Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 522 [Ancestor]

"How to find it in history?"

Amida asked subconsciously without reacting for a while, while Evans and Sid also looked confused. They didn't understand a word of the conversation between the two.

Karin smiled and said to Almeda: "I will arrange a special historical ceremony, so don't disturb me for the next month.

I'll leave the base to you. My marionettes will assist you. Although they will appear very rigid without my control, they are all the best executors. "

Amida, who was confused, came to her senses and asked thoughtfully: "Did you rely on this ritual to appear in your new home back then?"

"Roughly the same."

After the two talked for a few more words, Karin explained all the future plans to Almeda one by one.

Military training, literacy work, basic education and base expansion matters were all explained clearly.

In addition, he also asked Almeda to explore the surrounding area if she had time, mainly to look for minerals.

Although the newly discovered large amount of supplies in the Mistletoe warehouse alleviated the base's urgent needs, Carlin didn't want to be left empty handed, so open source was a must.

Based on the types of materials in the Mistletoe warehouse, he speculated that there was an abandoned mine near the base, containing veins of a variety of rare or necessary minerals.

After explaining for more than half an hour, Karin and his team left the alchemy room, temporarily interrupting the queue training.

He took all the vampires to the mistletoe on the ground and registered and opened relevant permissions for everyone.

The person with the highest authority in the network of twenty-one nodes is Carlin. Anyone else who wants to use these twenty-one nodes must be led by him to register in person.

To his surprise, Almeda, a human, also successfully registered. Carlin guessed that this was because his authority was high enough.

After doing this, Carlin turned into a porter and spent most of the day transporting most of the materials in the warehouse to the virtual kingdom of God. They piled up into mountains in one go.

He only left a hundred blood tear crystals and a small amount of supplies for the base to ensure normal operation for the next month, and then took all the marionettes alone into a ritual hall.

Karin took a deep breath and opened the [Secret History] menu, silently confirming in his mind.

The next moment, his eyes lost their brightness and became blank.

After confirming that Karin entered the [Ancestor], the [Throne Difference Machine] controlled the seven marionettes to leave the ritual hall. In the next month, they would assist Almeda in managing the base.

Opening his eyes, Karin found himself in a small wooden house.

This place seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. The wooden furniture in the room was covered with dust, and some butchering tools were randomly discarded on a wooden table.

After observing [The Ancestor]'s safe house for a while, Karin got a lot of information.

First of all, although this place was abandoned, judging from the degree of rust and decay of the metal and wooden items, it was only three or four months old at most.

Secondly, the level of processing in this era is worrying. The quality of non-extraordinary metal appliances is very rough, and even the metal is only roughly processed. In reality, it is completely a shoddy and shoddy product.

Judging from the quality of metal processing, the technological level here is almost the same as that of the cold weapon era.

After reading this information, Karin opened the wooden window again, and a breath of fresh air rushed in.

What comes into view is a clear lake, and some wild animals can be seen drinking water by the lake.

Karin observed for a while and found that he was in a bush with lush vegetation.

The beautiful scenery makes people feel relaxed and happy, everything is so peaceful and peaceful.

However, Carlin did not take it lightly. The general environment of the first three historical illusions was difficult to describe.

[Witch King] is located in the spirit world, and one faceless person after another wanders around in the White Tower Academy.

[Sage] is located in the war-torn Skaven City.

[Holy Spirit] is even more exaggerated, it is directly the cold end of the ice and steam calendar.

None of the first three are normal, and Karin believes that [The Ancestor] is probably not much better.

The seven marionettes around him followed him in, and Snicki immediately went into hiding and pushed open the door of the wooden house.

After walking out of the cabin, Snicki immediately felt that his spirituality became more alive.

This is a kind of healthy liveliness, the spiritual vitality outside the wooden house is full of vitality, giving people a feeling that taking a few more breaths of air can prolong life.

The vibrant pure spirituality, fresh air, and beautiful natural ecology all indicate that this is a geomantic treasure land, but this situation makes Carlin suspicious.

‘Is it really that good? ’

With a bunch of small question marks, Snicki quickly and cautiously shuttled through the bushes.

The bushes were not big, and it took only ten minutes for Snitch to break out of the bushes on the south side of the lake and onto a fertile plain.

Snicki also saw some extraordinary creatures along the way, but they were all normal wild animals, and their levels were relatively low. Most were at the apprentice level or contact level, and only a few were at the professional level.

Judging from the weather, it seems that the current season has entered autumn for a while, and it is the harvest season with crisp autumn air.

Wild fruits, wild vegetables, grass seeds, and mature tubers are everywhere in the bushes. Various wild animals have grown fat and strong due to sufficient food, and their aggression during the harvest season is very low.

And what hangs in the sky is not the day, but a golden sun.

Snicki stared at this strange sun for a long time, but did not perceive any useful information. It seemed to be a natural phenomenon like daylight.

After getting this information, Carlin had to admit that this place looked like an ordinary lake in the mortal world, nothing special.

Snitch continued to conduct reconnaissance on the plains. He believed that the city of Folsom marked in the [Ancestor] location column must not be too far away from here.

Fortunately, this time when entering the virtual kingdom of [Ancestor], there was no prompt like [Holy Spirit] that [this simulated historical illusion involves forbidden character information], so Carlin could go boldly and safely.

Unlike the lifeless ruins in the Queen's District, the scenery along the way here made Snicki feel more comfortable. A few small animals such as squirrels and rabbits popped out from time to time in the surrounding fields and woods.

Looking to the north of the lake is a majestic mountain range.

Just as Snici continued to move south for three kilometers, he suddenly stopped and looked into the distance.

I saw a wild camp in the distance, surrounded by a wooden fence and some pits. It looked like it had at least more than 5,000 people.

The sentry guards were well-equipped, but they only had armor, accessories, polearms, bows and arrows and other cold weapons, which confirmed Carlin's previous guess about the level of technology here.

Snitch couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly.

"I was worried about how to find the way, isn't this coming now?"

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