Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 577 [Martial Arts Festival]

Everything happened in an instant, and it was over by the time Karin came to his senses.

After a cursory glance at the extra information in his mind, he quietly observed the reactions of others around him and found that no one noticed the changes on the back of his hand.

At a moment when no one was paying attention, Karin quietly put on a pair of black gloves with both hands to cover up the knight tattoo.

At this time, everyone has finished discussing the future details of the Blue Fist Adventure Group, and Chris is telling others about the arrangements for the future.

"Everyone, please work hard in the next two months and complete the tasks I assigned to everyone as soon as possible. Although these tasks are a bit cumbersome, they are not actually very difficult. I believe everyone can complete them easily.

Let’s keep the qualification level of the adventure group first, and wait for two months later.”

Speaking of this, Chris suddenly changed the topic, and a hint of joy appeared on her face unconsciously.

"We have caught up with the good times. Four months later, the triennial fighting festival in Helm City will come. There will be a large number of foreign warriors participating in the fighting festival. The demand for employment has skyrocketed, and everyone will not worry about accepting it. Missing the mission!”

Karin, who hadn't listened very carefully at first, immediately became energetic as soon as he heard about the martial arts festival, and quickly pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

Many other people also knew nothing about the Fighting Festival, so Chris explained patiently.

"The Fighting Festival is a traditional celebration of Blue Helmet City. Every time, warriors from all over the world gather in Blue Helmet City for a grand martial arts competition.

Everyone shows off themselves crazily, and the winner will not only become famous, but also receive generous rewards.

This celebration is actually a large-scale ceremony. Anyone who is a legend or below can sign up. According to the level of the transcendent, the three-level competition system is divided into trainee, professional, and mentor. Participants will only compete against opponents of the same level.

The thirty-two strong ones selected from thousands of warriors will all get some benefits, but the ones who get the biggest benefits are the direct descendants of the Knights of Fire and a few VIPs from other major forces.

There were rumors that the legendary seed of the Knights of Fire succeeded in becoming a legend shortly after winning the championship!

Although the harvest of others is not bad, it is far inferior to those direct descendants of the Knights."

A group of listeners in the apartment hall listened with a sense of leisurely fascination. Whether they were on stage in person to compete with various people, or watching the fierce fist-fight between strong men, people couldn't help but get excited.

Moreover, every martial arts festival will cause the flow of people in Blue Helmet City to skyrocket. When there are more people, there will be more things to do. By then, mercenaries like them who rely on adventure for a living will not have to worry about not receiving missions.

Carlin's blood boiled with excitement on the surface, but after reading the information transmitted to him by the knight's tattoo, he felt strange in his heart.

The knight tattoo also transmitted some information about the martial arts festival, but this martial arts festival was very different from what Chris said.

This is a large-scale ceremony to commemorate a deceased person from the Fifth Age - the Blue Knight. The statue in the center of the city is none other than the Blue Knight!

All battles that take place among the King of Fighters Path Extraordinaries within the Helm City are to please the Blue Knight and will resonate with the statue, thus slowly accumulating power and storing it in the statue.

With a cycle of three hundred years, at every special time of the third hundred years, the statue has accumulated enough power to initiate the top thirty-two contestants of the Fighting Festival.

The resonance of the statue also reached its peak during the period before and after the martial arts festival, and the [Trial] mechanism was activated. It was also at this time that members of the Blue Fist Adventure Group began to disappear mysteriously at night.

Anyone who looks into the eyes of the Blue Knight statue between 11pm every night and 4am the next morning will be forcibly pulled into the trial space.

Only by successfully killing one hundred blue-armored knights can one be given the mark and return to the mortal world.

The Blue Fist Adventure Group's station is built on a gentle highland in the suburbs.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional on the part of the Knights of Fire, but the architectural layout planning of Blue Helmet City is very clever.

Buildings of different heights just block the sight of the eyes of the Blue Knight statue, and can only fall on the location of the Blue Fist Adventure Group, ensuring that all residents in the city will not accidentally enter the trial space due to coincidence.

And when you stand on the high ground where the outskirts of the city are located and look out at the city, you can easily look into the eyes of the statue.

Seeing this, Carlin could only say that the Blue Fist Adventure Group had been unlucky for eight lifetimes and built its base in such a deceptive place.

Shaking his head, Carlin continued to check the remaining information.

In the martial arts festival, the top thirty-two in each level group will more or less receive some benefits after the end.

The mentor group has gained the greatest benefit, and even the power gained by the top three is enough to transform the spirituality of the mentor-level legendary seeds that have completed their fourth development, directly impacting the legend!

But the prerequisite for obtaining the greatest benefit is that you must pass the trial set by the Blue Knight to obtain the knight tattoo. This is the admission ticket to the real [Martial Arts Festival] ceremony, otherwise you will only get a little bit of soup.

In Carlin's opinion, only legendary seeds can pass this test, and everyone else basically ends up with a narrow escape.

And this year happens to be the 300th anniversary of this cycle of the Fighting Festival!

Karin browsed through the memories in his mind and unconsciously showed a weird smile.

‘The general information of the [Martial Fighting Festival] ceremony may not be a secret in the eyes of all the big forces. This time there will definitely be many legendary seeds from wealthy families who will not let go of this opportunity to become legendary.

Tsk, then I can only feel sorry for you all, the proud ones of heaven. I don’t know when I will next encounter this perfect opportunity to hit the legend.’

Just when everyone, including Carlin, was thinking about it, Chris couldn't help but pour cold water on everyone to bring their thoughts back.

"Well, no matter how great the benefits of the Fighting Festival are, it has nothing to do with us. This is something that the legendary seeds who have gained a reputation should consider. We should first keep the qualifications of the adventure group."

After hearing this, the others gradually calmed down and sighed.

They are just ordinary professional-level extraordinary beings. In some small places, they can still be majestic and respected by everyone, but in a prestigious ceremony like the Fighting Festival, they can only be ignored by everyone.

However, everyone quickly calmed down and began to listen to the task indicators that Chris had arranged for everyone.

No matter what, life still has to go on. The strong have the splendor of the strong, and the little people also have their own ways of living.

After the first meeting of the newly established Blue Fist Adventure Group, all the professional-level transcendents took their men to work overtime on tasks.

Chris obtained some cost-effective tasks through her connections. They were short-term, high-paying, and the difficulty was very suitable for bounties at their level.

Most of them are sparring tasks. The martial arts festival is approaching and the foreign population is gradually increasing.

Martial arts schools in the city have begun to launch various services to attract these outsiders to consume.

The biggest improvement is the training venue, dedicated guidance of assault and combat sparring.

Chris also keenly discovered the business opportunities and focused on the sparring business.

After all, it's okay to be a trainee-level transcendent, but the population plummets after reaching the professional level. It's not that easy to find a professional-level partner who is willing to cooperate with you to practice wholeheartedly or even fight back.

No matter how shabby the professional class is, there are still people with status and face everywhere. Unless they have a lot of money, basically no one will suffer this grievance.

But now we have caught up with a special period. Not only the rewards for sparring tasks in the bounty hall have increased, but even the qualification scores have also increased significantly.

So Chris took on more than a dozen tasks of hiring sparring partners through her connections at local martial arts schools.

The other professional-level transcendents were also a little reluctant at first, but after seeing the rewards and bounty scores that were two or three times higher than usual, they pinched their noses and accepted.

After all, it’s all about making money, not being embarrassed.

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