Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 469 Key items at the magic circle node

"Please come in."

After receiving the response, Herbert opened the cloth door and entered the camp. He was shocked when he saw Amiya dressed up, but he did not behave too rudely.

"Beautiful Miss Amiya, you must be the masterpiece of a certain Si Chen."

Amiya just nodded calmly: "Thank you for the compliment, let's get down to business."

Herbert was a little uncomfortable facing such a vigorous and resolute manner. He originally wanted to be more polite.

But he didn't care. After pondering for a while, he said: "I am willing to exchange for the totem of the Skinned Tribe in exchange for 50,000 spirit gold coins."

Amiya was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that the price was lower, but that it was higher.

In the battle just now, the most difficult thing to solve was not the three legendary seeds of Kukuli, the High Priest and the Gold-Eating Crocodile King, but the original totem.

Totem is a very powerful extraordinary item. Almost all indigenous tribes in the New World will create their own totems for sacrifice.

Over time, the tribe's guardian spirit will be born in the totem, and the guardian spirit is very powerful.

It took no effort for them to kill the three legendary seeds Amiya before.

But when it was the turn of the totem in the end, it was she who joined forces with Death Master Snitch, Lightning Ghost Little Edison, Evil Spirit Raymond and the Alchemy Colossus to completely interrupt the totem and eliminate the giant-faced guardian spirit.

The attack power of the giant face does not exceed the scope of the mentor level, but its survivability is very strong. It can recover quickly every time it is broken up. Only by completely destroying the totem can the giant face be eliminated.

But now that the totem has been broken into two pieces, its value must be greatly reduced, and only the Voodoo Dwarf tribe can repair it.

Amiya's psychological price was only 20,000 spirit gold coins, but she didn't expect Herbert to ask for 50,000.

She quickly reacted and agreed without hesitation: "Deal!"

She didn't care what Herbert wanted to do with the totem. Of course Amiya was willing to earn an extra thirty thousand.

Both parties were happy, but Herbert didn't make the deal right away.

“I don’t have enough money on me at the moment, can I exchange it with the body of the Gold-Eating Crocodile?”

Amiya shook her head: "Sorry, let's trade it with spiritual gold coins."

"Is that so?" Herbert did not refuse after hearing this. "Then we can only wait until we get back before making the transaction?"


The two parties reached an agreement on this, and both parties were very satisfied with this transaction.

During the chat, Amiya asked casually: "I would like to ask, why are you willing to pay 50,000 yuan to buy this damaged totem? Oh, if it is inconvenient to say, I will pretend that I have not asked this question."

This obvious premium is fishy at first glance. Of course, Amiya is just a little curious about it. If the other party is unwilling to answer, she will not get to the bottom of it.

Herbert, who was in a good mood, did not show off and spoke with a smile.

"You and Master Allen have just arrived at Miracle Hills. You may not know yet that the ruins space is actually a huge seal. This information is not a secret even in the circle of legendary powerful people."

Amiya was shocked that these big forces had actually discovered this.

Herbert didn't know the other party's psychological activities and continued to explain.

"This space is made up of the secret realms of nearly a hundred legendary strongmen who have long since fallen. Each secret realm has a key item that suppresses the magic circle nodes of each secret realm, and together they form this huge sealing magic circle! "

The more Amiya listened, the more she felt something was wrong. She quickly asked: "Could it be that the totem of the Skinned Tribe is one of the nodes?"

Herbert nodded: "Yes, the totem suppresses the magic circle node of D-04 No Return Jungle, and the key item in the D-05 abandoned mine is the mother ore!

After your research, you have found that if you get the key items, you can destroy the magic circle nodes, but you can still maintain operation by destroying only a few seal magic circles. You must destroy more than half of the nodes to destroy the seal!

Just like our mission to find the ore mother this time, some of the bounties with rich bounties in the bounty hall are all for obtaining key items. "

Amiya frowned and asked: "No one knows what is sealed, just in case it is something terrible."

At the same time, she felt relieved.

It seems that these powerful people have only scratched the surface of their research and are not clear about the nature of the seal.

The seal was placed by the three god kings Milton, Sage, and King of Fighters in succession. It is not that easy to break.

Herbert didn't know what Amiya was thinking, and he smiled confidently after hearing the other party's worries.

"No matter what is sealed, even if it is a semi-god-level evil object, there is no need to worry if you adults join forces."

He was full of confidence in his heart, and when multiple major forces united together, no matter what kind of monsters they were, they wouldn't be able to act like monsters.

Amiya also showed relief at this and no longer dwelled on this topic.

And while the two were chatting casually, the banyan tree in the virtual kingdom of heaven once again summoned Ameda, who was a trainee.

As soon as Almeida appeared, she said bitterly: "Why did you call me for so long!"

The banyan tree was embarrassed: "Aren't I afraid of disturbing you?"

Immediately he received a scolding from the other party: "Do you know how I got here for tens of thousands of years?

Although the space inside the seal is large enough, I am the only one there!

In the Third Era, Milton and the others often came to visit me and talk to me, and in the Fourth Era, Dajiao did not forget to visit me every once in a while.

I was the only one left in the Fifth Era. If I hadn't taken the initiative to enter a deep sleep state, I would have been tortured crazy by loneliness.

Since you summoned me for the first time, I have stopped sleeping and am waiting for your summons to chat with me every day, but you are such a heartless guy."

For a moment, Almelda poured out his bitter words. Tens of thousands of years of loneliness directly made him evolve into a talkative person, and he vented like this for more than half an hour.

Banyan Tree could only maintain an awkward yet polite smile and listen quietly.

"Huh, come and stay with me more often when you have nothing to do in the future. You are the only friend I have left in this world. Tell me, what do you want to see me for this time?"

As if she was tired of talking, Almeida finally got down to business.

Rongshu rubbed his stiff face and organized his words before saying: "Those big forces have discovered that this is a seal and are working to break it. Can you tell me whether the seal is safe or not?"

After hearing this, Almeida's beautiful face was stunned.

"Is everything you said true?"

"More real than Lingjin!"

"How far along are they?"

"Key items from each node are being collected."

After confirming again and again, Almeida frowned and said to Carlin: "."

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