Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 442: Friends do more, enemies do less

The bald old man's face suddenly turned white, and he looked very troubled.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a dark face: "Boy, I have spent most of my life's savings on your information, old man. You have to at least give me peace of mind, right?"

Carlin suddenly looked sideways. It turned out that the ten thousand gold coins were not 'public funds' but the bald old man's own money. No wonder he gave the money so happily.

But yes, the amount of ten thousand spirit gold coins is too big. No matter how courageous the old man is, he would not dare to allocate funds privately without reporting.

He decided to take a gamble this time. If General Luyin really succeeded in relying on Carlin's intelligence to survive as he wished, then the benefits for the old man who decisively bought the intelligence and reported it would definitely be huge.

Carlin looked at the old man's reluctance and knew that the other party would not let him go without an explanation.

He shook his head and said, "Your political sensitivity is still a little bit poor."

The old man suddenly looked confused: "What does this have to do with politics?"

Kalin said calmly: "After the White Snake Pirate King established his country, in order to cope with the pressure from the Pirate King's City, he will definitely unite all forces that can be united to form the broadest united front."


"What are you talking about?"

The old man was confused after hearing this.

Carlin could only continue to explain patiently.

"It means that if you make a few enemies, you will make a lot of friends. You should understand this, right?"

"Although your general is a neutral lone ranger, he is not without friends."

"There are a group of pirate generals who have landed on the west coast and the Broken Sea. These generals usually stay close to each other because they have similar experiences."

"When the White Snake Pirate King broke with the Pirate King City, their attitudes were a bit subtle."

"I believe that most of the pirate generals who came ashore are not willing to get involved in the fight between the two, but the Pirate King City will definitely put pressure on them and force their team."

"I believe that the White Snake Pirate King must have seen things more clearly than I do, so these pirate generals are the ones he can unite with in his heart."

"At other times, they may still be wary of expressing their stance easily."

"But now there is a real problem before the generals, and that is life span!"

When Carlin said this, he immediately fell silent, and the bald old man also looked enlightened.

"So that's it. I understand. If General Lu Yin can persuade other generals to take the initiative to side with the White Snake Pirate King at this time."

Carlin had a cowardly look on his face, this guy finally got the idea.

In fact, there was no need for Lu Yin to actively lobby other pirate generals who came ashore to turn to Henry as a vote of trust.

As long as he visits Henry alone as soon as possible and expresses his attitude, Henry will definitely not be stingy with a glass of the fountain of youth.

This is to buy horse bones with thousands of dollars to show his sincerity. With the precedent of Lu Yin, Carlin does not believe that other elderly people will not be tempted.

The balance in their hearts will gradually tilt towards Henry.

Although the bald old man didn't think so deeply, he turned around and immediately burst into laughter, and his attitude towards Carlin also became enthusiastic.

"Brother, I was too loud just now, don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, I understand, it's my batch of goods."

"The commission is free, and you don't need to come forward. I'll help you get it done!"

After the bald man patted his chest for a while to reassure himself, Karin was not polite and took out five storage bags.

In addition to that batch of goods, there were also some bits and pieces seized from the members of the Spider Pirate Group, which were packed together for the old man to deal with.

The old man directly called a few of his men and after giving instructions for a while, they took Carlin's goods out of the room.

Karin just chatted with the old man while waiting.

"You don't know. Now the brothers in White Snake Sea are just like fleeing. They either run to other sea areas or go directly to the shore. I don't plan to hang out in the sea anymore. It's still more comfortable on the shore."

"Why don't you know that pirates from the White Snake Sea come to Port Luyin every day? This is not only the case in Port Luyin, but also in many cities on the west coast.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad to have a new route. It’s true that business will get better, but I’m afraid that those pirates will fight with the White Snake Pirate Group. If the Amazon Kingdom is also involved, the port’s business will also be affected. "

"Don't worry, it's all thunder and rain. How can it be so easy for demigods to start a fight?"

The two chatted for a while, but the most talked about was the White Snake Pirates. Another half hour passed before they knew it.

At this time, a strong man entered the room with five pieces of Carlin's storage equipment.

The bald old man was very efficient and got his goods directly without Karin's intervention.

Karin took back the storage equipment and checked it. Except for two Bailing gold coins and a plastic card, it was empty inside.

The bounty offered by the pirates, the looted black goods, and all kinds of bits and pieces were still worth some money. Although it was small money to Carlin, mosquito legs were still meat no matter how small they were, and he didn't dislike them at all.

The card was the voucher for the exploration team, and the old man specifically told him to set off at noon the day after tomorrow, so as not to be late.

After chatting for a while, Carlin said goodbye to the old man and left the tavern.

Returning to the crowded street, Karin walked around for a while and then checked into a hotel introduced by the old man.

In the following time, Kalin lived in seclusion, soaking in the [Holy Spirit], thinking about how to repair the damaged Sky Fortress.

[Holy Spirit] After more than five months of research, he finally came up with a rough plan. He could start to transform it as soon as the alchemy workshop in the virtual Kingdom of God was completed.

Since the war on the Emerald Island, more than 30 people from the Brent Kingdom Security Bureau have also been transformed into deputy partners. The addition of this new batch of labor has once again increased the construction speed by one-third.

Just when he was obsessed with alchemy and couldn't help himself, the Gray Spider Pirates were looking for him all over the world.

The loss of one mentor level and nearly twenty professional levels hurt them a bit, and Kalin actually managed to get their bounty through the pirate tavern.

This incident brought disgrace to the Gray Spider Pirates, and they suddenly became the laughing stock of Port Ruin.

But when Gray Spider, who had been holding back his anger, wanted to make trouble for Karin, he found that he couldn't find anyone.

The hotel where Carlin stayed was introduced by the bald old man, and the hotel kept it secret very well. In addition, he had been soaking in the [Holy Spirit] and never went out at all.

So Gray Spider searched for two days but couldn't find anyone. He thought he left Port Luin directly and could only be incompetent and furious.

Karin knew nothing about any of this, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

After living a fulfilling life in the [Holy Spirit] for more than five months, he finally quit the [Holy Spirit] and left the hotel. It was almost time to set off.

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