Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 457: Evil Attracting Monsters

Stimulated by the high rewards and pensions, more than twenty adventure group leaders immediately agreed to Herbert's move forward.

Although there are many dangers ahead, adventurers have to deal with dangers frequently, and this time it is not a certain death situation. Of course, they are willing to give it a try.

After making the decision, Herbert did not immediately order the advance, but asked the team to camp on the spot.

Most of the people in the team had not slept for almost two days, and their expressions showed deep fatigue. They originally planned to rush to E-05 in one go and then set up camp to rest.

But now it is definitely impossible to follow the original plan, and we can only rest for six or seven hours before starting again.

One by one, the extraordinary ones took out their tents from the baggage truck and began to set up camp on the spot. The thorn totem was also deeply inserted into the yellow sand, supporting the purification barrier.

Not long after, most of the adventurers got into their tents and fell asleep soundly. A few people were left standing guard outside, and someone would take over for them in the second half of the night.

A professional level transcendent needs to meditate for four to five hours to replace more than ten hours of deep sleep, so there is no need to worry about not getting enough rest.

In the central tent, Herbert and Amiya had not started to rest for the time being. They were still talking about the incident of E-05.

Amiya's face was full of doubts: "I've also heard of the legendary Soul Reaper Crow. It used to be in the silent forest of D-06. Why did it suddenly go to E-05?"

All legendary creatures in the ruins space will not leave their area under normal circumstances.

Each area used to be the secret realm of a legendary strongman, and the environment of each secret realm was very different.

Even though legendary creatures are highly adaptable, they still like to stay within their comfort zone and generally do not move.

But now the Soul Reaper Crow went directly from D-06 to E-05, crossing four areas from E-05 to E-08 on the way. It looked strange.

Herbert said with a gloomy face: "Someone must have deliberately released bait to attract the Soul Reaper Crow, causing this beast to leave its lair!"

Amiya frowned after hearing this. This kind of behavior is very immoral, because if a legendary creature runs around, many safe routes will be cut off in the middle.

Just like this time, if they want to reach the D-05 abandoned mine from the entrance, there are two safe routes.

The E ring is divided into fifteen areas in total, and E-01 is located exactly at six o'clock.

One route is Amiya's current route, which is generally in a counter-clockwise direction.

Another safe route is to start from E-01 and follow the E-15 area in a clockwise direction, then make a large circle to reach the D-05 abandoned mine. The distance is seven times longer!

Now the route in the E-05 area is blocked by the legendary soul raven. If the crow does not leave within a short period of time, the time it will take for other adventurers to reach E-05 safely will be seven times longer!

The ruins of Miracle Hills inherently contain various dangers. The longer you stay outside, the greater the danger. Staying seven times longer is equivalent to seven times more chance of encountering danger.

Therefore, not only every adventurer hates this kind of deliberately attracting monsters, but even the legendary strong men in the camp will personally hunt down the initiator after learning about it.

Thinking of this, Amiya asked directly: "Why would someone do this?"

Herbert's face became even more gloomy: "Those who dare to do this are some crazy gangsters who make special baits to lure legendary creatures to some large adventure groups.

Let the legendary creatures kill these adventurers, and then after the legendary creatures leave, they can easily clean up the battlefield and harvest a lot of loot! "

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something and paused before speaking again.

"But once the camp gets the news, it will take up to half a month for the Soul Reaper Crow to be personally killed or driven away by the legendary powerhouses."

Amiya frowned even more tightly: "Why does it take so long?"

In fact, she had been very confused before about why there were legendary creatures in peripheral areas such as E Ring and D Ring. It was clear that those legendary strong men could remove these 'nails' as long as they joined forces.

Herbert said helplessly: "It's not that the adults are unwilling to take action, but because of the special rules in the ruins space. As long as a foreign legendary powerhouse enters, it will be sensed by the local legendary creatures, and then they will attack in groups. .

Only the Shroud of Tranquility, a powerful extraordinary item in the hands of Lord Rose, the requiem guardian of the tomb, can isolate this rule. However, the blessing time and number of people are limited, and it cannot stay in the secret space for a long time.

Only after complete preparations will several adults enter the ruins to clear the obstacles on the safe route of the Soul Reaper Crow. "

Emily suddenly realized that no wonder those legendary bosses were unwilling to enter the ruins in person, but only built a camp to attract groups of adventurers to enter the mine.

Until a solution is found, everyone is too anxious to see what they can do, and can only buy the treasures they need at high prices from the adventurers who have returned with a lot of money.

Speaking of this, Herbert also shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity that the ruins space has isolated internal and external remote communications, so Master Daniel cannot receive the news immediately."

"It doesn't matter, I have a way to inform Master Allen."

"You have it, so what's the point?! Can you inform Master Allen?"

Herbert didn't react at first, but he immediately realized what Amia was talking about.

Amiya said calmly: "The soul connection between me and the young master is very close. Even if we cannot communicate normally across the ruins space, we can still communicate a few words intermittently."

"Great, let the young master know the situation here first!"

There is a magnificent arena to the east of the camp in Miracle Hills, where brutal 'death battles' are held every day.

The battle is regardless of level, has no rules, and has no time limit. One of the two people in the field must die before the game ends.

Those who participate in the gladiatorial battle include slaves, extraordinary beings who are bound by contracts to participate, and adventurers who seek excitement or high stakes or bounties and sign up to participate in person.

Because it is a fight to the death, all contestants will try their best to make the battle exciting and enjoyable to watch.

Many times, the outcome can be reversed in an instant, resulting in a lot of uncertainties, making it even more exciting. It has become a major gambling and entertainment project for adventurers in their spare time.

At this time, the arena was exuding a restless atmosphere, and two strong professional warriors were engaged in a life-and-death struggle in the central circular square.

The spectators in the stands roared with red eyes, mostly because they had placed heavy bets on the players in the field.

The uppermost circle of the auditorium is covered with a layer of one-way transparent glass from the inside to the outside. Pairs of eyes are watching the life-and-death fight in the field through the glass.

In one of the private rooms, Carlin and Daniel watched with great interest and commented from time to time.

In addition to the two of them, there are also several "second generation" legendary seeds from other forces who are also discussing together.

Originally, Carlin didn't want to have contact with these young masters and ladies, but that guy Daniel didn't know he took the wrong medicine from time to time, and seemed to be overly enthusiastic.

Carlin was invited twice in the past few days. The first two times he made excuses to refuse, but the third time he couldn't push it through and had no choice but to agree.

After all, once it was really something, twice it was just perfunctory, and if you refuse the third time, it would be a loss of face.

Before Almeda's matter was settled, Carlin didn't want to make additional enemies, which would add some obstacles to the operation.

If he refused again, it would arouse Daniel's resentment. He didn't want the young master with white fangs to cause trouble for him.

At this moment, a warrior in the field suddenly pierced his opponent's heart with a sword, and a wave of cheers and curses erupted from the audience.

There were clearly winners and losers among the spectators betting on this fight.

Everyone in the box also commented, but Daniel said boredly: "Really, the quality of the arena is getting worse and worse, they are all this kind of stuff, and there has been no mentor-level fighting for a long time."

After hearing this, Carlin shook his head and joked: "If you are really capable, you wouldn't come here to fight as soon as your brain gets hot. Would you take the initiative to sign up for this kind of death battle?"

Daniel smacked his lips: "Of course it's impossible!"

Just when Karin was about to say something more, his expression suddenly changed: "Something happened to Amiya and the others!"

His words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and Daniel's expression changed and he quickly asked: "What's going on?"

"Amiya told me that the Soul Reaper suddenly left Area D-06 and came to Area E-05!"

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the box changed drastically.

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