Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 470 Wouldn’t that be better! ! ! !

"They are all mistaken. It is not a seal, but a magic circle that maintains my existence. The real seal only exists in the underground wind cave."

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Aimeida's face became melancholy after hearing this.

"I was supposed to be dead, but Milton closely connected my power seeds with the secret realms. These secret realms continued to replenish my vitality through the magic circle, allowing me to survive."

"If the magic circle is destroyed, these secret realms will be integrated into the mortal space, and I will lose the source of my power."

After a while of exchange, Rongshu’s brows also wrinkled.

Almeda's current situation is very bad. His vitality is equivalent to sourceless water, and he must rely on the power of the secret realm to replenish his life.

If the magic circle is destroyed, Aimida will also be finished.

The banyan tree quickly asked: "Does the Ice Ghost clan still have blood left in the world?"

Almeida's face became even more bitter: "My people were all taken away by Milton in the third era."

The banyan tree took a deep breath and asked with the last glimmer of hope: "How long can you survive after the magic circle is destroyed?"

"Three days at most."

After hearing this number, the banyan tree looked at Aimeda with a dead look in his eyes and said: "Have a good journey, I will spread your secret information as much as possible and cultivate a school for you. See you again in a thousand years."

Almeda immediately became angry: "You're such a heartless person, just leave me alone?"

The banyan tree said with a pained face: "What's the point of yelling at me? If you want to scold me, just scold that incompetent guy Milton. It's that guy who let you off the hook, and it's the same guy who helped you get the magic circle.

There are legendary creature sites everywhere along the way from the entrance to the underground wind cave. You want me to fly directly there! "

Almeida was also choked, and it took her a long time to hold back a sentence: "I'm afraid it's not safe to fly."

"Hey, you're quite humorous!" The banyan tree was immediately annoyed.

The two of them fell silent after exchanging a few words, and began racking their brains to think about how to act to save Almeida's life.

But after thinking about it for a long time, there was no good solution.

It is very difficult for Carlin to go to the underground wind cave. The key is that there is no safe route, and there are many places in the three ring areas A, B, and C that are unknown areas. Who knows what kind of monsters and monsters he will encounter.

Moreover, even if he successfully reaches the sealing place and meets with Almeda, he still has to arrange the [Resurrection] ceremony from scratch, and he doesn’t know if the time is up or not.

In the end, the banyan tree could only say helplessly: "As you can see, the situation is like this, and I can't guarantee that I will be able to reach the underground wind cave before you die.

If it doesn't work, I can only help you cultivate a school. Just sleep a little longer and be more open-minded. Anyway, you will be reborn in the future. "

After hearing this, Almeida also wilted, and said with a look of regret: "Why were I so mean back then? Wouldn't it be better to die honestly? It only takes a thousand years at most to be reborn! "

After hearing this, Rongshu joked: "Then you won't be able to see me. Let's agree first. If I can really help you this time, I will come out. I must make my brother feel happy!"

"How many times have I told you that I am a man!"

“Wouldn’t that be better!!!!”


"Hey, I told you to be polite, believe it or not, I'm going to dig you up now?"


In the valley full of bloody thorns, the adventurers set up camp and began to explore the mines.

The roads in the mine are complicated. In addition to the abandoned mine pits, there are also tunnels opened by the Gold-Eating Crocodile. It is easy to get dizzy after entering.

However, these adventurers are not vegetarians. There are various extraordinary items used for positioning, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

After entering, don't rush to find the mother mine. Instead, record the routes one by one and finish exploring the map.

Since most of the gold-eating crocodiles have been killed, there are only a few adult gold-eating crocodiles left in the mine to take care of a group of cubs. The total number is less than 500, which can only cause a little trouble to the adventurers.

In general, the exploration process went smoothly, but it was a bit time-consuming, and this task could not be completed in a few days.

After the adventurers explored for two days, they only completed one-tenth of the exploration.

Amiya gradually became impatient with waiting. Her mission had been completed and she didn't want to waste time here. After all, it was Herbert's mission to find the ore mother, not hers.

And just when she was about to say goodbye to Herbert on the pretext of needing to go back to recuperate, a group of guests suddenly arrived in the valley.

On this day, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky, and a huge pattern of thorns exploded.

Herbert and Amiya quickly walked out of their tents after being alerted.

Looking at the thorn pattern, Herbert said with a happy face: "Great, the young master has sent someone to pick us up!"

Then Herbert couldn't wait to run towards the entrance of the valley, and Amelia followed closely behind.

When they arrived at the entrance, they saw a group of people coming towards them in the distance.

The leader was a handsome white-haired man, wearing a straight white uniform with a pattern of thorns embroidered on it, which was the symbol of the White Fang.

The white-haired man was followed by fifty blood knights who were all covered in armor, including ten at the mentor level.

Amiya was shocked when she saw this. The White Fangs indeed had a profound knowledge. The Blood Knights were like consumables. Herbert had just finished harming four people.

During the past two days, she and Herbert also found out some public information about the Blood Knight.

All blood knights are transformed from living people with a special bloodline implanted into them. Although they can quickly gain powerful strength, they have many disadvantages.

After the transformation, the blood knight has low intelligence, only the fighting instinct is left, and he is a pure tool man. Moreover, his lifespan is also greatly shortened due to the intense transformation.

Regardless of whether it is a professional level or a mentor level, the lifespan is only five years at most.

But this kind of absolutely loyal cyborg warrior is indeed very easy to use, and is loved by all members of the White Fang. They use it to death, and after a batch of them die, they continue to transform a batch of them.

Anyway, there is no shortage of anything in the world but living people.

After Herbert saw the white-haired man, he also showed a look of joy on his face. He waved and shouted from a distance: "Herit, I'm here!"

Soon, Herrit also came to the two of them with a group of blood knights.

He looked at Amiya and was stunned, then bowed slightly and performed a gentleman's courtesy gracefully.

"This must be Miss Amiya. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful and charming. The flowers in bloom will be eclipsed by you!"

Amiya also replied reservedly: "Thank you for your compliment."

After exchanging pleasantries, Herritt said to Herbert: "Sir Herbert, Master Daniel sent me to assist you, but it doesn't seem like my help is needed here."

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