Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 520: Windfall from Heaven

Without secret transmission, how could a vampire practice?

Is it really just about sucking blood or absorbing the energy of blood tear crystals?

This really touched on Karin's knowledge blind spot. He had only heard that some contact level rookies became extraordinary by chance, and there was no secret transmission to practice for the time being.

But what happened to the vampire in front of me?

This child is already at the trainee level. How can he grow to this point without secret transmission?

Urban looked at Carlin who was thinking about life, and his little heart was beating. After several attempts to speak, he finally plucked up the courage to ask: "Lord Carlin, can I start?"

"Oh, oh, you go ahead and don't worry about me."

Then Urban took out the five hundred Blood Tear Crystals that Carlin had just piled on the ground one by one and placed them on the ground.

It took more than ten minutes to arrange the pattern into a six-pointed star, and then he sprinkled the mist crystals evenly into the gaps between the blood and tear crystals.

After another half hour, a regular six-pointed star pattern was about to be completed.

Karin couldn't help but ask: "Where did you learn this magic circle?"

Urban quickly stopped what he was doing and replied: "Oh, this promotion circle appeared in my mind as soon as I was born. The same is true for others. Even if I die and lose my memory, I will not forget this circle."

"It's okay, you can continue."

Urban's words made Carlin fall into deep thought. He felt that this seemed to be a blood inheritance. The Hexagram Promotion Circle was information that every vampire knew when he was born, and he could not forget it no matter what.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "Is there any other information similar to the promotion circle in your memory?"

Urban thought for a while and then said: "Oh, there are four more incantations. One of them is the incantation to open the promotion circle, and the other is the mistletoe teleportation incantation. As for the other two sections, I don't know what they are. use."

Then he read out three obscure incantations one by one in ancient Tyrannic.

Carlin was immediately surprised again. Urban's pronunciation was very standard.

You must know that there has been a gap in knowledge in the Queen's District for a long time. When Sid was doing alchemy, he couldn't even get a full set of Tyranid runes!

But Urban was able to pronounce a mantra with standard pronunciation, which could only be attributed to the blood inheritance of vampires.

Urban continued to set up the magic circle, but Carlin's mind was already far away.

In the crypt, Amiya, who was guarding the mistletoe to prevent unexpected situations, suddenly opened her mouth and recited a spell.

Immediately, light points flashed in front of her, forming a node network diagram, and a piece of feedback information was sent.

Until five days ago, Carlin had revived a total of fifty-three mistletoes and eight blood crystal trees, but now there were only twenty-one light spots left in the node diagram, and the others blocked Carlin.

After browsing the information in her mind, Amiya figured out what was going on.

Each mistletoe or blood crystal tree can be regarded as a node, and the queen area all forms a magic circle with unknown effects.

Vampires can imprint their own aura on nodes, which is equivalent to registering. They can only transmit between the nodes they have registered.

Withered ones and unregistered ones cannot be transferred.

Because Kalin has the bloodline of Ain, he has higher authority and does not need to register. All the healthy mistletoe and blood crystal trees can be seen directly in his eyes.

He had only registered two in White Blood City at the beginning, but he could teleport between all the mistletoes in White Blood City at will.

And mistletoe can also be transformed from the 'Internet' to a 'local area network', which is only used by a few people.

Amiya pointed on the node diagram, and saw that the blue light points that were clicked turned directly into red, and soon all the light points turned into red.

In this way, the vampires of the coalition government cannot use other nodes to teleport to where these 21 nodes are.

If this is set by other vampires, the vampires of the coalition government can change the settings to be used only by themselves as long as they arrive at the node.

But Carlin's authority is higher than that of all vampires in the Queen's District, and the other party cannot change it and can only watch.

He is not worried that the other party dares to destroy the node.

Evans once told him that there were no vampires in the wild who were curious and took the initiative to attack the withered mistletoe or blood crystal trees, but they did not leave even a trace, and the nodes could not be destroyed at all.

After changing the permissions, Amiya recited another mantra again, and immediately there was a large amount of information feedback, and she was stunned again.

"Can mistletoe grow into a blood crystal tree by consuming mist crystals?"

After carefully browsing the new memory information in her mind, she confirmed that this was true.

Mist crystals act as fertilizer, allowing the mistletoe to grow into blood crystal trees, which then produce blood tear crystals.

Amiya immediately felt excited again. In this case, there was no need to collect blood and tear crystals everywhere. She only needed to hunt fallen ghosts in the cave and fertilize them with mist crystals.

Then she recited the last part of the mantra, and in an instant she sensed a huge space.

The space is ten kilometers long, wide, and high, and all kinds of materials are piled up inside.

Ore, processed metal ingots, spiritual gold coins, non-metallic alchemical raw materials, and crystal clear blood tear crystals and mist crystals, this is a huge public material warehouse!

Amiya suddenly became energetic and began to count the supplies one by one.

There are 5,147 blood and tear crystals, 31,234 spiritual gold coins, 12,347 grams of void crystals, 53,000 tons of coal and other fossil fuels, and countless newly mined ores, metal ingots, and mist crystals.

The total value of all materials, excluding blood tear crystals and spiritual gold coins, is approximately 230,000 spiritual gold coins!

‘Sent! Sent! This is really a windfall. I was worried about the lack of resources in the Queen's District before, but I didn't expect that these mistletoes are actually a public warehouse! ’

But Amiya immediately realized something, looking at the cave in the distance and thinking for a while.

‘Except for the blood tear crystals and mist crystals, the other materials are either ores, metals or fossil fuel raw ores. Could it be that this place used to be a mine? ’

After a while, Amiya recovered her thoughts.

In the ceremony hall, after Urban arranged the magic circle, he stood in the center of the six-pointed star and lay down. As he recited obscure mantras, the six-pointed star bloomed with red light.

The life energy in the blood and tear crystals rushed towards Urban crazily, impacting everywhere in his body.

Immediately, a look of pain appeared on his face, like a man who had been hungry for a long time and suddenly felt so full that his stomach was about to burst.

As the blood and tear crystals faded, Urban's momentum increased steadily, and he finally broke through the threshold of the professional level in five minutes.

On the ground, the fog crystals completely dissipated, and the blood and tear crystals also turned white.

After Urban stood up, he felt excited as he felt the power emerging from his body.

"I have also been promoted to the professional level!"

Karin sighed and said: "It's a pity that you are not at the limit of your human body. The mentor level is your end."

"What are the limits of the human body? Does it taste good?"


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