Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 562 Rampage

As Karin gradually entered the machine soul area, there was no other color in his sight except red.

The terrain of the Machine Soul Zone is like a raised middle finger. You only need to walk straight forward to leave Meteor Street and enter the new continent.

But the premise is that he is not swallowed up by the red mist transformed by the blood of the Vampire Queen.

The red mist here was too strong. Before the White Fangs evacuated, they even arranged a special safety passage, but after leaving, the safety passage was also destroyed.

After the passage is destroyed, the only way to leave is to wait for the red mist to shrink periodically.

About every five years, the concentration of red mist in the Machine Soul Zone will drop to a level where gas masks can be worn.

Carlin estimated that this was how White Wolf Knight Sigg entered the Queen's District from the New World more than a thousand years ago.

And it's not yet the five-year pass time, so Carlin can only rely on his spiritual vision to barely observe the direction.

Along the way, he carefully adjusted his steps and kept his trajectory in a straight line.

Three hours later, Carlin suddenly found that the red mist had faded a little, and he could vaguely see the outlines of things around him.

He found himself still on a wide avenue, with the remains of rusted metal structures strewn on both sides of the road.

Just from these wreckage, it can be seen that a fierce war once took place here.

Karin just glanced at it twice and then started to concentrate on his way again.

This time he only walked for ten minutes when he saw a steep mountain wall. There was a tunnel opened on the mountain wall and metal debris piled up on both sides. It looked like a dead end.

Carlin walked directly into the tunnel, and the light immediately dimmed.

As he walked along the tunnel, Carlin gradually felt that Meteor Street's restrictions on the virtual kingdom of God were slowly relaxing.

Almeida, who is well-informed in the Kingdom of God, immediately said after hearing him mention this situation: "Be cautious! It is very likely that you have left Meteor Street but have not yet reached the New World and are in the transit space!"

Carlin immediately became concerned after hearing this. After advancing in the tunnel for a while, he felt that Meteor Street was almost disappearing from the virtual kingdom of God.

After thinking for a while, he stopped and summoned a large number of assistants to bring dimension crushers to expand the tunnel space.

Carlin didn't know where the end of the tunnel led to, but he knew that there must be people with white fangs guarding the opposite side. If he went out like this, he would easily be set on fire, so he had to prepare in advance.

In the wilderness of the New World, there are a large number of fixed areas that are not marked on maps.

One of the areas covers an area of ​​just over one hundred square kilometers, and almost the entire area is occupied by several mountains.

Halfway up a certain mountain peak, you can vaguely see a village, which looks like a secret lair of a gang.

In fact, this is where the passage connecting the Queen's Zone space is located. The White Fang has sent people disguised as gangsters to stay here.

It was early morning in the New World, smoke was lingering in the village, and every household opened its doors and windows to start a new day of life.


Someone suddenly felt a strong vibration. At first, he thought it was his illusion, but then more and more people felt the obvious tremors of the earth, and no one thought it was an illusion anymore.

A piercing alarm sounded immediately throughout the village. Although they didn't know what was going on, the extraordinary beings with white fangs were all alert.

Ordinary people were immediately arranged to take shelter in secret air-raid shelters.

The twenty or so extraordinary men who were originally stationed in front of a cave filled with red mist immediately returned to the village, and a blood knight who only emerged from the hidden cave was also urgently awakened to assemble.


At this moment, everyone heard a deafening loud noise, and a huge black thing crashed through the mountain wall and rushed out.

Although there was smoke and dust, everyone could clearly see the legendary tank's huge tracks and ferocious gun barrels.

In an instant, various emotions such as sluggishness, panic, and disbelief spread among the crowd.

"It's a legendary weapon! Everyone, run!"

I don’t know who shouted first, and the crowd immediately exploded and started running away.

Beta controlled the legendary chariot and started galloping wildly after breaking through the mountain wall. The legendary chariot drove on the rugged hillside as if it were on flat ground. Everything in its path was crushed into dregs by the sharp-edged tracks.

Not long after, half of the houses in the small cottage were crushed to pieces, and a group of ordinary people who were rushing to the underground air-raid shelter were turned into minced meat under the tracks.

Although the chariot looked very big, it was not slow at all. It only took one or two breaths to catch up with the four extraordinary beings who were running away like crazy.

Feeling the approaching shadow, the four of them turned their heads in despair, watching helplessly as the terrifying metal monster charged over, its tracks with a hint of blood growing larger and larger in their field of vision.

Then severe pain hit their whole bodies in an instant, and then they knew nothing. They vaguely heard the sound of their own bones breaking before they died.


Beta, who had just crushed four people to death, hummed a tune in his mouth, and began to turn the machine gun barrels to aim at the extraordinary people and blood knights.

Just when it was about to fire, Karin's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Leave two or three alive!"

After receiving the order, the cannon with a caliber exceeding 30 mm began to roar crazily.

Each blood knight or transcendent was directly smashed into pieces. Even the mentor level only lasted less than two seconds before turning into a pile of blood mist.

In less than ten seconds, only three people were left alive in the village.

Several silver threads shot out from the chariot and tied the three people tightly.


Under the crazy rampage of the legendary chariot, the mountain was finally unable to bear the load and the entire structure began to collapse, with countless rubble flowing down the slope like a tide.

When the mountainside where the legendary chariot was located collapsed instantly, and just when the chariot was about to fall, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded from the pile of rocks.

With a bang, the Sky Fortress machine crashed through the rubble and shot straight into the sky.

The next moment, twelve metal hooks shot out from the cabin and were accurately attached to the twelve buckles on the surface of the legendary tank.

Beta momentarily felt a violent shaking in the cab, but quickly recovered.

Before the mountain completely collapsed, the Sky Fortress and the legendary tank escaped from being buried under rocks and soared in the sky.

And there are three unlucky guys with white fangs hanging on the silver silk thread below the chariot, swaying in the wind.

Shuke controlled the Sky Fortress to move forward at full speed. He had no intention of landing in this fixed area and flew towards the unfamiliar wilderness airspace at high speed.

This is the location of the passage connecting the Queen's District. With the importance White Fang places on the Queen's District, it won't be long before a legendary powerhouse comes here to check on the situation.

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