Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 460 Unexpected Peace

After being reprimanded by Herbert, these adventure group leaders left the camp in disgrace.

Then they reprimanded their subordinates one after another, and then divided half of the loot and handed it over to Herbert and Amiya.

All the adventurers were shocked after being warned, and their expressions became more serious.

Amiya and Herbert do not require these adventurers to follow all orders and prohibitions, because this is unrealistic, but at least they cannot be too scattered.

This episode did not affect the prisoner interrogation work. Thanks to the efforts of some extraordinary people who had great research on souls, several prisoners with relatively higher status quickly revealed a large amount of information with blurred eyes.

Compared to the previous two trainee-level prisoners, these people knew a lot more.

This voodoo dwarf tribe named Nunuki is just an ordinary small tribe, and it doesn't rank at all in the Jungle of No Return.

The usual hunting range is about twenty kilometers in radius, and the nearest tribe is more than fifty kilometers away from them.

The voodoo dwarf tribe in the jungle does not interact very frequently except for performing sacrifices together on special days. Each tribe has its own hunting range.

They have a very strong sense of territory. If they rashly step into the hunting range of other tribes without saying hello, it will be regarded as a provocation and invasion, and they will automatically become the prey of the other tribe.

The most powerful Skinning Tribe occupies the richest area in the center, and the highest-ranking chiefs and high priests in the tribe are both mentor-level legendary seeds.

After learning this information, Herbert and Amiya both agreed that they should not go too far into the jungle, and it was best to only operate in the fringe areas.

They just wanted to pass through the Jungle of No Return as much as possible, and they didn't want to provoke the powerful tribes in the depths.

Fortunately, he got a map of a small part of the jungle from several prisoners. From the map, Herbert got a route along the edge area to the D-05 abandoned mine, a total distance of more than 800 kilometers.

After determining the route, the team did not set off immediately. Instead, they rested for a while at the Nunuki tribe, while Amiya set off alone for reconnaissance again.

The next camp site is more than fifty kilometers away from the nearest tribe. Although the strength of the tribe is not worth mentioning in their eyes, the reconnaissance work cannot be careless.

An hour later, Amiya's figure walked out of the dense forest again, and Herbert immediately came up to her and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"How's it going? Is the route safe?"

"The route is safe, there is no problem," Amiya nodded, but immediately changed the topic and said urgently, "But I suggest leaving as soon as possible, the sooner we can make an appointment!"


Herbert frowned and asked, "We have just settled in the Nunuki tribe. Everyone is still hot and we have to set off again. Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

Wouldn't it be better to at least wait until everyone has completed a three- to four-hour deep meditation to restore their mental state to peak before setting off?

Faced with the question, Amiya just said calmly: "We are outsiders after all, and the movement caused by more than a thousand people cannot be hidden from the tribes deep in the jungle.

Believe me, it will take at most one day for the Skinned Tribe to receive the message and take action. I guess you don’t want to fight a large number of voodoo dwarves in the jungle, right? "

Herbert's face hardened, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Voodoo dwarves were all born jungle hunters, and he did not dare to really regard the tribes in the depths as weak natives like some adventurers did.

Now it is business to hurry up and leave as soon as possible before other tribes know of their existence!

Not in time, all the adventurers had just finished setting up camp and had rested for less than half an hour when they received the order to set off immediately.

Many people complained in various ways, but their arms could not hold their thighs. Those adventure group leaders also knew that they would suffer severely if the delay continued.

In this way, most of the adventurers quickly dismantled and packed their tents with reluctance and set off again.

The team advanced mightily in the jungle, and the auras of more than a thousand extraordinary people gathered together, making the beasts along the way afraid to stay.

The adventurer vigorously waved the machete in his hand to cut through the thorns. Although the speed was much slower than traveling on the plains, he was still able to maintain a speed of more than ten kilometers per hour.

About three hours later, they arrived at the second tribe.

The small tribes outside the jungle are very weak, and the strongest ones are only at the professional level.

After a period of massacre, the adventurers easily captured this small tribe.

When cleaning the battlefield this time, the adventurers learned the lesson. They first asked their captain to ask Herbert and Amiya for their opinions. After receiving the reply that they were not interested in the spoils, they started to happily divide them up.

After dividing up the spoils, the adventurers' complaints about being forced to set off disappeared.

In any case, they have all benefited more or less, and there are even many adventurers who can't wait to set off to the three tribes immediately.

However, Herbert has set the rules. Those who leave the team without permission are not only responsible for life and death, but also receive no remuneration or pension.

This rule made all the adventurers calm down before setting up camp again to seize the time to rest, while Amiya went out alone for reconnaissance again.

Another hour later, Amiya returned and the team set off again.

The adventure team moved with great speed, heading towards the abandoned mine along the edge of the Jungle of No Return. The surrounding voodoo dwarf tribe was unable to fight back against them.

Both Amiya and Herbert wished they could all rush out of the Jungle of No Return without stopping, but this was just a beautiful fantasy.

Resisting the miasma in the jungle consumes too much spiritual energy for the extraordinary. He must rest for at least one hour every three or four hours, which is already the limit.

The team moved forward very smoothly. Before the voodoo dwarves could react, they kept pulling out tribes one after another in the outer areas as temporary garrison points.

At this time, Snitch had entered the depths of the jungle, alerting him to the possible emergence of strong voodoo dwarves.

Fortunately, most of the errors were detected very quickly. After the news was discovered, it would still take a while to reach the depths of the jungle. This time was enough for Amiya and the others to leave the Jungle of No Return.

Two days passed by in a flash, and the adventure team was not far from D-05. As long as they worked harder, they could leave this green hell.

However, Snitch, who has been wandering deep in the jungle and watching, feels that the situation is very strange. So far, there has been no movement at all from the tribes.

In two days, no matter how slow these voodoo dwarves were, they should have realized that a large number of outsiders had entered the jungle, but now they made no move.

With this doubt in mind, until Amiya walked out of the Jungle of No Return, the adventure team did not encounter any voodoo dwarf attacks.

She turned around and glanced at the vibrant jungle behind her. Although this trip was unexpectedly safe, her doubts could only be buried in her heart for the time being.

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