Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 519 No secret message?

Soon, Carlin began to check the changes in the virtual Kingdom of God again.

The area of ​​the continent has increased a hundred times again, and the radius has expanded to fifteen kilometers, almost three-fifths of the size of the Queen's District, making the originally compact space suddenly become extremely empty.

The volume of the Kingdom of God's space has also increased a thousand times, and the polluted lake has become a shallow layer.

The amount of divine power he refines every day has increased tenfold, and now he can harvest 50 units of diluted divine power a day, which means that it only takes him a hundred days to gather the energy required to summon demigods!

The other menus in the Virtual Kingdom panel have not changed, and there is an additional [Ancestor] option in [Secret History].



Location: Mortal-Felsong City

Time: February 5, 12135 in the Marian Calendar of the First Era

Extreme level: Tutor level

Secret History Path: Ancestor

Existence path: Ancestor

Ticket: 10 Diluted Divine Power


After checking it, Carlin put it aside for the time being. There was no rush in the historical fantasy world. He needed to deal with the trivial matters in reality before he could start exploring it when he was free.

Karin then checked other changes. There were no changes in the Memory Library, Data Banyan Tree, and [Throne Difference Engine].

And Bronze Gate gave him a message that made him very happy.

In the future, not only [Witch King] and [Holy Spirit] who have passed the level, but also [Sage] and [Ancestor] who have not cleared the level can also freely record the reset status and choose any time point before leaving before entering.

This way, Carlin won’t have to start over again every time he explores historical fantasy in the future.

Suppressing his joy, Karin and five marionettes quickly set up a marionette formation, and Yang's body was placed in the center of the formation.

Soon the ceremony started, and the red light gradually covered the sun.

Three hours later.

Amiya stood quietly next to the mistletoe. No soldiers from the coalition government had teleported over in the past five days.

And as time goes by, each light spot in the mistletoe network node diagram goes out. It is obvious that the coalition government has used some means to block each mistletoe.

Carlin guessed that during this period, White Fang should have also discovered that some of the mistletoe and blood crystal trees in the ruins had revived.

I don’t know if the White Fang guys were afraid of running into Ain and didn’t act rashly. They just started blocking the Mistletoe network.

But this is the best, and Karin is happy to farm slowly without being disturbed.

A total of seven figures, including Carlin, Snitch, Eric, Miko, Charlotte, Drake and Yang carrying a serrated sword, appeared.

Among them, Yang is only a professional level for the time being, but under the spiritual guidance of Karin and other marionettes, Yang's strength is improving all the time, and it only takes about three months to automatically grow to the mentor level.

But the deputy puppet does not have this kind of treatment. As a life weapon, the secret puppet is deeply bound to Carlin's soul, and both parties will feed each other back.

The assistant is a tool man. Once it is worn out, it can be repaired and continued to be used. It will not hurt until it is completely scrapped in the end.

However, Carlin has now been promoted to the mentor level. He can also train his associates to the mentor level, which takes half a year to a year and consumes a lot of resources during this period.

Therefore, he will only train a few to become mentors, mainly because the resource pressure is too great.

Depending on the qualifications of the secondary partner, the resources required are also different.

But on average, the resources for cultivating a mentor-level partner are enough for five extraordinary people to grow from the trainee level to the mentor level.

If he didn't have too much money and no place to spend it, Kalin would not have planned to let his subordinates upgrade in batches.

Unknowingly, half an hour passed, and the seven figures completely turned into reality.

The ground is still rugged rock and soil, but one area is covered with steel plates, and there is a metal door on the edge.

Karin walked to the door with six marionettes, opened it, and got in directly.

After taking a look at the smooth rock walls around them, the seven people opened the iron door and stepped into the transfer hall on the first floor of the base.

As soon as I entered Carlin, I saw Almelda conducting queue training on the vampires.

The sixty-three vampires still stood in a decent position, but after he arrived, all their heads turned to look at him.

Almeida's face suddenly turned dark: "Everyone, fight well, don't look around!"

In an instant, everyone turned their heads back like a reflex and looked straight ahead.

"Take a break!"

After the command, everyone stepped on their toes, kept their upper body in an upright posture, and moved their left foot forward and to the left.

The rest should be two-thirds of the distance between the soles of the feet, and some of these vampires obviously had more and some less, and they immediately began to adjust carefully again.

Seeing this scene, Karin shook his head, walked to Almeda and said to him: "Let the eleven people follow me, and the others will continue training."

Almeida nodded and began to call the names. One by one came out, and soon the eleven trainee alchemy apprentices followed Karin in a crooked curve and walked towards the south.

Five days ago, Carlin promised the eleven people to let them attack the professional level today. He happened to be very curious about the extraordinary system of vampires, so he took the opportunity to study it.

Soon, a trainee vampire entered each of the six empty ceremony halls. In the ceremony hall where Carlin was, there was a young man who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old.


"Uh, yes."

When he heard the other party calling his name, Urban replied nervously.

"Relax, relax, I just wanted to ask you some questions."

Karin raised his hand slightly to signal the other party not to be so nervous, and asked curiously while taking out a large amount of blood tear crystals and mist crystals from the space ring.

"Did Evans figure out the secret information you practiced by himself, or was it passed down a long time ago? Can you let me see it?"

He had actually been curious about the secrets of these refugee-like vampire cultivations for a long time.

The Queen's District has been blocked for thousands of years, and has been squeezed by the White Fangs for more than a thousand years. The knowledge system has long been broken.

But he had asked Evans and Sid this question before, and the answer he got was that as long as there are enough Blood Tear Crystals, vampires can be promoted without bottlenecks.

This situation made him more curious about the vampire secrets, but the next moment, Urban's answer surprised him.

"Uh, sir, what is the secret message?"

Carlin looked at Urban with wide eyes, wondering if he heard wrongly, so he asked again: "I mean, can you let me take a look at the secret transmission of your practice?"

Urban suddenly became even more confused: "But sir, what exactly is the secret message? Is it delicious?"

For a moment, the two people stared at each other, forming a non-static picture.

A minute later, after Carlin's repeated confirmation, he finally realized the fact - there was no secret message from the vampire!

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