outsiders to enter their tribe. Henry only made remote contact with the inside from outside the forest. He did not step into the Plague Jungle in person, and he didn't know much about the internal situation of the Plague Clan.

Carlin frowned when he heard this: "Then how should I go to the Plague Jungle in the future?"

The plague priest left him nothing but a wooden sign, and he didn't even tell him how to get to the Plague Jungle.

After hearing this, Henry smiled and said: "Don't worry, although I have never been to the Plague Forest, the Plague Clan once gave me a map of the Death Forest.

If you want to avoid the dangers in the Death Forest, you can. There are some transit towns outside the forest, and there are Skaven in each town. They are the spokespersons of the Plague Clan in the outside world.

As long as you go to those rat people with the wooden sign, the Plague Clan will know immediately and send people out to meet you. "

Carlin nodded after hearing this, but when it came to the map, he remembered the map left by Ameda. After thinking about it for a while, he sketched it in mid-air with his fingers and displayed the map in front of Henry's eyes.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Henry looked at the map and frowned, thinking: "I always feel like I've seen this map of yours somewhere before."

After thinking for a while, Henry remembered something, took out a map from his body and unfolded it in mid-air.

Karin looked at it and saw that it was a map of the New World, but it was a version from ten years ago.

Most of the land in the New World is in a mobile state. Ten years have passed and it has changed greatly, but the fixed land has not changed.

Henry and Carlin soon discovered a plain on the map, which happened to match the map given by Carlin. It was almost hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the west coast of the New World and passed through more than a hundred fixed areas.

"That's right, it's right here, the Plain of Desire!"

Karin nodded and looked at the map carefully, which was soon included in the memory library.

"Thank you, that's my next stop."

Since Almeda is there, of course he has to see him. He still has a lot of questions in his heart that need Almeda to answer for him.

Henry put away the map and asked him: "Are you in a hurry to get there?"

Karin asked doubtfully: "No hurry, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Henry shook his head and explained to him: "You just came here not long ago from the Old World, and you don't know much about the New World. Do you know how extraordinary people can travel between fixed areas in the New World?"

Carlin immediately listened. It seemed that transportation in the New World was also very particular. He thought that the modes in the New World and the spiritual world were similar.

You only need to sense the direction through the positioning tool to ensure that you don't get lost, and you can easily traverse a large area. But from Henry's tone, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Generally, for short distances, everyone takes airships to travel between two fixed areas, but for long distances, they have to go through long passages."

Under Henry's explanation, Carlin quickly had a general idea of ​​the New World.

Unlike exploring the spiritual world, the land in the spiritual world is always close to each other and will not be separated in a short time. .

But the spatial rules of the wilderness areas in the New World, except for the fixed areas, are very absurd and weird.

Those lands that only rely on fixed areas to move are okay. Having a fixed area as an anchor point will be no problem as long as you make sure to come back in time before separation.

But once you leave these lands and go deep into other areas, you can easily get lost and be trapped and die in the wilderness.

It's like pieces of moving land are in different spaces, and you can only see the scene in the space where your body is.

The space of countless lands is like a maze, completely losing its current position.

Even if you use the positioning tool to sense the fixed area closest to you, the coordinates will become unstable, sometimes far away and sometimes close.

I just discovered that there was a fixed area nearby, but when I followed the direction and left the space I was in and stepped into another space, I was instantly thrown thousands of miles away.

Only experienced extraordinary people can barely distinguish the rules of spatial movement through the force field emitted by each piece of land, and find the correct return path.

In addition, you can also directly cross the space by flying in the sky, but the sky in the New World is not that safe, and there are many very aggressive flying creatures.

Therefore, bus airships generally only travel short distances, and only legends and demigods dare to fly long distances.

In addition, if you want to run long distances on the ground, you can only go through artificial long-distance channels connecting various fixed areas.

After flattening the narrow but elongated strips of land, they were fixed into artificial passages using suppressors to facilitate low-level transcendent beings to travel to and from various fixed areas.

All the passages are privately operated, and you will be lenient just to collect tolls.

After hearing this, Karin also had some guesses in his mind.

"Is it the passage to the plain of desire?"

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