Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 557 Open the way

As Carlin issued the order to prepare for full combat, all the vampires in the underground base began to act nervously.

While batch after batch of underground troops began to gather, well-equipped vampires were also active in the ruins of the underground wilderness to detect the enemy's situation.

Lilian was lying alone among the rocks, perfectly hiding herself with the help of the surrounding environment.

Through the lens of the telescope, she saw a group of soldiers in coalition government uniforms in the distance roughly interrogating a group of wild vampires.

In addition to Lilian, other vampire scouts sent to the ground also saw similar scenes.

A group of vampires who were sent to conduct reconnaissance near the Order area even saw an army of a thousand people pouring out from behind the tall city wall of Order and heading towards the ruins of the wild area.

Soon Carlin and Almeda got this information. The two looked at each other for a long time. Carlin said doubtfully: "Are they treating us as refugees?"

According to the intelligence sent back from the ground, although the one thousand vampires were uniformed and well-equipped, they only had light weapons and did not carry any heavy artillery.

Moreover, the average level of the personnel is low, with only three mentor-level and less than a hundred professional-level people, and the rest are all trainee-level vampires.

This kind of force is honestly not enough to squeeze the teeth of the vampires in the underground base.

After thinking for a while, Almeida said: "Tell me, is there a possibility, I mean maybe, that you are playing something very new?"

"What do you mean?" Carlin was confused.

"I don't know where you got your unprecedented knowledge of military theory.

However, it turns out that the vampire army built based on your theory, in addition to consuming a lot of resources, is much more efficient than any army I have ever seen. "

"So?" Karin gradually understood what the other party wanted to say.

"So in your words, can a colonial-era army imagine what an information-age army looks like?"

Carlin also gradually came back to his senses, and he felt something keenly: "In other words, the coalition government now only knows the existence of the base, but does not know the specific information about the base?"

Almeida nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean. If they really understood our strength, a thousand people would not come out to die."

"I think in the understanding of the coalition government, they may know that we have taken in a large number of vampires, but they will never believe that we have fully armed 150,000 vampires in just five years!"

After hearing this, Carlin thought about the intelligence on the ground. If unconventional combat forces like Legend were excluded, they could crush the coalition government on paper.

However, he still said steadily: "It will take two days for our troops to be fully assembled. Let's see if there are any new changes in the order area during this period."

Two days passed quickly.

One hundred thousand vampires have gathered in units and camped near the blood crystal trees in the mining area. They can be teleported to various mistletoe nodes on the ground just waiting for Carlin's order.

In the past two days, according to reports from ground reconnaissance troops, thousands of troops from the coalition government entered the ruins of the wild area and began to advance bit by bit.

They slowly cleared out the fallen ghosts and set up a purification barrier, moving at a completely slow pace. It seemed that they wanted to open up a safe zone in the wild area first.

A thousand more soldiers moved from the rear and joined the team to open up wasteland.

Karin and Almeida shook their heads when they saw this efficiency. It took two days to gather a thousand people.

If it weren't for the poor traffic conditions in the ruins of the wild area and the countless fallen ghosts that hindered them, the base's troops would have been able to break through the city gate of the order area in one day, let alone two days.

Based on two days of observation, after they confirmed the combat effectiveness of the coalition government troops, they directly ordered the expedition.

The 100,000 troops, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately dispatched.

Groups of vanguard troops, organized into 120-man companies, began to be sent to the ground.

Using more than sixty mistletoes in the wild area as a base, we began to clean up the surrounding fallen ghosts.

In a square in the middle of the street, blue light flashed away, and one hundred and twenty figures soon formed.

When the company responsible for opening the road teleported over, the team instantly spread out in a defensive formation.

The muzzles of more than eighty-dimensional guns were pointed at the surrounding streets in an instant, and there were more than twenty vampires carrying ammunition boxes as high as one person, with long ammunition chains extending from the discharge port to the six-barreled rotary machine gun in their hands.

Everyone immediately formed a crossfire to cover each other. As long as a fallen ghost appeared in sight, even the mentor level would be shattered into pieces in a few seconds.

In addition to these soldiers who formed a defensive formation, there were five vampires carrying an 80mm Poison Wind mortar on their backs.

The five people teleported over, immediately squatted down, and quickly adjusted the muzzle position. There was a vampire ammunition next to them each, carrying a two-meter-high metal ammunition box on their back, to assist in calculating the shooting elements.

The ten of them are the artillery squad of the company. In addition to the specialized artillery unit, each company will be equipped with five Poison Wind mortars to form an artillery squad.

Half a minute later, the artillery squad finished calculating the shots, and the five ammunition handlers quickly took out five five-kilogram shells from the ammunition boxes on their backs and put them directly into the barrel.


Along with the roar of the gun barrel, five shells soared into the sky.

The cannonball, which exuded a miserable green light, drew a beautiful parabola and dragged its tail flames towards the five mentor-level fallen ghosts nearby.

The fallen ghosts on the street had no time to react and were instantly covered by artillery fire.

But at the same time, a large number of fallen ghosts within one kilometer were alarmed and rushed towards the place where the explosion occurred.

At one time, hundreds of fallen ghosts rushed into the street, and one hundred and twenty vampires in the square were immediately exposed to their eyes.


Before the group of fallen ghosts could react, the second round of volleys hit their heads. The powerful artillery blew hundreds of fallen ghosts into pieces in an instant.

However, unlike the original ammunition of the Skryre clan, the shells used by the artillery squad this time do not have the effect of spiritual poison.

Their task is to clear the way for other troops behind them and clear the obstacles of the fallen ghosts for the following troops. This environment is not suitable for the use of toxin shells.

After the second round of mortar salvos, the blood drop-shaped crystal with the function of detecting fallen ghosts appeared in the company commander's hand, and gray light spots of different sizes emerged.

After sweeping away all the light spots, the company commander shouted loudly: "There are eight mentor-level fallen ghosts within one kilometer, and we need support from the rear!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a vampire soldier communicated with the mistletoe and teleported back to the underground base.

At this time, the fallen ghosts that had been bombed for two rounds were still pouring towards the company's position in a steady stream. Immediately everyone pulled the trigger and began to slaughter wantonly.

Bang - da da da da - boom -

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