Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 502 Blood Tax

She frantically broke away from Almeida and roughly grabbed the Blood Tear Crystal, but her movements froze when she realized that her brother was being covered by an unknown strong man.

After seeing the young man's longing eyes, Amiya said: "I'll let go of your mouth, but don't shout loudly!"

The young man nodded quickly. After Amiya let go, Lilian desperately stuffed the Blood Tear Crystal into the young man's mouth.

The next moment, there was a sucking sound, and the pink teardrop-shaped crystal began to fade, and streams of bright red liquid flowed from the crystal down the boy's esophagus and into his heart.

The bloodshot eyes gradually dissipated, and the raised blood vessels on his face gradually disappeared. The boy's weak state recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A minute later, the Blood and Tear Crystal completely turned white. What made Amiya and Almeida look at them was that the aura on the boy's body had become a bit stronger.

Lilian burst into tears of joy and looked at the two of them gratefully.

The two looked at each other and had some guesses about the function of the blood and tear crystals.

‘It seems that blood tear crystals are equivalent to high-quality blood, which not only allows vampires to satisfy their hunger, but also shortens the growth cycle. ’

By observing the spirituality of the vampire boy in front of him, Carlin saw that it would take at least ten years for him to complete his first development if he relied solely on natural growth.

But after absorbing the life energy of a blood and tear crystal, he actually completed more than three months of progress. The young man only needed more than forty blood and tear crystals to prepare for career promotion.

Thinking of this, Carlin was also itchy and wanted to try whether taking blood and tear crystals by himself could also shorten the growth cycle.

But he quickly put the idea aside, now was not the time.

Almeida looked at Lilian and went straight to the topic: "We have just been resurrected not long ago and have forgotten many things. What day is today?"

Lilian said in surprise: "Two adults, where are your memory crystals?"

Almeida and Amiya suddenly understood that many vampires who survived in the wilderness in the ruins of the Queen's District were often in danger.

Therefore, when the battle is at an absolute disadvantage, he will quietly transfer his heart to a secret place through magic. It only takes two or three days to become a hero again.

But every time you resurrect, you will forget a lot of memories.

From Lilian's words, they immediately guessed that vampires would prepare information storage tools such as memory crystals in advance to back up their memories so that they could regain their memories when they were resurrected after death.

Thinking of this, Amiya replied with a normal expression: "We have temporarily forgotten the location of the memory crystal. Can you tell us what day today is?"

Lillian felt strange for a while. Generally, when vampires transfer their hearts and cut off their tails to survive, they will prepare memory crystals in advance at a secret resurrection location.

But what happened to these two people?

Didn't you prepare the memory crystal before resurrection?

Although she had many questions in her mind, Lilian did not dare to ask more questions due to the huge gap in strength between herself and the two of them. Instead, she answered Amiya's question with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I'm sorry. Sir, I have forgotten the normal time. Only the order area still preserves the time system before the disaster."

Amida just showed a puzzled expression and continued: "Order area?"

Lilian suddenly felt sympathy. These two newly resurrected professional-level adults had forgotten a lot of things. They even forgot the common sense of the order area.

The young man on the side who regained his vitality shouted excitedly: "I know, I know, the order area is"

"Willy! Keep your voice down!"

Lilian was immediately frightened, fearing that her brother's loud voice would attract nearby fallen ghosts.

And Almeida said calmly: "Don't worry, the fallen ghosts nearby are not very strong, and we have already cleaned them up."

Lilian immediately breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, while Willy said with a longing look on his face: "The Order District is the seat of the vampire coalition government, and it just blocks those terrifying machine spirits in the north.

I heard that the Order District not only has a superior environment, but all vampires are also allocated enough blood and tear crystals, and there are many humans living with them. "


"Oh, these human extraordinary beings will regularly contribute a certain amount of blood as food reserves for the vampires in the Order Zone. It would be great if my sister and I could live in the Order Zone."

As he spoke, Sally also showed a look of admiration, while Lillian on the side shook her head with a wry smile.

"I'm afraid this can only happen in a dream. I have only heard that the Order Zone will regularly exile a group of vampires to the Wild Area. I have never heard of anyone in the Wild Zone being allowed to enter the Order Zone."

Amiya and Almeda received a wealth of information directly from the words of the siblings.

White Fang may have rebuilt the Order Zone into a prosperous city, and a large number of human extraordinary people also live in the Order Zone and live in harmony with the vampires there.

I just don’t know the purpose of regularly exiling a group of vampires to the wilderness.

Is it for some purpose to keep the number of vampires in the wild area within a certain range?

Or is it because the pressure on the vampire population in the Order District is too great and the supply of blood and Blood Tear Crystals exceeds the demand, so they have to be exiled regularly?

While Karin was thinking about these questions, Almeida suddenly asked the siblings: "What about the vampires? Are there any vampires in the order area?"

To their surprise, Lilian and Willy had blank expressions on their faces.

"The Vampires? What are the Vampires? Is their blood delicious?"

Amiya and Almeda looked at each other and changed the topic directly.

"We have just been resurrected and cannot find the memory crystal. Many important things have been forgotten. Can you take us to your settlement to settle down temporarily?"

Unexpectedly, Lilian showed a troubled expression and hesitated about what she wanted to say but couldn't.

Almeida said in a gentle tone: "Don't be afraid. Although we are not good people, we are not bad people either. You can speak out boldly no matter what difficulties you have."

Lilian listened to the gentle voice, looked at Almelda's handsome face again, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and finally plucked up the courage to speak.

"Two adults, there are only two days until the day to pay the blood tax this month. If you join the settlement, you must prepare blood and tear crystals in advance as tax."

Amiya asked in confusion: "Everyone has a hard time just surviving in the jungle, but you still have to pay taxes? Is it your leader who wants to collect taxes?"

"No, it's a bill enacted by the coalition government. Each settlement must pay a certain amount of Blood Tear Crystals as a blood tax every month."

After listening to Lilian's explanation, Carlin, who was hiding at the side, suddenly felt resentful.

‘Fuck, White Fang is nothing. You’re trying to force me to fight against taxes with arms! ’

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