Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 518 Mentor Level

After some criticism and education, Lilian nervously opened the safety, raised the rifle and tried hard to adjust the muzzle to point at a professional fallen ghost more than 20 meters away.

When the crosshair was gradually aimed at the fallen ghost, the hidden barrier suddenly expanded outwards, just enough to cover the fallen ghost.

Lilian was still trying hard to aim, but the fallen ghost had already sensed her aura, its eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red light, and it roared towards her.

"Lillian, danger!"

The sudden change made Evans' expression change. Now Lillian could barely even hit a fixed target, let alone a fallen ghost moving at high speed.

And just when he was about to take action, Almeida suddenly stopped him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

At this time, Lillian also realized that the fallen ghost had discovered her, and a fear suddenly arose in her heart. However, her previous experience of following Evans into the ruins did not make her lose her sense of proportion.

Knowing that there was no time to take aim, Lillian quickly pulled the trigger.


She could only shoot based on her own feelings, and her hits all depended on her faith. As the fallen ghost got closer and closer, she became even more nervous. The opponent's figure moved left and right, and she missed five consecutive shots.


By the sixth shot, the Fallen Ghost was less than six meters away from Lilian, and the difficulty of shooting dropped sharply. Finally, a shot hit the Fallen Ghost's chest.

In an instant, a blood flower bloomed. The impact of the extraordinary bullet caused the Fallen Ghost to lose his center of gravity and fall to the ground. The bullet opened a small hole in his chest as thick as an index finger, and blood flowed outward.

Lilian seized the opportunity and continued to shoot. Regardless of the pain in her shoulder caused by the recoil, she continued to fire four shots at the fallen ghost that fell to the ground. The blows made its body twitch wildly, and four blood flowers bloomed again.


The little girl's palms were filled with sweat. She didn't come back to her senses until a clicking sound reminded her that the bullets were exhausted. She looked at the fallen ghost who fell to the ground and twitched and finally took a breath. He put down the muzzle of the gun and rubbed his sore shoulders.

But at this moment, the wounds on the fallen ghost healed quickly, and he stood up again and pounced on Lilian.

Looking at the other party's ferocious and bloodthirsty face, she was completely panicked.


There was a sudden loud noise on the ground, and a thick vine burst out of the ground and entangled the fallen ghost.

After a crisp sound of bones shattering, the fallen ghost's body languished softly, and soon spontaneously combusted into a pile of ashes. The sun vine that had completed its task drilled back into the ground, leaving only a mound on the ground.

Lilian, who had been trying to survive the disaster, finally let go of the inner tension she held in her heart, and sat down on the ground with a haunted expression.

At this time, Almeida walked up to her and pulled her up, saying to everyone: "You can't kill a fallen ghost with a gun,"

Everyone also had expressions of deep understanding. The difference in extraordinary levels meant that the only way to hit the target was by faith. Moreover, even if you were lucky enough to hit the target, the enemy would only suffer some injuries and still posed a great threat.

Lilian has no ability to sense where the heart of a professional-level fallen ghost is. Even if she sees it, she can't aim and can only try her luck.

Then Evans asked doubtfully: "Isn't it a bit reluctant to train them with professional-level fallen ghosts? Why not start with the apprentice level first?"

Almeida shook her head: "When you go out to explore, do you have the right to choose the level of the enemy?"

Evans stopped talking for a moment, and Lillian quickly recovered after this episode. After checking the rifle, she handed it over to Willy beside her to continue training.

Gunshots continued to ring out in the cave, and one professional-level fallen ghost after another was individually shrouded in by the hidden barrier.

Basically, even if ten apprentice-level vampires have guns, they are just lambs to be slaughtered against a professional-level fallen demon. Every time, Sun Vine emerges from the ground and saves them.

However, Almeda did not expect them to win in a duel with the fallen ghosts. She only wanted to exercise their courage so that they would become fearful when they get used to it and be able to think calmly when encountering similar dangers.

Time passed unconsciously, and after twelve o'clock at noon, Almeida took them back to the base.

Evans had a relaxed look on his face on the way, but everyone else had a haunted look on his face. The wide-eyed glare he faced with the fallen ghost left a deep psychological shadow on them.

After returning to the base, Lilian and the others were replaced by ten other trainee-level vampires and continued training with Almelda.

The daily life in the base is so boring, but all vampires cherish their current life very much and do not feel bored at all.

They were like shriveled sponges, absorbing all kinds of knowledge crazily. Whether it was alchemy or firearms use, they had to learn. In addition, they also had to undergo queue training.

I get up at six o'clock in the morning and meditate and rest at twelve o'clock in the evening. This kind of life is extremely fulfilling.

The days passed day by day, and finally it was the fifth day of the promotion ceremony.

In the virtual kingdom of God, Karin's eyes were closed tightly, and his body was wrapped in red light. The five promotion materials had already turned into powder and dissipated, and his power seeds were making their final move.


A red beam of light rose into the sky. Karin and the five marionettes opened their eyes at the same time, and the mentor-level aura spread unbridled in all directions.

After a while, the scene gradually calmed down and the red light dissipated.

After taking a deep breath, Karin began to check his own changes.

The power seeds in the body have been completely integrated with the heart. The spirituality has undergone a qualitative change compared to five days ago, and the body and soul have been greatly strengthened.

He even felt that his power was growing all the time. Although the power growing every second was very small, it was better than a long stream of water.

This is the fourth development of a transcendent being promoted to the mentor level. After the power seeds are integrated with the heart, the internal organs will no longer be a fatal weakness, and will also drive other organs of the body to grow together.

After completing the fourth development, the strength of the mentor-level transcendent has doubled again compared to the time when he was first promoted. This stage is called the maturity stage.

Carlin estimated that it would take about twenty years for him to grow naturally and reach maturity.

It takes at least fifty years to reach the ordinary mentor level. After non-human limit transcendent reaches maturity, it is equivalent to reaching the upper limit, and there is almost no possibility of progress.

Unless you can encounter an unexpected adventure, such as obtaining a power seed of the same legendary level, you will have a chance to continue to attack the legend, but the success rate is not 100%, and there is a great risk.

For the legendary seeds and the chosen ones, the mature stage is just a new beginning.

After checking his own situation, Carlin put aside matters such as the fourth growth and maturity period. These things cannot be rushed, so it is better to let nature take its course.

Then he looked at the five marionettes. They were also led to break through to the mentor level. They felt the powerful aura in the virtual god. Karin smiled with satisfaction.

Although he was still vulnerable to the legendary powerhouse, he now had the qualifications to escape.

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