After Carlin received the task indicators assigned to him by Chris, he was not ready to refuse.

He himself took seven marionettes and went to the martial arts gym to serve as sparring partners, playing the role of a regular ordinary professional level transcendent.

The eight people arrived in front of a martial arts gym in the city called ‘Dad’s Fighting Club’.

Looking at the four-story building in front of him, the familiar name reminded him of the 'Daddy Mining' that shipped the goods five days ago.

At this moment, Carlin suddenly felt an unwavering gaze from inside the martial arts hall, passing through the obstacles of many walls, and finally hit his group.

Although the owner of this gaze was quite strong, he did not put any pressure on him.

Just when Kalin was about to lead others into the martial arts gym, he suddenly felt a new gaze looking at him and his group from the martial arts gym.

'grass! How could there be a legendary strongman in a martial arts gym! ’

Carlin reacted immediately after noticing the level of the owner of the second glance. The eight people's faces forcibly turned pale, and then they took a few steps back, their expressions full of horror.

As if being deceived by Karin's slightly exaggerated acting skills, the two eyes staring at him immediately dissipated, and a voice came into Karin's ears after opening the door.

"come in."

Karin immediately turned his head and looked around in confusion, acting as if he was looking for the source of the sound. After searching for a while, he confirmed that it was someone from the martial arts gym who called him in.

The group of people then cautiously stepped across the threshold of the martial arts hall.

At the same time, two figures sat opposite each other in the backyard of the martial arts hall.

One of them was Mr. Willy, who personally inspected the traces of the Banyan Tree battle last night. He was still dressed in coarse linen clothes today. He looked nothing out of the ordinary, just like an ordinary farmer.

The other old man was also dressed simply, but he was still strong and strong. His bronze-colored muscles contained majestic power.

Judging from the aura, he is just an ordinary mentor-level transcendent. Now he has completed his fourth development. The road to transcendence has reached the end, and it is almost impossible to make any progress.

At this time, Willy withdrew his gaze from Carlin and his group. He just noticed that a group of people came to the door and took a casual look. After seeing that there was no problem, he no longer took it to heart.

He turned his attention to the old man again and said with a complex expression: "Old friend, have you really decided?"

The tone seemed to be reluctant to comfort, and also seemed to be saying goodbye.

The strong old man burst into hearty laughter after hearing this.

"Hahahaha, I said, Willy, what's wrong with you? This is not like you. You are a famous legendary strong man. When did you become so sentimental?"

Willy shook his head: "Dak, you are laughing at me again. What does the legendary power have to do with us being friends?"

The sturdy old man Dak also stopped smiling and his tone became melancholy.

"If you were really a friend, you should have let me die in the Fifth Era instead of sealing me for more than seven hundred years and only releasing me three years ago."

"More than seven hundred years have passed. Friends, relatives, family and even enemies have all disappeared in history. I am not a legendary seed. What you did just allowed me to enjoy the torture for three more years."

Willy curled his lips, not having the airs of a legendary strongman when facing his old friend.

"Come on, you old guy, don't I know you? If you want to die, you will only die in a vigorous battle with a strong person. How could you choose to die of old age?

I specially sealed you for more than seven hundred years and kept you alive until today, not just so that you can find your favorite opponent in the martial arts festival! "

Dak laughed again, without any hint of the impending end: "Haha, you still understand me best, I will definitely be able to fight happily in this martial arts festival!

As a warrior, even if you die, you should die in battle! "

After the two joked for a while, Willy asked curiously: "How is it? Have you chosen your opponent? If you are really unsure, I can help you with your advice."

Hearing this, Dak rolled his eyes and said angrily: "How can I be as majestic as your Lord Willy? There is nothing in the entire Blue Helmet City that you don't know!"

Willy shook his eyes and ignored the other party, and began to explain one by one.

"There are three legendary seeds who have signed up to participate in the martial arts festival this time, except for that boy Ryan.

The other two, one is the youngest and best son of His Highness White Wolf - Alex Evans, who is now only one step away from becoming a legend. "

After Dak heard that Alex was only one step away from the legend, his eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, but then he thought of something again, and the light in his eyes immediately went out.

He said with a regretful look on his face: "It must be some kind of deal between your Knights of Fire and the White Fang. I don't want to make it difficult for you. Can you tell me about another one?"

Willy shook his head: "It's just to give Alex a qualification. The Knights' control over the martial arts festival is limited to arranging the preliminaries schedule.

I don't dare to interfere with the formal fights between the players. No one has the guts to disrupt the game under the watchful eyes of the boxers.

In fact, you don’t have to worry too much. Even if Alex died in the [Fighting Festival], it was because his skills were inferior to others. White Fang can’t hold us accountable. Besides, the white wolf may be killed by the Duke of Bucks one day. Get rid of it! "

"Where do you come from with so much nonsense? Hurry up and tell me who the other one is!"

Willy paused for a moment before starting to talk about the third legendary seed.

"The third person, let alone you, is very unfamiliar even to me, and I don't have much detailed information. She is a rising star of the Amazon clan - Leah Pineapple, who is also preparing to use the [Martial Fighting Festival] to impact the legend! "

Duck suddenly looked sideways: "Leah Pineapple? You don't even have much information?"

Willy nodded: "Yes, unlike her sister Elena Akara, she grew up at the Ranger Association headquarters in Wayne City.

Leah had been attacked by the Spider of Pain when she was young, and had been wandering alone for nearly twenty years.

When he appeared in our eyes again, he actually became a member of the Shadow Brigade - Spider, and appeared on the Princess Carmen together with the leader Carlin.

After the Princess Carmen [King Selection] ceremony, she returned to the Ranger Association headquarters with her sister, and then no more news about her came out.

Letting Leia participate in the [Martial Fighting Festival] to break through the legend is also part of the exchange of interests between us and the Amazon Kingdom.

At this time, she has reached the limit of the mentor level, and is only one step away from becoming a legend!

This is the only information I have about her here. If you need it, I will have someone else send it to you as soon as possible. "

After hearing this, Dak closed his eyes and fell into deep thought. Willy did not rush him and just waited for his answer quietly.

After a while, Duck opened his eyes, his eyes full of fiery excitement.

"There are two blood gods in the Amazon Kingdom. After much deliberation, I'd choose Alex. Haha, he's just bad luck!"

Willy nodded: "I will arrange the schedule for you."

"I know, I know. If you have something to do, please leave first. You don't have to stay with me, a bad old man, all day long!"

Willy shook his head helplessly, left a pile of information and disappeared into the backyard in an instant.

After his old friend left, Dak picked up the information and started flipping through it. They were all Alex's detailed information.

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