Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 434: The world is declining, and people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be.

Port Ruin, this neutral port was originally just a stronghold opened casually by a group of small pirates on the west coast of the New World.

But as time went by, the group of pirates got tired of the life of licking blood with their swords, so they came to this stronghold with most of their life savings, and it gradually became a small town.

Later, more than 600 years ago, a pirate general named Lu Yin also washed his hands and came to settle in this town.

Before the arrival of the pirate general, the coast was a stretch of cliffs, which was not suitable for use as a dock. However, he single-handedly opened up a deep-water port, which made it prosperous now.

The harbor was named directly after him.

Later, the high-quality port attracted a large number of adventurers and merchants, and as the number of people increased, it gradually turned into a prosperous seaport city.

The climate here is not bad, but tsunamis come ashore every few years.

But in front of the pirate general Lu Yin, as long as it is not a super tsunami that breaks out in the depths of the sea, it is just a matter of wave.

Because it was a port opened by a pirate general, there were very few ordinary residents here.

Those who come and go are usually gold diggers, businessmen, wanted criminals, gangsters, pirates and bounty hunters everywhere.

This is a neutral port where adventurers gather, although Luin accepted the offer from a country in the Old Continent and was given the position of governor.

But in fact, this place is not governed by the laws of the Old Continent at all, and everything is decided by Lu Yin.

This is also one of the cities that pirates at sea and gangs on land will not plunder. These guys with knife heads licking blood can still understand the situation.

Not to mention that there is a pirate general sitting here, many channels such as supply, smuggling, selling stolen goods, kidnapping, and middlemen need to rely on neutral ground.

These neutral cities or ports are the most suitable places, so the interior of Port Ruin is also a mixed bag.

September 26, 546.

The sun is high at noon, and the workers on the dock are working hard to carry goods under the scorching sun.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered a steam freighter rushing towards the dock at full speed, with no intention of slowing down even after entering the port.

The pirate flag on the freighter is particularly eye-catching.

For a moment, there were bursts of exclamations on the shore, and they all looked at the pirate flag in disbelief.

"Are these guys crazy? Although Port Ruin is a neutral port, it can't raise the pirate flag!"

"This steam freighter doesn't look cheap. Could it be some young young man looking for excitement who wants to become the Pirate King all day long and then he actually becomes a pirate?"

"No, that flag looks familiar. Isn't it the flag of the Gray Spider Pirates?"

All of a sudden, many people realized that something was wrong and put down their work and started to move away from the shore.

The Gray Spider Pirate Group is somewhat famous in this area of ​​the sea. It has three battleships, nine armed steam merchant ships, and six mentor-level transcendent men.

Although this kind of strength is far inferior to those of pirate generals and pirate kings, it can be regarded as a somewhat famous pirate group in the Broken Sea.

It is impossible for such veterans to not understand the rules, but they still raised the pirate flag after entering the port.

Many people who were still ready to watch the fun left immediately as soon as they saw the pirate flag.

In this kind of neutral port where fish and dragons are mixed, the bustle is not so good to see. This is the experience summed up from countless bloody lessons.

After the steam merchant ship entered the port, it kept going all the way. All the ships gave way, but they still hit the strong ship several times before the broken ship stopped.

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of many people in the city. Soon, the steward of the dock and the security captain came to the shore angrily with a group of men.

They were about to yell out and reprimand these unruly guys, but immediately they discovered something was wrong.

The deck of the merchant ship was completely empty, and they didn't see anyone.

And there are still some remaining bases on the deck. It is obvious that modified artillery should be installed on these bases, but now the artillery is gone, leaving only the metal base.

A group of people quickly boarded the boat to investigate, and it didn't take long to find that the situation was very strange.

The ship was empty, there was no one around, and not only the cargo hold had been emptied, but even some small metal items such as silver tableware and copper roulette wheels had disappeared.

There were no signs of fighting on the ship, but everyone disappeared. This made a group of security officers feel terrified and thought of the legendary ghost ship.

The same is true for many ghost ships that were in distress. All crew members disappeared, but there were no signs of any fighting at the scene.

However, as they explored further, the uneasiness in their hearts gradually dissipated, replaced by a period of laughter and laughter.

After a careful search, the security captain and the dock steward discovered it.

Not only the crew and metal disappeared, but the C-class steam core in the steam freighter's engine room and some other easily disassembled equipment were also missing. The traces were still very fresh, and it was obvious that they had just been dismantled not long ago.

The ship rushed into the port completely relying on inertia.

The truth suddenly became clear. It was not a weird ghost ship incident, but a very powerful guy robbed the ship. It was just an ordinary gangster incident.

But this guy seemed to be out of his mind because he took away all the metal products that were not difficult to remove.

They even suspected that if it weren't for the trouble of disassembly, the ship's metal deck and keel might not have been saved.

"Which guy is so weird? Doesn't he know that a complete 100,000-ton steam cargo ship is also very valuable?"

The farce soon ended, and the dock returned to normal order, except that everyone was complaining one after another.

It's not like they've never seen black people eating black people before, but this is the first time they've seen such a weird black people eating black people.

No one noticed that Carlin, who was the target of everyone's complaints, also appeared on the dock at some point and joined the ranks of the complaints.

When everyone's eyes were focused on the cargo ship that suddenly rushed into the port, Kalin, who was in hiding, jumped directly from the ship and emerged from the shadows of the dock to blend into the crowd.

Karin pretended to be an ordinary professional passerby, stood at the dock and complained for a while before walking towards the city.

He was the one who robbed the pirate's armed forces on board. The story started when he and Angela separated a week ago and hitched a boat.

After boarding the ship, Carlin discovered that it was a pirate ship. It seemed that he had just finished a job and was going to sell the stolen goods, and then he wanted to kill him too.

So he easily killed all the pirates while sighing, "The world is deteriorating and people's hearts are not as old as before."

The pirates on the ship were not very strong, with only five professional levels, and the others were all trainee levels. Carlin easily solved them by just releasing the Sun Vine.

So Kalin gained five more professional-level partners, and all apprentice-level pirates were fed Sun Vine by him.

Carlin drove the boat alone and sailed for a week before arriving at Port Ruin.

Before arriving at the port, he dismantled and packed up all the steam equipment on the ship, and let the ship rush into the harbor relying on its inertia.

‘I have an extra batch of goods on hand, so of course I have to sell the stolen goods first. ’

While he was thinking this, he stopped in front of a pub with a very ambiguous pink sign.

Because Port Luyin is a city where adventurers gather, most people basically live a life of licking blood with a knife and are very willing to spend money when they come to relax in the city, so the custom entertainment industry here is very developed.

After Carlin took one look at the large-scale nude figure on the sign of the tavern, he opened the door with a critical eye.

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