Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 559 Producing Vampires

After Karin and Almeda learned that the White Fang group was scared away by Ain, they were shocked at first, but then they felt that this was reasonable.

The White Fangs and the others are not fools. It is impossible for them to know that Ain's legendary marionette can move safely in the Queen's District and still wait for them to knock on the door.

Although Ain didn't know where to wander now, the White Fang group didn't dare to think that the other party had ignored them.

As a result, more than two hundred human extraordinary beings in the order area not only wiped out themselves, but also packed away a large amount of resources and information. In the end, only a group of vampires were left to fend for themselves here.

It's not that White Fang doesn't want to take these vampires to the New World. Of course, they can't ignore the vital force of 30,000 extraordinary beings.

Even counting only the mentor level, there are more than a hundred people.

But the White Fangs have tried to do this before, but no matter how they experiment, any vampire will instantly turn into ashes and turn into a pile of fog crystals as soon as they leave the Queen's Area.

Karin also frowned at this time: "Why is this happening? Vampires actually have such restrictions?"

Almeida said thoughtfully: "I guess it's the influence of the source."


"It's just my guess for the time being. As for whether it's not too late to wait until we take down the order area and then investigate slowly."

Carlin nodded after hearing this: "That's right, don't think too much about it first, let's take down the order area first!"

As time went by, ruins one after another were razed to the ground.

However, the two thousand vampire soldiers of the coalition government did not even make a splash when they encountered Carlin's vampire army. They were killed by hundreds of poison wind mortars after several volleys. In the end, Carlin easily died. The loose ones captured more than 600 people.

He didn't embarrass the soldiers and let them go directly, but his words before leaving made the prisoners feel horrified.

"I hope you understand one thing. The blood tax that has lasted for thousands of years makes the vampires in the wilderness not want to eat your flesh and drink your blood all the time.

Thousands of years of accumulated resentment can only be washed away with blood, but I promise to pursue only the culprits.

After you go back, tell the other vampires in the order area, one thousand of them, to voluntarily hand over the one thousand of you with the highest status to us for public trial, and the sins of the others can be wiped off! "

After more than 600 prisoners left in fear, Almeida looked at Carlin with a subtle expression and said, "Do you want the coalition government to fight to the end?"

Karin smiled and did not change the subject: "The ruins are almost cleared, and we should end this boring battle as soon as possible."

A week after arriving on the ground, the entire fifty-kilometer radius was razed to the ground by a hundred thousand troops, and the ruins could no longer hinder the advance of the army.

The black torrent surged forward toward the order area, and did not stop until five kilometers away from the order area.

Kalin can already clearly see the magnificent wall that separates the wild area and the order area.

A vampire with a straight uniform and thin cheeks on the city wall had a livid face.

He and other people on the city wall looked at the past from a distance. Everything they could see was rolling black. One hundred thousand troops stationed five kilometers away could not even see the side.

Just when Kalin was thinking about when to officially attack, suddenly a clear sound floated into the camp from the city wall five kilometers away, and everyone could hear it.

"Every inch of land in the Order District belongs only to me. Even if you savages kill me, the resistance in this land will never stop!"

Carlin smiled. He knew that as long as he expressed his intention to surrender, a group of senior leaders of the coalition government would definitely open the door and surrender at the speed of light.

But he couldn't do that. If he did, what would his vampires living in the wilderness think?

It is simply a daydream to end the thousand-year-old resentment caused by the blood tax system without bloodshed!

The army stopped grinding, and each large-caliber field gun was in position and let out a deafening roar.

With a bang, gaps were directly blasted out of the impregnable city wall, and then steam tracked chariots rushed out of their positions and advanced towards the city wall at full speed.

Carlin was not worried about losing the battle. According to the intelligence obtained from the prisoners, the order area only had 3,000 troops, and most of the weapons were firearms, with less than ten artillery pieces.

Not to mention tanks, planes, airships and so on.

White Fang has not seriously developed this place at all. There is not even a factory. All weapons, ammunition and other materials are shipped in from the outside world.

They simply regard this place as a testing base, specializing in studying vampire blood.

After all, the biggest threat in the Queen's Zone is the fallen ghosts, so it's enough to just stay in the safe zone and not leave.

Even if this magnificent city wall is built, it is only to prevent vampire refugees from the wild area from flooding into the order area.

Faced with this lax armament, the vampire soldiers followed the chariot in step-by-step coordination, and occasionally a high-speed roaring propeller reconnaissance plane flew over the sky.

A large number of troops poured in from the gap in the city wall, causing the entire order area to riot.

Everyone remembered what Carlin had told the prisoners to take, as long as he could voluntarily hand over the top one thousand people, everyone's eyes suddenly started to look wrong.

The process of taking down the order area was extremely easy and I don’t need to go into too much detail. A large number of brightly-dressed vampires in the order area were strung together with ropes. They lined up dejectedly and headed towards the temporary shooting range set up under the supervision of base soldiers.

The vampires in the order area are more cowardly than Carlin imagined. They have lived in a stable and comfortable environment for a long time, and they are completely unable to resist the current situation.

When Evans and Sid, the vampires in the wild who had long-standing grudges, began to have revenge and grievances, Carlin and Almeda were led by a team of soldiers to a secret underground palace.

"Two sirs, this is it. This underground palace is very secretive. If the detection spell you made was not very sensitive to abnormal spirituality, we might have ignored it."

Walking into the underground palace, Carlin and Almeda immediately saw a huge circular blood pool, with wisps of blood mist hovering in the air, and from time to time, a trace merged into the blood pool below.

The diameter of the blood pool is more than two hundred meters, exuding a strong breath of life. The other end is completely shrouded in thick red mist and nothing can be seen clearly.

However, the too thick red mist made everyone dare not get too close to the blood pool and could only look at it from a distance. Otherwise, even if they put on gas masks, they would not be able to resist this concentration of red mist.

Almeida immediately turned to the others and asked: "Tell me everything you know about this blood pool!"

The faces of the officers who were immediately questioned became serious.

"Sir, after interrogation, we learned the purpose of this blood pool!"

"What is it?"

"Produce vampires!"

Carlin and Almeida's pupils shrank suddenly.

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