Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 443 Cloud Space

At noon on September 29, 546, the plains on the outskirts of Port Ruin.

I saw a dozen airships parked steadily in the flat square terrace, and a dozen long queues were pouring into the airships.

The place was crowded, and Karin, who was waiting in the queue, roughly counted the number of people who set off on this trip. They were all extraordinary people who signed up to go to the Plains of Desire.

From a distance, Karin, who was bored, also observed the general structure of the airship.

With a rugby-ball-shaped appearance, it is equipped with an uncomplicated power system inside, powered by a C-class steam core.

It's just that the weapon system cannot be said to be armed to the teeth, it can only be said to be almost non-existent. There is only a machine cannon on the head, and the shooting angle is also very limited.

They are all purely civilian passenger airships, with a carrying capacity of 5,000 tons and each carrying 200 passengers.

In Carlin's opinion, these passenger airships are not very difficult to manufacture and are only suitable for carrying passengers and cargo over short distances. They only have a market in places with weird space rules like the New World, and no one cares about them in the Old World.

But now that the passage to the Plains of Desire has been destroyed, adventurers can only go there by airship.

Moreover, there are legendary strong men standing guard along the way, so there is no need to worry about safety, otherwise it will be suicide.

As the queue gradually shortened, Carlin finally arrived at the entrance of the airship after waiting in line for about twenty minutes. The ticket inspector checked his card and let him go.

The internal structure of the airship is simple, divided into three floors. The first floor is the public hall, and the second and third floors are guest rooms and warehouses. The guest rooms only occupy less than one-fifth of the space, and most of the space is the cargo hold for storing supplies.

After Carlin entered the public hall, he took a glance. It was extremely shabby, with only a few tables and chairs, and not even basic decorations. It looked very boring, and it even served as a restaurant part-time.

However, he was relieved when he thought that this was just an ordinary passenger airship. After complaining about "the tickets are really expensive," Kalin followed the information on the card and entered the second floor and found his room.

The room was about ten square meters, and it also had a small bathroom. It was even shabbier than the university dormitory he lived in back then.

Carlin doesn't have high requirements for the living environment, as long as it's neat and clean.

After just complaining a few words, he left the room and went to the lobby on the first floor.

When I came back again, I saw that every table was already occupied, and the smell of food was lingering everywhere in the hall. The atmosphere was comparable to that of a university cafeteria.

Karin found an empty table and ordered lunch, and soon the food was brought to the table by the waiter.

He tasted it and found that although it was more expensive, it still tasted good.

It happened that Karin heard several extraordinary people nearby also starting to praise the food of the airship.

"This is what people eat. In those airships built in the past, the food was entirely for animals!"

Carlin smiled inwardly. Everyone said that everyone paid 5,000 gold pounds to join the group. Everyone understood that the accommodation was aggrieved due to limited space.

But if the food is also perfunctory, Lu Yin will never be able to take off his stingy hat.

Soon, Karin dismissed the thoughts in his mind and began to concentrate on the food in front of him.

Unknowingly, all the adventurers who signed up entered the airship.

More than a dozen airships slowly took off, and through the porthole glass, Carlin saw that the scenery outside was slowly changing.

After he completely destroyed his lunch, he stood directly in front of the porthole and admired the scenery outside.

In addition to him, some other extraordinary beings also came to the porthole to look outside out of boredom.

I saw Port Ruin getting smaller and smaller below, and the feeling of overlooking the entire city made Carlin feel relaxed and happy.

Soon, the Luyin Port below turned into small black spots. At this time, the airship rose to a considerable height, but it showed no intention of stopping.

Unknowingly, a trace of white mist condensed with water vapor clung to the porthole, and Carlin saw that the airship plunged directly into the clouds, and everything below was obscured by white clouds.

More than a dozen airships entered a world connected by clouds.


A burst of thunder struck Karin's ears unexpectedly, and a bright light bloomed between the clouds.

Karin felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the clouds.

And immediately, groups of white mist with changing shapes rushed out from the clouds, covered with arcs of electricity, and from time to time, a bolt of thunder struck out to scatter the clouds.

These mysterious extraordinary creatures looked majestic, but to Karin, they felt like small animals running away after being frightened.

And the next scene also proves that this is the case. After all the mist-like creatures jumped out of the clouds, they began to move away from the airship in Port Ruin.

More than a dozen airships flew all the way, directly alarming these cloud creatures and hurriedly dodged.

‘No wonder they say the sky is unsafe. These fog-like creatures should be timid and docile. They panic when they see civilian airships. I believe there must be violent creatures in the clouds in other places. ’

The height of the airship now exceeds 10,000 meters, and everything on the ground is obscured by thick clouds.

Carlin watched with great interest, and he couldn't help but sigh at the magic of nature. The clouds in this world are actually full of life.

While he was admiring the scenery, he also saw the airship in the front that was obviously much larger than other similar ones.

It was obviously specially modified and was Luin's private airship.

This time, Lu Yin personally led the team and opened the way at the front. Otherwise, other civilian airships would only be able to advance two to three hundred kilometers at most before making an emergency landing.

The clouds are not a safe place. The airship can travel a short distance of hundreds of kilometers, but once it rushes deep into the wilderness area, it is easy to encounter some aggressive extraordinary creatures.

But now that Lu Yin is intimidating, even if he encounters a legendary creature along the way, the opponent will not easily start a war with Lu Yin.

Many extraordinary creatures in nature look extremely violent, but they know how to survive. They will never go to war with opponents of the same level unless they have no choice.

Just like the lions in Carlin's previous life, after wild lions meet humans, they generally will not attack humans unless they are extremely hungry or someone deliberately provokes them.

They choose whether to hunt by observing the size and behavior of other creatures.

In the eyes of lions, humans are two-legged beasts with weird postures and fast running. They take a lot of effort to catch and don't have much meat. Therefore, lions have little desire to prey on humans. After all, hunting consumes a lot of energy.

In this world, wild extraordinary creatures are the same.

When a legendary creature encounters a legendary transcendent, it will generally not take the initiative to attack.

Let’s not talk about whether we can win. Even if we win, we will be injured, and the benefits will not be enough to make up for our losses. If we really want to hunt, wouldn’t it be nice to crush those tutor-level and professional-level children?

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