Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 458 Voodoo Dwarf

After Carlin informed the matter, a group of legendary seeds immediately told their parents the news. After that, Carlin no longer had to worry, as those legendary powerful men would definitely take action.

In the endless desert, the large army rested in the edge area for six hours before setting off again.

As for the dozen survivors who escaped from E-05, Herbert just gave them some supplies and left them alone. The dozen adventurers who survived the disaster did not intend to stay here longer and wanted to leave the ruins as soon as possible. .

In the endless desert, a huge team of thousands of people formed a long queue. They marched like this for fifteen hours. As the sand under their feet turned into soil, they could see the jungle of no return one kilometer ahead.

At this time, the team stopped and started to set up camp on the spot. While the adventurers were busy, more than twenty mentor-level extraordinary people gathered in the central tent to discuss the next plan.

On the table, a map of the Jungle of No Return was spread out.

The entire jungle covers an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, and more than 90% of the area on the map is unknown.

Under normal circumstances, almost no adventurers would choose to go deep into this green hell. At most, they would just do the tooth festival on the outside. They would quit immediately after staying for three or four hours.

There is not much information about this jungle, but one thing is certain. There are no legendary creatures in the Jungle of No Return, otherwise Herbert and Amiya would not choose to cross the jungle.

But even if you want to enter, you have to make a plan before setting off. It is definitely impossible for a team of more than a thousand people to rush in like a swarm like before. If you do so, you will definitely suffer heavy losses.

“The Jungle of No Return is full of dangers, and there are also indigenous tribes of voodoo dwarves.

The most important thing is that the jungle is filled with filthy miasma everywhere. Resisting the erosion of the miasma requires a lot of spiritual energy. Even we can only stay for one day at most before we have to quit, let alone those professional levels. "

The others' faces became serious after hearing what Herbert said.

The life in the jungle has adapted to this harsh environment. Adventurers are at a disadvantage as outsiders fighting away from home. Therefore, although there are no legendary creatures in the Jungle of No Return, many people are willing to explore it.

Among the battalion commanders, only Amiya had a calm expression. She said directly: "While the team is resting, I'll go do some reconnaissance first."

Everyone else was stunned. They didn't expect this girl to be so resolute and ready to set off alone without even taking a break.

"I have been trekking for more than ten hours before. Wouldn't it be better to take a rest before setting off?"

Amiya shook her head: "I was so bored that I could only meditate and didn't need to rest at all. I will find a suitable place to camp in the jungle as soon as possible. You are ready to meet me outside."

After saying that, her figure disappeared into the tent. The adventurers who were setting up the camp outside felt their eyes blurred as a black figure rushed out of the camp at lightning speed, and finally plunged directly into the Jungle of No Return. .

It took a while for Herbert and the others to come to their senses. They walked out of the battalion commander and looked in the direction of the jungle, speechless.

As soon as she entered the jungle, Amiya felt that her eyes were covered with a dark green layer.

The jungle is filled with tangled vines, overgrown flowers and grasses, and a variety of plants with saw-toothed barbs. There is no place to put your feet, and there are even highly poisonous insects inhabiting it.

In addition, the most threatening thing in Amiya's eyes is the thin layer of gray mist miasma filling the air.

Although the miasma does not affect the vision, it subtly threatens the lives of extraordinary people, and they have to dedicate part of their spirituality to resist the erosion of the miasma.

The high concentration of chaotic spirituality in the air is already a headache. Coupled with the threat of miasma, it is simply not a place where professional-level extraordinary people can stay for a long time.

The spirituality formed a protective shield on Amiya's body, preventing the miasma from harming her.

She was not in a hurry to go deeper, but started shaking him.

Next to Amiya, Snicki's figure gradually turned from necessity to reality. The moment the transmission was completed, Snicki's figure disappeared in an instant.

After doing all this, Amiya stepped forward quickly. As she advanced, silver threads appeared out of thin air and flew around her body.

The vines and weeds that were more than half a person's height could not hinder Amiya's footsteps at all, and were directly crushed by the spiritual thread.

Her whole body was like a bulldozer, forcibly grinding out a smooth road.

As Amiya gradually went deeper into the jungle, the light became darker and darker, and she advanced more than ten kilometers in less than half an hour.

Along the way, she deliberately limited her momentum to the professional level.

The average level of extraordinary creatures on the outskirts of the jungle is not very high. After some beasts along the way sensed Amiya's existence, they did not choose to attack actively, but waited and watched cautiously.

About five minutes later, Amiya discovered some clues by observing her surroundings.

There are various traces in the moist soil, such as paw prints, remains, excrement, animal fluids, etc.

Among these traces are also mixed the tracks of some bipedal upright animals.

These footprints are obviously much smaller than those of ordinary adults, about the size of a three- or four-year-old child's feet.

But obviously it is impossible for a three-year-old child to come to the Jungle of No Return, so the answer is obvious. These footprints were left by voodoo dwarves less than one meter tall.

Just when Amiya was about to observe the spirituality on the footprints and wanted to track it through spirituality, she suddenly sensed something and narrowed her eyes slightly.


A subtle cracking sound rippled in the air. Although it was inaudible, it was extremely clear to Amiya's sensitive ears.

More than a dozen short, thin arrows instantly surrounded Amiya from three directions, killing her quickly.

Amiya did not take the initiative to dodge. More than a dozen arrows immediately hit her, but they were directly blocked by the tough combat uniform and could not break through the defense at all.


In just the blink of an eye, Amiya quickly pulled out the revolver on her thigh and fired three shots in three directions.

The three large-caliber bullets suddenly exploded again during flight, and exploded into fifteen small-caliber bullets that were shot into the grass in three directions, accurately hitting the sneak attacker.

The next moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the grass, and the smell of blood gradually filled the air.

Amiya quickly released a spiritual thread to clear the nearby grass, only to see a dozen voodoo dwarves lying on the ground.

These voodoo dwarves are less than one meter in stature, have dark brown skin, wear grass skirts woven with rattan branches and leaves around their waists, and have colorful tattoos painted with extraordinary pigments.

These people are the voodoo dwarves common in the wilderness areas of the New World.

Although these dwarves are short in stature, they have ferocious habits, are agile and agile, and are also proficient in voodoo curses.

Voodoo dwarves are not taboo against cannibalism. They skin and cramp the extraordinary beings and then apply special spices and grill them to make a delicious meal.

They even retain the custom of cannibalism. After a voodoo dwarf dies, his body will be eaten by family members or friends. This is a corpse-eating ritual unique to the voodoo dwarves.

All voodoo dwarves believe that after eating the corpse of their companions, their souls will be with them, making them stronger.

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