Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 456 Something unexpected happened


With the sound of a gunshot, another mentor-level sandworm fell to the ground. Several adventurers nearby who had escaped hurriedly crawled away from the corpse.

'The eighth. ’

After muttering silently in her heart, under the eyes of a pair of awe-inspiring people, Amiya put the huge body of the sandworm into the space pocket of her combat uniform.

This episode did not affect the team's progress.

It was already their third day in the desert, and the desert seemed to be no more than two hundred kilometers in size.

But the weird space rules forced them to walk nearly a thousand kilometers without leaving the desert.

This was not the fault of the guide Freeman. If he had not been here several times and was very familiar with the environment, the time wasted would probably have been even longer.

Within three days, sandworms would attack from time to time. Amiya disdained the professional-level sandworms, but when she discovered the mentor-level sandworms, she would be the first to take possession of the corpses.

Because she mentioned at the beginning that she needed fifty corpses of mentor-level creatures, other mentor-level creatures did not compete with her.

Just like this, with the sound of gunshots, everyone finally reached the edge of the desert.

Although there are rumors that there are unknown ruins or precious mineral veins under the desert, the main purpose of everyone this time is not to dig for treasure in the desert, so they are still on the road.

After crossing the desert in three days, Freeman was considered a qualified guide.

Watching the yellow sand on the ground turn into dry soil, we will leave the E-04 area and enter the E-05 area in less than one kilometer.

But then Freeman suddenly shouted stop.

Suddenly, a dozen figures appeared in front of them, rushing towards them crazily.

After getting closer, I discovered that there were more than a dozen gray-faced adventurers. Their faces were full of fear, as if they were escaping from being chased by some terrifying thing.

"Stop!" Freeman shouted immediately.

But these adventurers who had been defeated by the fear in their hearts could not listen to it, and they still kept running forward.


A bullet accurately hit ten meters in front of a dozen people. After a loud explosion, the shock wave directly knocked over a dozen people to the ground and fainted.

Freeman was stunned for a moment after seeing it, but he immediately reacted and led his men to carry more than a dozen people into the team to ask what was going on.

In the middle of the team, Amiya put down the shotgun with the barrel still smoking, and said to Herbert: "I hope they are just being chased and not that something unknown happened to E-05."

After hearing this, a trace of worry flashed through Herbert's heart. If something happened in the E-05 area and it became dangerous, then their operation this time would also be seriously affected.

However, he immediately suppressed his worries and quickly came to the front of a dozen unconscious adventurers with Amiya.

Following a burst of painful groans, more than a dozen people woke up one by one, their faces becoming frightened again.

Several wizard adventurers jointly released a spell to soothe the soul, which relieved the panic of more than a dozen people, and finally they were able to speak normally.

"Don't go to E-05!"

"A legendary Soul Reaper Crow appeared there!"

"Dead! They are all dead, the leader and Uncle Emil are all dead!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scary"

"Wow, why are things like this?"

When more than a dozen people woke up, the scene was in chaos, but under their chatter, Herbert quickly figured out the whole story, and his face suddenly darkened.

There are two routes to get from the desert of E-04 to the abandoned mine of D-05.

One is along the E ring through the E-05 and E-06 areas to E-07 bordering -D05, and then turns from E-07 to the abandoned mine.

But unfortunately, the E-05 area next to E-04 is also now haunted by legendary creatures, so a detour is needed.

The second route is to transfer from E-04 to D-04 and then go to E-05 abandoned mine.

The D-04 Jungle of No Return is a tropical rainforest with lush vegetation. Beasts, insects, poisonous weeds, and miasma form a cruel and harsh environment. There is also a voodoo dwarf tribe living in the jungle.

Amiya guessed that this jungle might have been the secret realm of a legendary voodoo dwarf who was a native of the New World, so there was a voodoo dwarf tribe.

Although there are no legendary creatures there, one cannot be careless.

Many adventure groups who were very confident in their own strength never came out after entering, so this jungle was named the Jungle of No Return.

Herbert didn't want to change his route unless he had to. It was already very difficult to find a safe route here.

Although he had the confidence to protect himself and was not afraid of the danger of not returning to the jungle, after all, he was not alone, there were more than a thousand adventurers.

Whether these adventurers are willing to follow him or not is a question. After all, if they are not careful, they will be buried in the green hell.

It's all because of the legendary Soul Reaper Raven who suddenly ran over to E-05 for some reason. They definitely couldn't continue to move forward without any hesitation.

At this time, Amiya and more than a dozen adventure group leaders turned their attention to Herbert, hoping that he could come up with an idea.

After Herbert's face turned pale for a while, he first looked at Amiya and asked her opinion.

"What are you going to do?"

"Even if you decide to give up, I will go to the abandoned mine alone to complete the young master's mission!"

Although Amiya's tone was calm, it shocked the hearts of others, and they could only admire the courage of the other person's skill.

After all, no matter how scary the Jungle of No Return is, without the existence of legendary creatures, Amiya, the legendary seed, will still have no problem protecting herself after entering.

Her words seemed to give Herbert the confidence, and his expression gradually calmed down: "Young master's affairs cannot be delayed. We will not return to the jungle!"

In an instant, the team exploded, everyone's expressions became resistant, and even several adventure group leaders were ready to give up the mission directly.

But just before they gave up, Herbert said first: "I will do my best to ensure your safety, and Miss Amiya is here.

They are just a group of indigenous tribes. With a team of more than a thousand experts gathered together, are we still afraid of a group of savage indigenous tribes? "

Everyone looked a little better after hearing Herbert's assurance, but they were still hesitating in their hearts. At this time, Herbert quickly added another fire.

"Whether this mission is successful or not, the reward will be tripled. If someone dies, in addition to transferring the deceased's reward to the other person's family, there will also be a generous pension!"

This is a solemn promise I make to you on behalf of White Fang, with Miss Amiya as the witness! "

Herbert's promise was like the last straw, making everyone's hearts tip to his side.

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