Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 558 Demolition

Bullets poured into the wave of fallen ghosts like they were free, and the tracer bullets fired from the six-barreled rotary machine gun even left a trail of miserable green tracks swaying in the wind.

Under the sweep of ammunition that can cure the phobia of lack of firepower, the ruins scattered on the streets were blown into pieces, raising waves of dust.

One after another, the fallen ghosts were beaten into a pulp before they even had time to scream. The originally crowded fallen ghosts on the street seemed to be much sparser.

In less than half a minute, more than 300 fallen demons died from this frenzied firepower, and the result was remarkable.

Professional level and trainee level fallen ghosts cannot cross the thunder pool at all, and cannot even enter the 100-meter range of the position.

However, no one relaxed. They saw a few fast-moving Mentor-level fallen ghosts in the thinned group of fallen ghosts frantically dodging the pale green bullets.

The ferocious firepower directly formed a dense firepower network to cover their escape route.

Bullets hit the hard cuticle and exploded. Several of the mentor-level fallen ghosts only lasted for less than five seconds before roaring and falling under the ferocious firepower.

However, there are a lot of mentor-level fallen ghosts in this area. Although the firepower of the twenty or so Rattlins in the company is powerful, they cannot deal with eight mentor-level fallen ghosts in a short time.

Finally, two lucky ones broke through and entered the dangerous distance of thirty meters. The red light in their eyes became more and more intense, and they couldn't wait to drink the fragrant blood.

But the expressions of all the soldiers in the company did not change when faced with the crisis that was so close at hand.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed at the mistletoe, and a graceful figure disappeared again as soon as it landed.

Silver threads appeared out of thin air in the air, instantly tying up the two mentor-level fallen ghosts who had rushed into a dangerous distance, struggling to move slowly.

The several ratlin firemen in the company who were responsible for this direction immediately seized the opportunity and turned their guns to aim at the two fallen ghosts.

Da da da da da da——

A storm of miserable green bullets exploded unbridled on the surface of the two fallen ghosts.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch -"

After a scream of pain, it finally turned into a group of gray mist crystals unwillingly.

Amiya, who easily completed her mission, saluted the company commander and said, "I'll take the first step. Other companies are also asking for support."

After the company commander returned the salute, he saw that the other party had turned into blue light and teleported to other mistletoes.

The next battle for the company will be much easier. After killing all the mentor-level fallen ghosts, other professional-level and trainee-level fallen ghosts will have no chance of breaking into a hundred meters range in the face of this kind of firepower, unless they run out of ammunition.

But it is obviously impossible. According to the data collected by Carlin from his usual surveying and mapping in the wild area, it is within one kilometer.

No matter how densely the fallen ghosts are distributed, the number of professional-level ones will not exceed one thousand at most, and the number of tutor-level ones will only exceed ten.

As for the trainee level, everyone ignored it. Every grassroots soldier was a professional level.

Each company formed a formation of one hundred and twenty soldiers. Even if they only used cold weapons for melee combat, groups of trainee-level fallen ghosts would not pose any threat to them.

Soon, all the fallen ghosts in the nearby area were wiped out, and batch after batch of vampires were teleported to the square in the middle of the street, along with various large-scale engineering equipment.

Steam structures, large forklifts, steam heavy trucks and other various construction machinery would make people think that they are not here for fighting but for demolition.

But this is also necessary. The environment of the ruins in the wilderness is too obstructive. Although the base has sufficient troops, the troops cannot be deployed at all and cannot maintain sufficient battlefield width.

As the second batch of troops were transferred to the ground, they began to slowly advance towards the order area based on the 67 mistletoe nodes within fifty kilometers of the order area.


Explosions were heard one after another in the ruins, and the dilapidated high-rise buildings slowly collapsed. The steam excavator shoveled the reinforced gravel and sent it to the steam truck and then transported it to the temporary camp built around Mistletoe and sent it back to the base.

At each stage, special metal containers were filled with scraps and then immediately transported back to the base.

When these metal containers were manufactured, less than one percent of the void crystal was mixed in compared to normal space storage equipment.

It looks a bit crude, but it can double the internal space of the container.

After all, Carlin couldn't afford one hundred cubic meters of storage equipment for everyone, so he could only use this method to reduce the pressure on logistics.

This is not only true for these cargo containers, but also for soldiers' ammunition boxes. By adding a small amount of void crystals during production, the internal volume can be increased several times without increasing the weight several times.

This kind of 'quasi-space items' greatly reduces the logistics and transportation pressure of the base.

As one building after another was blasted and cleared, a third batch of troops was sent to the ground to join the cleanup work after a large area of ​​open space was cleared.

It would only take a week at most for an army of 100,000 professional-level vampires to level the ruined buildings within a fifty-kilometer radius.

While the large forces were advancing at a rapid pace, the reconnaissance work did not relax. Even Carlin and Almeida personally took action and directly captured many teams of the coalition government.

These teams, ranging from eight to five people, have been searching for traces of him everywhere in the ruins.

In just one day, Carlin captured more than sixty prisoners. After interrogation, he and Almeida obtained a lot of information about the Order Zone.

In a certain temporary camp, Almelda and Karin looked at each other for a while after receiving the information.

It took a long time for Kalin to sigh: "I didn't expect it to be like this. The people with the White Fangs have already run away, and now there are only 30,000 vampires left in the order area."

Most of these captured coalition government soldiers were professional-level soldiers, with only a few mentor-level soldiers. They did not know some confidential things, but they still knew most of the things in the order area.

The Order District is a prosperous industrial town. The people living there are far away from the threat of fallen ghosts and are not as dire as the vampires in the wild area.

There are a total of 30,000 people living there, most of whom are vampires, and only more than 200 are human extraordinary beings affiliated with the White Fangs.

These people all hold high positions, but when Carlin and Almeda first came to the Queen's District five years ago, all members of the White Fangs withdrew from the Queen's District in a short period of time.

After learning the news, Carlin couldn't help showing a playful smile and said to Almeda: "It seems that Ain has put a lot of pressure on them."

Through these captives, Carlin finally confirmed that there were no Legendary Transcendents in the Queen's District, and everyone in the Order District knew this.

As long as you break through the legend, you will be swallowed up by the endless red mist.

Some people say that they have become the food of the vampire queen, and some people say that they are the magic circle set up by other people in Meteor Street who are afraid of the rise of vampires to retaliate against them.

Anyway, everyone has different opinions, but no vampire in the order area dares to break through the legend.

But the appearance of Ain's legendary marionette in the Queen's District broke this common sense.

When the White Fang members in the order area learned about this incident, they fled immediately.

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