Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 561 Leaving

Half a month later, the virtual Kingdom of God.

The corpses of vampires piled up like mountains in the open space. As each tutor-level or professional-level corpse was placed in the marionette refining formation by the deputy puppet, the corpse began the process of transforming into a deputy puppet.

After taking down the order area, after these vampires were targeted, the corpses naturally became Carlin's trophies. He would only think that the labor force in the country was small, so of course it was impossible to let these corpses go.

Among the more than a thousand corpses, 96 were at the mentor level, and the rest were at the professional level. This could be said to be a huge gain for Carlin.

On the other side, Rongshu did not pay too much attention to these corpses. He was doing final inspections on the A-class steam core in front of the workbench.

In five years, the Alchemy Workshop finally transformed from a lonely factory into an industrial park.

Correspondingly, the bloodline laboratory on the other side has been completed long ago, but Carlin does not have much flesh and blood resources for the time being. He only cultivated the breeding rats into female rats, but the female rats did not give birth happily.

After all, rats have to eat when they give birth to rats. Carlin's food reserves can satisfy his and Almeda's daily meals, but if the mother rat can give birth to a vigorous child, he can't raise too many wolf rats.

The main reason is that there are no wild animals in the Queen's District. Except for vampires, they are fallen ghosts. Vampires do not need to eat, so Carlin cannot obtain a large amount of food resources here to prepare the nutrient solution needed by the mother rats.

Although the bloodline laboratory is temporarily unable to operate, the alchemy workshop is already on the right track.

After Banyan checked it, no problems were found with the A-class steam core.

He picked up the steam core and left his workshop, and arrived in a huge warehouse ten minutes later.

As the warehouse door slowly opened, a huge creature appeared in front of the banyan tree.

This is a super tank designed by Almeda and Kalin together.

The length of the vehicle body exceeds two hundred meters. Eight crawler chassis support the heavy vehicle body, and the densely packed gun barrels shine with a cold light.

At this time, this legendary tank is 99% complete, and the remaining 1% is a simple but most important step - installing the A-class steam core.

In five years, this group of hard-working vampires not only helped Carlin complete the construction of the alchemy workshop and blood laboratory ahead of schedule.

The Sky Fortress aircraft has also been built and can take off at any time as long as the energy supply is sufficient.

The legendary chariot is also 99% completed, and the remaining A-level steam core has been delayed in completion due to the lack of legendary power seeds.

Now, Carlin has obtained a new legendary power seed, and Banyan Tree Mashan is about to complete the final step.

After Banyan quickly entered the interior of the chariot to complete the installation of the steam core, he and a group of assistants spent two days carefully inspecting this huge steel monster from beginning to end, not missing any detail.

After the inspection was completed and the results were satisfactory, the banyan tree casually shouted: "Beta, go try your new toy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mouse that was only the size of a puppy disappeared with a swipe.

This mouse looked small, but it was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated into the interior of the chariot through a basin-sized hole reserved on the surface.

Beta followed the complicated route inside the chariot and finally entered the cab specially prepared for it.

Shuke and Beta were two wolf rats with some potential, but Kalin did not train them in the direction of fighting. He had many thugs at his disposal, so there was no need to do so.

Shuke and Beta were promoted to the mentor level in five years under Karin's careful training. However, after the level was upgraded, their bodies became smaller, but their souls became stronger day by day.

When Beta sat in the driver's seat, the [Throne Difference Engine] glowed, creating an invisible connection between the two.

A large amount of information flashed through Beta's mind like a waterfall, and the little mouse felt that his brain had become many times smarter.


With the piercing whistle sounding, the legendary chariot slowly started and drove out of the warehouse, leaving eight deep track marks on the road.

Gradually, the speed of the chariot became faster and faster, dragging a thick cloud of black smoke behind it, and galloped through the empty land of the Kingdom of God.

Beta drove the legendary chariot and raced happily in God's country like Erha.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and at some point, a huge "Shi"-shaped flying fortress aircraft also soared above the chariot.

The conversation between the two suddenly rang in Banyan Tree's ears.

‘Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak! ’

"Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak?"

"Squeak squeak squeak squeak!!!"

Order area, a temporary office.

"Are you really determined to leave here now?"

Evans looked at Carlin and Almeda, and after knowing that the two were about to leave, he subconsciously asked.

Karin nodded firmly: "The base is now on the right track. Even if we leave, we don't have to worry anymore."

Evans was silent for a while before he said, "Thank you."

After learning that Carlin and Almeda were leaving, the vampires were very reluctant to try to keep them, but they had decided to leave, and everyone could only send blessings and help as much as they could.

As a result, a large number of mechanical equipment, steam structures, guns, ammunition, vehicles, aircraft and various extraordinary resources were all stuffed into the secret realm of the two.

The underground mineral resources in the Queen's District are still very abundant, and there are also a large number of resources that can be recycled in the ruins of the city with a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The resources that Carlin and Almeda took away were not even a drop in the bucket, but they were still a huge amount of wealth.

The two of them cleaned up like this for three whole days. When it was time to leave, Almeida went directly into Karin's virtual kingdom to wait.

Carlin left five deputy puppets in the Queen's District, and then he and all the marionettes came to the other side of the city wall in the Order District.

Looking at the thirty-meter-high city wall, my mind began to recall the information I had obtained previously.

Behind the city wall is the mysterious machine soul area. Not only the wild area, but also most people in the order area don't know what is in the machine soul area.

But unlike the rhetoric used to deceive the vampires in the wild area, the Machine Soul Zone is actually not dangerous, and there are no machine souls left at all.

In other words, this place has been cleaned up by the White Fangs a long time ago as a passage to the New World.


After a harsh sound of metal friction, the city gate was slowly opened, revealing the machine soul area shrouded in red mist outside the city.

The concentration of red mist here is much higher than that in the wild area, but it is nothing to Carlin.

Karin took a step forward and strode into the red mist. Gradually, the red mist became thicker and thicker until it covered all his sight.

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