Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 560 Legendary Power Seed

"Is everything you said true?!" Carlin said seriously.

The vampire officer hesitated for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and said.

“Sir, we have interrogated many high-level officials in the coalition government and conducted separate interrogations to prevent them from colluding in confessions, but everyone’s answer was the same.

The origin of this blood pool is unknown. It existed before the establishment of the coalition government, and its history can even be traced back to the era of the Machine Soul Disaster! "

Carlin frowned, but the officer continued.

"According to the information obtained during the interrogation, even the White Fang people dare not touch the blood pool easily. Even if there is a way to resist the erosion of the red mist, the life force will flow crazily as long as it is within three meters of the blood pool. It is suspected that it has been Drain from the blood pool.”

"Every month, six thousand novice vampires with no memory are born in the blood pool. Their young are between eighteen and twenty years old."

"While the White Fangs are still here, they will use a thousand of them as experimental materials, and the other five thousand will be directly exiled to the wilderness."

"However, something unexpected happened this month. Less than two thousand vampires crawled out of the blood pool."

Upon hearing this, Carlin immediately thought of something and asked, "Is there a limit to the number of vampires in the Queen's District?"

The officer immediately showed admiration.

"Sir, you are right. White Fang has also conducted experiments before. As long as the population of vampires in the Queen's District reaches 250,000, no more vampires will be born in the blood pool.

It is precisely because of this abnormal situation that the coalition government is aware of our existence. "


Almeida patted her head and said with a sudden look on her face: "With this blood pool, everything finally makes sense."

"After I came here, I was very curious about the unusual vampire population. Why did White Fang let so many extraordinary people die on their own, instead of taking them under their command?"

Carlin also nodded: "Yes, the vampires may be affected by the Vampire Queen's Divine Skeleton, or it may be the restrictions imposed by the strong men of Meteor Street in the magic circle, and they cannot leave the Queen's Area.

White Fang only used this place as a testing ground and had no intention of developing it. "

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly turned to somewhere, and he said with a smile: "It seems that I have good luck. What do you think that is?"

Almeida and everyone else looked in the direction of his finger.

At the other end of the underground palace, on the floor at the edge of the blood pool, there was a relief carving with the pattern of Mother Mother. A seemingly ordinary stone was perfectly inlaid in the circular groove in the center of the relief.

The color of the stone is the same as that of the floor. If not for the fact that Carlin and his team were all mentor-level with strong perception abilities, they might have missed this ordinary-looking stone.

"It's a legendary power seed! This blood pool is powered by a legendary power seed!"

Karin smiled and couldn't wait to walk to the other end of the blood pool.

Almeda was not surprised by this, but the other vampires were horrified.

"Lord Karin, you."


"don't want."

But when Carlin entered the ultra-high concentration of blood mist as if nothing was wrong, all the vampires were stunned again.

On the way to the legendary power seed, Karin also tried to reach within three meters of the blood pool.

The strange thing is that he didn't feel any sign of the loss of life force at all.

‘Is it because of the Holy Bloodline or the characteristics of the Faceless Ones? ’

After thinking about it for a while, Karin put it behind her mind, walked up to the mother-in-law pattern, and bowed with her hands clasped together.

The encounter in [The Ancestor] made him very careful now, the Mother of Mothers can really show up!

"You, sir, have a lot. I just want this power seed. I really don't mean any disrespect to you."

After worshiping the Mother of Gods a few times, Karin also received enough psychological comfort, and then he pulled out the seeds of legendary power from the groove.

As the power seeds left the groove, everyone was surprised to find that not only the red mist surrounding the blood pool began to gradually dissipate.

Even the blood inside the blood pool began to slowly decrease, as if there was a big hole in the bottom of the pool. All the blood ran away and soon dried up completely.

As the red mist dissipated, the scene on the other side of the underground palace gradually appeared in front of everyone.

At the end was a stone door with some unexplained images and patterns carved on its surface. While others were still observing the door carefully.

But Carlin felt that this door looked strangely familiar. He seemed to remember something and quickly looked at the ground in front of the door.

Sure enough, he saw a circular pattern with various abstract lines that made people dizzy. There was also a circular groove in the center. Everything was exactly the same as the fourth-floor gate of Notre Dame in "The Ancestor"!

Just when Carlin walked quickly to the circular pattern and was about to drop a drop of blood into the groove, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, causing him to fly backwards instinctively.

Amida and the other vampires were startled by Karin's actions, and hurriedly came to him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Karin looked at Shimen with a solemn expression and said, "I just felt the danger. As long as I enter this room, I will be in danger."

Amida frowned when he looked at the ordinary Shimen. He didn't feel the existence of any barrier, but since Carlin said so, there must be danger. He still trusted the other party's crisis premonition ability.

"Do you know this door?"

"Yes, I saw it in Notre Dame."

After the two said a few more words, they left the underground palace together. After they left, the other Sui also looked solemn and quickly contacted a group of people to come over to set up protection and sealing barriers.

Whether it was the blood pool or the stone gate, they all looked very evil. This place must be closely monitored.

When leaving the underground palace, Carlin felt regretful. The vampire could not leave the Queen's District, so he and Almelda had to go to the New World alone.

At this time, the vampires in the base were still cleaning up, because the whole battle was not intense, and their main job was to deal with the people in the order area.

Basically, the top one thousand people, including most of the high-ranking vampires and their family members in the coalition government, were all targeted at once, and all of them had to be targeted.

Other civilian vampires will then undergo three to five years of labor reform.

After finishing the affairs in the order area, the vampires in the base still have to worry about the vampires in the wild area who are struggling to survive, and they have many things to do.

But Carlin didn't care about this. Evans and the others could decide on this matter themselves, so there was no need for him to personally intervene.

He got a new legendary power seed and planned to make an A-level steam core, which was prepared for the super tank, so that Shuke and Beta would be everywhere in the world.

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