Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 503 Underground Warehouse

The ruins of the wild area are full of fallen ghosts wandering around. Although Lillian and Willy look like they are still underage, the cruel environment has already made them mature early.

Along the way, as they quietly shuttled through the ruins with Amiya and Almeda, they could not see the immaturity of the novices at all.

Soon the group came to a broken building.

Before the Machine Soul Disaster broke out, the Queen's District had built many underground warehouses or temporary shelters with defenses and hidden barriers.

Now these places have become hiding places for vampires struggling to survive in the wilderness. Repairing and transforming the damaged barriers can dispel the red mist and become a safe haven.

Lilian walked to a pile of debris near the Broken Building, stretched out her palm and pressed it on an inconspicuous stone, which lit up a red pattern.

With a roar, a pile of rocks automatically moved to the left and right, revealing a narrow hole.

Carlin also looked sideways for a while. If it hadn't been for the passage, he wouldn't have noticed that there was a building structure under the debris pile. The concealment measures in the settlement were indeed very good.

The settlement where Lilian is located has no name. It was formerly an underground warehouse of a certain factory.

After entering the passage, Lilian and Willy knew that they had temporarily lost most of their common sense, so they started to popularize science for them.

"One Blood Tear Crystal can satisfy a vampire's blood needs for a month. Willy has not eaten for a day. If it lasts another day, he will be driven out to fend for himself."

"New people will join the settlement every once in a while, and old people who are thirsty for blood will be kicked out. For Willy, I have to go out alone to explore and find the Blood Tear Crystal."

"In addition to blood crystal trees, there are also scattered blood and tear crystals born in other places. I relied on the pocket watch left by my father to search for blood and tear crystals. Although it is not very accurate, it can narrow the search range."

"In addition to the blood and tear crystals, the mist crystals left behind by the fallen ghosts are also important resources. As an important means of spiritual supplementation, mist crystals are needed for medicine, alchemy, and maintaining the operation of the barrier."

During the explanation, they were actually quite skeptical as to how a resurrected vampire could lose his memory crystal and thus be ignorant of most common sense.

However, the equipment and strength of Almelda and Amiya cannot be faked, and the siblings are just thinking about it in their hearts.

Karin and Almeda also received a lot of information. Soon they walked out of the dark passage and entered the underground settlement. Several lighting crystals provided dim light.

The space of the huge warehouse was fully utilized and divided into rooms.

Along the way, Almeda and Amiya also saw mysterious patterns painted on the walls, forming a barrier that integrated defense, concealment, and purification.

At this time, Lilian and Willy took off their gas masks on their own initiative and took a deep breath of the air here.

But he heard their movements. From time to time, men and women poked their heads out of the room. Most of them had numb expressions, as if they had been malnourished for a long time. Their eyes were full of curiosity and wariness as they looked at Almeda and Amiya.

Lilian and Willy led the two of them deeper and deeper, and finally stopped in front of a room.

Almeida noticed that this room was several times larger than the other rooms, and there was a notice board hanging at the door, which stated the tax day announcement.

"Where is this?" Almeda asked curiously.

"Oh, this is Uncle Sid's room. He is an alchemist. All the potions and equipment in the settlement are made by him and his apprentices, and the barrier is maintained by him."

Lilian immediately introduced: "Uncle Sid usually assists the leader in managing other people. He is a very good person. He will be very happy to know that you are joining!"

Amiya sensed it, and sure enough she sensed that there was an alchemy workbench and some other simple equipment in the room, which was a small alchemy workshop.

"Uncle Sid, I have something to tell you."

"Oh, come in quickly."

The metal door of the room suddenly opened silently, allowing Almelda and Amiya to see the scene inside.

The room was very clean and the poor conditions did not compromise the cleaning requirements.

This is not because of mysophobia, but because the accumulation of alchemical waste will cause pollution. Qualified alchemists will have a good habit of keeping their alchemy room clean and tidy.

A bald middle-aged man with a kind face and well-dressed face was sitting on a rocking chair, exuding the aura of a mentor.

This made both Almelda and Amiya shake their heads secretly.

Although it is not uncommon for the number of extraordinary people in the mortal world to increase to the mentor level, it does not mean that their worth has been greatly reduced. On the contrary, the status of the mentor level is still very high.

Normally, legends and demigods rarely show up, and the highest level ordinary extraordinary people come into contact with is only the mentor level.

No matter where they go, they can live happily as long as they don't mess with anyone they can't afford to mess with.

But now Sid, a mentor, can only live in this simple alchemy room, which is very sad.

There are three apprentices standing next to him in front of the alchemy workbench, mixing some kind of magic potion. Two of them are working on various materials, and one is responsible for the formal refining.

At this time, a small barrier has been set up near the alchemy workbench to block all kinds of sounds from the outside world. The entry of Aimeida and his team did not alarm them.

"You brought strangers into the settlement?"

Sid also saw Almeda and Amiya at this time, his eyes looked at them with a trace of red light, and his face became serious after feeling the professional level aura and sophisticated equipment of the other party.

"Uncle Sid, these two are Mr. Almeda and Miss Amiya. They were resurrected not long ago, but they did not find their memory crystal when they were resurrected."

Lilian said respectfully.

"Oh, it's so rare."

Sid had reservations about this statement, with a playful expression on his face.

"I have lived for more than two hundred years, and this is the first time I have heard of someone actually losing their memory crystal."

It is obvious that the reasons Amida and Amiya made up at random can only fool children like Lillian and Willy, and they will definitely be questioned when they meet an old man like Sid.

"Sorry, that's the truth. We just want to stay in your place for a while. We will leave in a month or two. During this period, we will also contribute to the settlement."

Almeida replied with a smile, but Sid was still unconvinced, but he did not continue to hold on to this question, but said: "Old man, I don't have to say anything about this, wait until that guy Evans comes back. talk later."

Amiya thought for a while, then took out a small bag from her body and threw it to Sid.

Sid took it doubtfully and shook it in his hand. He immediately heard a crisp and sweet collision sound, and his eyes widened.

He quickly opened the rope to reveal a hole in the small bag, and immediately saw the blood and tear crystals emitting crystal clear light.

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