Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 444 Cloud City

The scenery outside the porthole window seemed novel at first, but as time went by, Carlin also felt a little tired of it.

Days passed, and most of the time outside there were only white clouds and mist monsters playing among the clouds. Occasionally, some powerful bird creatures would be seen.

The airship team flew above the clouds for more than half a month, encountering several legendary creatures along the way.

There are transparent creatures like jellyfish, huge legendary fog monsters, and giant birds with ferocious beaks and claws.

However, after these legendary creatures discovered that the airship group had broken into their territory, they first vigilantly exuded waves of mental fluctuations to communicate with Lu Yin.

After learning that the other party was just passing by, he restrained his desire to do anything, but he remained vigilant from the time the airship passed until it left.

For the extraordinary beings on the airship, it was a near miss. After all, no one could remain calm in the face of the mental oppression of legendary creatures.

On this day, the airship team suddenly began to actively lower its altitude.

As more than a dozen airships emerged from the clouds, Carlin in front of the porthole felt suddenly enlightened, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

It was as if a white curtain had been pushed aside, and a majestic green mountain range appeared before Karin's eyes.

"Why did it take more than half a month to arrive at the Jialan Mountains? When will such boring days end!"

A nearby extraordinary person who was also looking out the window suddenly let out a lament, and immediately someone started mocking this guy who couldn't sit still.

"Hehe, if it's too slow, you can get off the boat and take the land route, directly into the wilderness area. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to enter with your front foot, and the space with your back foot will be transferred to the side of the Plain of Desire!"

"Aren't I just complaining? It's really unlucky. If the long-distance channel is gone, who would be willing to take an airship and fly slowly in the sky?"


Karin shook his head and ignored the noise of a group of people nearby. He took out a map of the New World and carefully searched the Jialan Mountains where he was currently located.

Soon he found the location of the Jialan Mountains, which is a natural fixed area with an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers.

It looks very far away, but judging from the map, it's only a small distance into the interior, and it's still far away from the center of the continent.

He took another look at the Plains of Desire on the map. There was still a straight-line distance of more than 200,000 kilometers from the destination.

Karin shook his head. Compared with the airships in the previous life, the speed of steam airships in this world is already very fast, with an average speed of more than fifty kilometers per hour.

However, after flying for nearly twenty days, he had only flown more than 20,000 kilometers. After calculating the speed and range, Carlin suddenly became frightened.

‘Are the strong men of the exploration team really prepared to let us fly over slowly like this? It will take at least a year! ’

Just as Karin was thinking this, he suddenly heard an exclamation coming from nearby.

"Look, that's the Fairy Clan's Yunzhong City!"

In an instant, everyone in the hall was attracted to the scene, and they saw a beautiful city rising from the mountains.

This city is different from human cities. The surface is engraved with exquisite rune murals, and all the buildings look like exquisite works of art.

Carlin immediately felt an aura of classical art coming to his face. He even felt like he was looking up at history just by looking at the city.

The beautiful fairy cloud city rises from the mountains and shuttles between the beautiful mountains and ridges. The misty clouds and mist make it look like a fairy city.

This fairy tale-like picture made everyone speechless.

The Luojia Mountains are the base camp of the goblin clan. The goblins have a profound heritage since the First Era and are one of the most powerful races in the New World besides the human race.

Looking at Yunzhong City, Kalin also felt the profound heritage of the goblin clan.

This city is not only a settlement of goblins, but also a demigod weapon, not inferior to the Princess Carmen at all.

Just as everyone was immersed in the beautiful scene, a dozen airships suddenly began to turn and flew towards Yunzhong City.

Seeing this situation, Carlin was relieved. It seemed that the exploration team was preparing to go to the Plain of Desire through the fairy cloud city, and it was not just an airship flying slowly over.

Although Carlin had plenty of time and was not in a hurry to rush to the Plains of Desire, he would still be grateful if he was allowed to sit on an airship and float in the sky for a year.

As the two sides quickly approached, the outline of Cloud City became clearer and clearer in Kalin's eyes. The elegant and exquisite buildings made people marvel in their hearts.

There are also fairies with beautiful faces wearing exquisite silk robes. People can’t help but sigh that they are simply favored by the Creator.

These goblins are typical humanoid creatures, with two pairs of crystal-clear wings on their backs, and golden scales can be found on their exposed skin.

There are also naturally mysterious patterns on their foreheads, which make their temperament extremely elegant.

Karin also saw young fairies flying and playing in the air with their wings fluttering. The whole city was as peaceful and peaceful as a paradise.

Only when he got closer did he realize that this Cloud City was a floating island covering an area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers.

After more than a dozen airships finally flew over Yunzhong City, they finally landed on a grassland in the suburbs.

Karin glanced through the porthole and saw that in addition to the dozen or so airships in Port Ruin, there were also airships from other places docked in the grassland. It was obvious that they were not airships from the goblins.

He guessed that these were exploration teams led by other strong men, and they all gathered in Yunzhong City and set off together.

At this time, he suddenly saw Lu Yin getting off his private airship alone.

This was the first time he saw the pirate general in person. He was neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, and his skin was fair and fair. He did not look like a pirate at all, but looked like a philistine businessman.

Karin actually wanted to go out and walk around Cloud City, but unfortunately everyone in the airship was told not to go out.

He watched Lu Yin enter the city led by a group of goblins, and could only lament that the treatment of legendary strong men was different.

When the airship from Luyin Port docked in Yunzhong City, the huge floating island began to slowly rise into the sky.

The speed was not slow at all. In less than three minutes, he plunged directly into the 10,000-meter cloud layer, and everything on the ground was once again blocked by the white cloud curtain.

At this moment, five figures suddenly rushed into the sky, which immediately attracted Karin's attention.

After he saw that Lu Yin was one of them, he felt clear. It seemed that the five of them were going to visit Henry before exploring Miracle Hills.

‘The action was really fast, I managed to win over four people in just three days. ’

Shaking his head, Carlin also felt that staying here was meaningless, and was about to go back to the room to continue playing [Holy Spirit].

Suddenly, the picture of clouds outside the porthole was distorted, and Karin was startled.

"The space here is distorted?!"

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