Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 523 Harvest Mountains Trial of Autumn

Three minutes later, Snicki strutted into the camp, and the sentry at the door did not notice anything wrong.

After entering, he observed carefully that the camp was divided into sixteen distinct areas.

Each area is stationed with soldiers with different badges, and there are also a large number of non-combatants and even non-supernormal personnel such as women, cooks, attendants, and maids.

In addition to these people, there are a few people who are either gorgeously dressed or wearing fine armor. These people from different regions will also pay friendly visits to each other.

Snicki felt like there were more than thirty noble families united here for wild hunting and entertainment.

So he followed two burly men dressed as knights into a tent.

"Sir Louis, this is my son Castro, haha, if nothing else happens, he will hit the professional level after this Autumn Trial."

This burly middle-aged man pointed carelessly at the equally burly young man next to him. His conversation was rough and there was no damn aristocratic etiquette at all.

Snicki, who was standing beside them and eavesdropping openly, also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a blessing among misfortunes that he could understand what the other party was saying. The language used by the middle-aged man was a set of runes that had been collected in his new home.

We are not yet in the third era. Milton’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather has not been born yet, so don’t expect a unified common language.

It is not surprising that five or six different languages ​​appeared in different parts of a country in the First Age.

If Snicki couldn't understand what the other party was saying, Kalin would really be blinded.

Opposite them, Sir Louis had short flaxen hair and a mustache on his face that looked very mature.

If the burly man were placed in the upper-class social scene of the Old Continent in the Sixth Age, his behavior would obviously be very rude.

But Sir Louis did not show his displeasure. Instead, he glanced at the young man in surprise and asked the burly man seriously: "Sir Liszt, if I remember correctly, Castro is not yet seventeen years old, right? "

Snicki, who was standing aside and eavesdropping openly, was also surprised and looked at the young man carefully.

It's pretty good to prepare to enter the professional level before the age of seventeen. Although it's not the human body's limit, the human body's limit is too difficult.

From the next words of Sir Liszt, the seemingly wealthy aristocrat, it is easy to tell that he is not prepared to force his son to reach the limit of his human body.

"Haha, how can I joke about this kind of thing? It's a pity that Castro is not up to par. Otherwise, even if I risk everything, I will help him come out on top in this Autumn Trial and get a spot in the Holy Grail."

"That's it"

After Louis confirmed that Liszt in front of him was very sober and was not talking nonsense, he turned to look at Castro again.

"Old friends, the limits of the human body are still too illusory for them. It is already very rare to reach the professional level under the age of seventeen."

Then the two started chatting without a word, and chatted for about three minutes before breaking up.

Snicki listened to all their conversations word for word, allowing Karin to get a lot of information.

In this era, the New Continent is still a thing of the past, and the Old Continent is limited to navigation and technological level and cannot carry out long voyages. Only legends and demigods have the ability to travel through the endless sea.

The activities of all extraordinary beings in the mortal world are basically limited to the Old Continent and the surrounding islands.

The place where Kalin and the others are now is the Kazan Province of the Tashan Kingdom, one of the five countries in the central part of the continent.

Continuing to the north is the Harvest Mountains, which crosses the north and south of the continent and stretches for 130,000 kilometers as the northern border of the five central countries.

The Autumn Trial is also a traditional program among the nobles of the five central countries.

From the conversation between the two, Snicki learned that the Marian Calendar in the First Era only lasted two months per year, which meant that there were only two Sichens in the world now.

One of them is the Mother of Mothers. As for the other, when they were talking, they sometimes called her the February Virgin Mother, and sometimes called her the February Blood Mother. Snicki didn't know which one was referring to Him in the supernatural realm. name.

In the Marian calendar, each season of the year has only half a month.

Early February is autumn, and it is also the harvest season, which means that in the mortal world, we experience a busy farming season every two months.

Snicki was a little unaccustomed to this weird division of time, but it was the fact that he quickly accepted the concept.

Every harvest season, nobles from all over the five central countries would organize a hunt.

In the first three days, the younger generations who were over fifteen years old and under twenty years old (because there were only two months in a year in the First Era, so for the convenience of everyone’s reading, the ages were automatically converted into twelve months) entered the outer reaches of the Harvest Mountains to hunt. It’s the Trial of Autumn.

This is the Autumn Trial Camp in the Kazan Province of the Tashan Kingdom. Camps like this are organized in provinces in the Five Kingdoms, and there are more than twenty along the edge of the Harvest Mountains.

The Autumn Trial is also equivalent to a special gathering for the nobles, where everyone can get to know each other or strengthen communication.

According to the conversation between the two, Snicki also learned that the Autumn Trial involves the quota for the use of an extraordinary item called the 'Holy Grail'.

All juniors are ranked based on their harvest. In addition to receiving certain rewards, the top three will also receive a quota to use the Holy Grail.

From the conversation between the two, it is obvious that the Holy Grail is very helpful in pushing the limits of the human body, which is equivalent to the ultimate potion.

Moreover, the quota for using the Holy Grail can be transferred to others. If the person concerned feels that the success rate of hitting the limit of the human body is too low, he can transfer it to other nobles.

The ownership of the Holy Grail belongs to an organization called the Society of Mary. Louis and Lister did not talk much about this organization.

The two of them only talked for less than five minutes before breaking up. Snicki only concluded from a few words that this was an extraordinary organization that spread all over the south of the Harvest Mountains of the Old World.

In addition to this information, Carlin also received the most important intelligence. The city of Fursong is located thirty kilometers southeast of the camp.

After getting this information, Banyan Tree was summoned directly from the virtual Kingdom of God to the safe house. As soon as he landed, he went into hiding and headed towards Folsom City at full speed.

Although Carlin did not get much information, he generally understood that the current era was relatively normal. There were no natural disasters or man-made disasters. There were constant minor conflicts among various nobles, lords, countries, and races in the Old Continent, but there were no major wars.

This made Carlin couldn't help but wonder if the Virtual Kingdom of God had changed its gender and actually arranged a peaceful era for [The Ancestor].

On the other side, Snicki, who was in the camp, followed Liszt and his son out of the tent. Before he could continue to listen for a while, a loud horn sound suddenly sounded in the corner.

In more than thirty areas, a boy or girl named less than twenty each came to the camp with four to six fully armed soldiers and gathered outside the camp, looking ready to go.

Their parents also followed a dignified middle-aged man outside the camp.

Immediately afterwards, Snicki heard the majestic man open his mouth and give a lengthy lecture of encouragement. Although the other person's voice was extremely loud, all he wanted to do was doze off.

Ten minutes later, the lecture finally came to an end.

"I hope you can hunt prey that surprises me. Now, the Autumn Trial begins!"

As the last words fell, the group of boys and girls who had been gearing up for a long time in front of the camp made a sensation.

Counting the retinue who followed them, the team of nearly a thousand people dispersed in a hurry and divided into small groups of no more than seven people to rush towards the Harvest Mountain.

At the same time, Amiya and Eric also walked out of the safe house, and Carlin was ready to find an opportunity to grab a tongue.

Snicki stood outside the camp and thought for a while, and finally decided to stay here and listen to the corner for a while, and then make a decision after collecting more information.

In any case, these nobles are the upper-class elite of this era, and they have an absolutely clear understanding of the world situation.

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