Henry nodded: "Yes, there are five passages from the outside world to the Plains of Desire, but three of them were destroyed by barbarians a year ago and are still being rebuilt.

Unfortunately, half a year ago, another group of barbarians and voodoo dwarves attacked the remaining two passages, completely destroying the suppression objects. It would take at least two years to rebuild. "

Carlin suddenly felt a toothache, which meant that he would have to wait at least another year if he wanted to go to the Plain of Desire through the long-distance passage.

After Henry saw his expression, he took the initiative and said: "If you are in a hurry, I can ask Hicks to send you to the Plains of Desire."

After hearing this, Carlin politely declined the other party's kindness: "Thank you, but it's really not necessary. I'm not in a hurry. I just have to wait for a year."

After declining Henry's kindness, the two continued on their way. The Emerald Island was not big, and from time to time they came to a warehouse.

As the warehouse door opened automatically, Carlin also looked inside.

Just one glance made him unable to look away, and his heart was filled with surprises.

He also did not expect that the legendary ordnance wreckage in the warehouse turned out to be the wreckage of an Sky Fortress aircraft.

In front of the huge fuselage, both Carlin and Henry looked very small.

This Sky Fortress looks very dilapidated. Not only is its surface covered with large and small holes, but one wing is missing. Most of the turrets on the fuselage are scrap metal. Only two of the engines in the row are barely intact. .

However, Carlin didn't care about the damage to this fortress machine. Repairing it based on the wreckage would save him most of his efforts. It would only take three years at most to bring this war machine back to nirvana.

Seeing that Carlin couldn't move his eyes, Henry smiled and said: "How about it, I'm satisfied, this plane comes from the Skaven clan of the Fourth Age.

Although it was severely damaged, a small part was still well preserved.

If I didn't have the blueprints, I would definitely choose to repair it instead of taking out the A-class steam core and rebuild a legendary battleship. "

Karin replied with excitement: "Satisfied! I'm very satisfied."

Although there were some differences between this flying fortress aircraft and the one he had seen in [Sage], generally speaking, they were all of the same type.

Suppressing his excitement, Carlin said to Henry: "I will set up a teleportation circle first."

"You get busy, I'll go to other warehouses to pick up the goods first."

Henry nodded and motioned for him to help himself.

After Karin finished speaking, he took out a pile of materials and began to arrange them.

The Sky Fortress is too big, and it cannot directly transmit small objects to the virtual kingdom of God like it usually does. It must first set up a magic circle.

And Henry was not idle either. He left here and took out a large amount of spiritual gold coins and some extraordinary materials from other warehouses.

Five minutes later, when he returned from picking up the goods, he found that the Sky Fortress had disappeared, making the warehouse look empty.

Carlin also placed the trophies he didn't need in the open space and packed them.

Henry didn't talk nonsense when he saw it. He released heavy boxes one after another, and then went to collect the loot on the ground.

After the two quickly completed the transaction, they returned to the dock.

On the way, Carlin also asked the marionettes in the virtual Kingdom of God to sort out the gains from the transaction.

In addition to the remains of the fortress machine and some rare extraordinary materials, there were also 30,000 spirit gold coins. Overall, this trip was very successful.

And Carlin also put the manufacturing of the Sky Fortress on the agenda. The environment in the New World is very special.

If you want to walk freely, you must rely on strong strength. If you don't have the legendary strength to run long distances, you have to walk in the passage obediently.

If the passage was destroyed, it would be equivalent to being trapped on an island. This made him realize the importance of a powerful means of transportation in the New World.

After another ten minutes, Carlin and Henry returned to the dock talking and laughing. Angela, Hicks, and the three marionettes were still standing there waiting quietly.

Before leaving, Henry handed Carlin a pamphlet and a copper coin with a pirate skull printed on the front.

“The booklet records many secret pirate strongholds on the west coast of the mainland, and the copper coins are tokens.

Whether you want to get information or ask for help, just go to the secret place on the book and show your token. I wish you a safe journey. "

"Thank you, we will see you later."

After receiving the gold coins and booklet, Karin held hands with the three marionettes.

Angela took the initiative to hold Karin's hand.

Henry and Hicks watched the four of them walk out of the shore step by step, seemingly slowly but quickly, walking on the sea as if on a flat ground. They did not look back until their figures finally disappeared into the horizon.

On the endless sea, the three Marionettes were also teleported back to the Virtual Kingdom of God.

Carlin and Angela were holding hands, looking like a couple taking a walk.

As the light of day spreads towards the sea, the atmosphere between the two gradually becomes ambiguous.

But the two of them just kept walking and remained silent on the road.

Karin usually doesn't like to take the initiative to speak. He spends most of his time in silence.

The same goes for Angela. Being alone for a long time makes her less talkative.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, Carlin suddenly asked Angela a question.

"You still love him, right?"

The ambiguous atmosphere disappeared, and Angela's expression turned cold for an instant.

But Karin just looked at her seriously, waiting for the other party's answer.

Angela's expression gradually became complicated, and after a long time, she still didn't answer Carlin's question.

Just like she had for most of her life, she remained silent.

"I see."

After seeing this, Karin nodded and took the initiative to let go of Angela's hand.

While he was in mid-air, his body began to fall towards the sea, and in the process of falling.

The steam-powered sled was released from the space ring, he stepped on it, and finally landed firmly on the calm sea, causing a splash of water.

Soon, the buzzing sound of a motor starting sounded on the sea surface.

"I hope that when we meet in Meteor Street, we will not be enemies."

After leaving his last words, Carlin drove the sled away, drawing a white water line on the sea.

Angela looked at Carlin who was walking away with a complex expression, wanting to catch up and say something, but in the end she sighed and did not take any steps.

The figure of the girl also gradually disappeared, leaving only the sea surface that seemed calm on the surface but actually had an undercurrent surging inside.

Thirteen hours later, the sky above Carlin gradually turned from clear skies to violent storms.


A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, illuminating the sea ahead.

Karin saw a merchant ship in front of him through the light of lightning.

He felt that there was no strong person on the ship that he could care about.

So Eric in the virtual kingdom of God picked up a story pen and wrote a script, and then Carlin sped up and chased after him, preparing to catch a boat.

He easily got on the ship, and after some inquiring, he found out that the merchant ship would dock in the New World just as it was in the script.

The next thing happened naturally. For the sake of spiritual gold coins, the captain didn't mind taking Karin for a ride.

Carlin stood on the deck, looking toward the west coast, muttering to himself.

"New World, here I come!"

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