Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 521 Blood Sacrifice System and Secret Transmission System

Carlin was speechless as he watched the eleven trainee vampires successfully break through to the professional level.

He was stunned by how smoothly the process went. Ordinary extraordinary people have a certain chance of failure in advancing to the professional level, but as long as these vampires have enough blood and tear crystals, there is no obstacle to their breakthrough.

This left Carlin not knowing what to say.

When he returned to the transfer hall on the first floor, Almeida was still conducting queue training.

"I have something to ask you. Evans and Sid, you two should come together."

After a while of exchanges, Carlin's marionette took over Almelda's work, and Sid and Evans followed them to the alchemy room.

"What's wrong with you?" Amida asked in confusion, seeing Karin's worried look.

Carlin immediately told the other party that there was no secret message from the vampires. Almeida's expression was momentarily confused, while Evans and Sid looked confused, not knowing what the problem was.

Karin looked at the two vampires again and asked, "Can you please tell me how you were promoted to mentor level?"

Even if there is no secret transmission when he is promoted to the professional level, he will regard the blood and tear crystal as awesome, but the promotion to the tutor level should not be the same, right?

In order to shorten his third growth cycle by half, Karin used more than 20,000 blood tear crystals.

These vampires even consume more than him. With the harsh environment in the wilderness, how could Evans and Sid have so many Blood Tear Crystals?

Carlin wanted to figure out this problem, but also to sort out the vampire promotion system and find a low-cost promotion method.

Vampires want to increase their strength, but consume too much blood and tear crystals.

Although there are only sixty-three vampires in the base now, they can cause trouble at will. They can promote everyone to the professional level within half a year, and it is no problem for a few people to be promoted to the mentor level.

But as time goes by, there will definitely be more and more vampires in the base. Where will he find so many Blood Tear Crystals to satisfy these hungry vampires?

After listening to Carlin's question, Evans' face became heavy, and Sid's eyes flashed with sadness.

"The reason why we were able to advance to the mentor level is that we inherited the power seeds of others, the leaders and deputy leaders of the previous generation of the settlement."

Carlin nodded after hearing this, not surprised by this.

The reason why the mentor level is named after the mentor is because the seeds of power can be passed down after extraordinary people advance to the mentor level.

After an extraordinary person reaches the mentor level, he can cut off the source of his power and give it to others.

After one-tenth of the origin is cut and absorbed by an ordinary person with poor qualifications and no hope of becoming a transcendent, the other person will immediately become a trainee-level transcendent with the same origin as himself.

After doing this, the mentor-level transcendent will fall into a weak state and must undergo one to two years of cultivation to ensure adequate daily resource supply before gradually returning to its full strength.

Regardless of cutting off more than one-tenth of the source or continuing to forcibly cut the source during the rest period, there is a risk of direct sudden death.

And if a mentor-level transcendent doesn't want to live anymore, he can directly donate his entire son of power.

An ordinary person with low qualifications can immediately become a professional class with the same origin as him after absorbing it.

A homologous professional level who absorbs the complete power seeds of the mentor level can easily break through the mentor level.

Many small and medium-sized sects that only exist at the mentor level are unwilling to join ordinary people with some qualifications due to lack of money and poor competitiveness.

They cannot attract new blood to join by relying on normal methods, so they can only let the mentor level contribute their strength to recruit new people from ordinary people with insufficient qualifications to ensure the continuation of the school's inheritance.

Evans and Sid also rely on absorbing the power seeds of their predecessors to advance to the mentor level.

Thinking of this, Carlin asked again: "Then how did the two of them advance to the mentor level? Could it be that they also absorbed the power seeds of their predecessors?"

Sid and Evans also fell into memories and began to rack their brains.

"Let's think about it, they don't seem to be."

"By the way, I remembered it. It's a blood pool. They rely on a blood pool to advance to the mentor level!"

"Blood pool?"

"Yes, it is a special blood pool. I don't know much about the blood pool and I have never seen it with my own eyes. That blood pool existed a long, long time ago."

"After the two seniors were promoted to the mentor level, the energy of the blood pool was completely dried up. If you want to study it, I can take you to see it. It is not far from our former settlement."

The two were talking and making gestures, and Karin immediately sketched a general image of the blood pool in his mind based on their explanations.

The blood pool can be seen as a large silver bathtub, filled with a substance called source blood.

Source blood is the concentrated essence of a large amount of blood tear crystals. You only need to continue to add mist crystals to the blood pool to replenish the life energy of the blood pool.

When the two seniors Evans and Sid discovered the blood pool, they had very little life energy left. They directly overdrawn the last bit of source blood to be successfully promoted, but the blood pool was also scrapped.

But from this point of view, vampires still do not need to practice secret transmission to grow. This is Carlin's knowledge blind spot.

While Karin was thinking, Almeda, who had been silent since just now, seemed to remember something and slowly said, "Karin, their situation reminds me of my ancestors."

His words brightened Karin's spirits.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Almelda also fell into memories.

"I have seen records in some ancient books about the history of the First Era left by my ancestors about how vampires can improve their strength without secret transmission."

"In the first era, there was only one path, the ancestor. The extraordinary system at that time was not only rough, but also very single."

"If you want to become an extraordinary person, you must have extraordinary bloodline. If you want to increase your strength, you can only eat."

"When I talk about eating, I mean not only daily food, but also various blood sacrifice rituals, through which you absorb life energy and improve your life level!"

"My tribe was formed in the First Era. The ancestors gained great strength by transplanting ghoul blood and grew by hunting extraordinary creatures. There was no secret transmission at that time."

"After the emergence of the Holy Spirit Path in the Second Era, the blood sacrifice system was replaced by the secret transmission system that is more universal and more efficient!"

Carlin's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in surprise: "Are you saying that the vampire's extraordinary system is actually the ancient and primitive blood sacrifice system from the first era?"

"It's almost the same, but I can't guarantee it's exactly the same. After all, we only know the surface of the vampire's extraordinary system."

After hearing this, Carlin waved his hands excitedly: "It doesn't matter, just know that vampires can rely on the blood sacrifice system of the first era to improve their strength!"

Seeing his excited expression, Almeida, Evans and Sid were all confused and didn't understand why the other person was so excited.

"That's what you say, but we know nothing about the blood sacrifice system of the ancestral path. We are now in the sixth era. This ancient extraordinary system has long been completely replaced by the secret transmission system and has been lost in history."

Karin asked Aimeida in confusion: "There are no relevant records in your ethnic group?"

"This kind of old-fashioned knowledge has long been eliminated in my time. Who would keep it to eat ashes? The ancient books of the ethnic group only record some historical information."

"Then search in the history of the First Era, and you will surely find it!"

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