Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 590 Powerful Potion

After Banyan Tree's game ended, he and Dak went to Kuning's game ring.

The old man looked depressed, and he really didn't want to talk to this unlucky guy next to him.

Rongshu was also very sensible and did not provoke the other party. He just watched the battles in the arena like a casual observer.

The atmosphere was no less deserted than that of the mentor group, with only a dozen of the more than a hundred arenas starting to fight.

The professional group and the trainee group were much more lively, and the atmosphere of the audience was also much stronger.

The battle at the mentor level was too fast and there was no explanation, so the onlookers were confused. They only knew that the fight on the stage was fierce, but they had no idea what actually happened.

The competition in the professional group is much more enjoyable to watch. Although the speed of the players is still easy to dazzle people's eyes, everyone can barely keep up with the rhythm of the battle.

The two walked for about twenty minutes and finally arrived at Kuning's ring.

I saw Kuning's opponent on the stage using a machete to make him angry, chasing him around the ring.

However, although it seemed that he could only dodge in a panic, Kuning's steps were very steady, and he looked like he was at ease.

On the other hand, although the opponent's attack was fierce, the banyan tree noticed a trace of disorder from the slashing sword. It was obvious that the opponent had become impatient after being unable to attack for a long time.

As long as there is a mistake, Kunin will seize the flaw and win with one move.

Dak obviously noticed this, and his expression was not worried about his disciple at all. He just waited for the end of the game.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the opponent was anxious and struck out with another sword. However, this sword left no room and exposed his empty goal in front of Kuning.

Kuning's eyes flashed when he saw it, and he punched out without dodging.


Just when his opponent's scimitar cut through Kuning's shoulder, he was punched hard in the stomach, causing his eyes to bulge. The force of the blade weakened, and the whole person fell to the ground and passed out. .

In the end, only a shallow wound was left on Kuning's shoulder. The thrilling scene made the surrounding audience scream in surprise.

The referee immediately announced Kunin's victory, and bursts of cheers erupted around the ring.

Rongshu and Dak also nodded with satisfaction. Compared with four months ago, Kuning's youthful aura has disappeared and he has become very mature.

Just like the battle just now, with Kunin's strength, if he continued to fight for more than ten minutes, he could defeat his opponent without any injuries.

However, the physical and spiritual consumption is bound to be very large, which will affect subsequent competitions. The trainee group champion needs to win ten games in a row to advance.

Therefore, Kunin decisively seized the opportunity and quickly won the battle at the cost of minor injuries that did not affect his combat status.

While waiting for the next opponent to come on stage, he took out a bottle of medicine and put a few drops on the wound, and the wound immediately began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How many games are left?"

"Let me see, there are only eight games left to advance!"

After hearing this, Rongshu curled his lips and said, "Why are you so slow?"

After hearing this, Dak rolled his eyes in displeasure and said, "Do you think everyone is as lucky as you?"

While the two were bickering, Kunin's third opponent came on stage, a rookie who hadn't even completed his second development cycle.

He was easily defeated by Kunin after only three minutes.

In this way, one opponent after another came to the stage. Kunin did not fight too aggressively, but played steadily and conserved his energy as much as possible. Several times, he paid the price of minor injuries in order to win.

Half an hour later he had defeated his ninth opponent, and he only needed one more victory to advance.

But it may be that Kunin is unlucky. Several of his previous opponents seemed to be together, and they were obviously not weak opponents. It seemed that they were deliberately using wheel battles to consume Kunin's physical strength.

The continuous high-intensity battles exhausted Kunin's physical strength. By the time the tenth opponent jumped onto the ring with a happy face, he was already out of breath.

After seeing this, Dak showed a rare look of worry, and cursed loudly: "What the hell is this bastard of an adventure group? Just wait for me, I'll show you off later!"

In an instant, everyone nearby heard his loud voice. After seeing that it was Dak, they all cast pity on the guy who jumped onto the ring.

The person involved also turned pale, but immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts, and only Kuning's words remained in his eyes.

The banyan tree still comforted Dak with the presence of the old god: "Don't worry, I have expected this situation a long time ago and prepared a powerful potion for Kuning."

Dak's face suddenly became more nervous: "You brat! What kind of messy potion did you give Kuning? What if there are any side effects?"

The banyan tree chuckled and said: "How could I harm him? Don't worry, I bought it from the Shadow Brigade's shop. The quality of the potion is absolutely guaranteed by Master Carlin himself!"

Dak then felt relieved: "I only knew that the Blades and Hunters of the Shadow Brigade also signed up for this martial arts festival. I really didn't know that they had opened a store in Blue Helmet City."

"Oh, you know now?"

After Danetta and Charles arrived at Blue Helmet City, they felt that they were idle, so they rented a shop in the city and sold various alchemy items. Carlin also sponsored some spells and potions.

Their products are of high quality and low price, and their business is booming. There are even people who specially purchase goods from their store and then sell them at high prices.

The potion that Rongshu gave to Kuning was of a higher grade than the one in the store. He had improved the formula of the regression potion.

Although the effect is greatly reduced compared to the regression potion, the negative effects are also much smaller, and it only takes two days of dehydration at most.

While the two were talking, Kuning in the ring took out the potion given to him by the banyan tree without hesitation and drank it in one gulp. With a bang, his whole body's aura was rising steadily, and his strength was chasing the limit of the human body.

The smile on the opponent's face immediately froze, but the referee ignored his thoughts and announced the start of the fight in a matter-of-fact manner.

With a flick of the brush, Kunin moved, rushing towards his opponent who was still in a dazed state with a thunderous momentum. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he decided to decide the outcome with one blow, either you die or I live.

The opponent was distracted by Kunin's sudden outburst, and his face turned pale with fright, and the fighting spirit in his heart was completely extinguished.

Seeing that Kunin's stormy offensive was about to come, he quickly shouted: "I surrender!!!!!!"

The next moment, blue light flashed across the arena, forming a barrier in front of him.


Kuning slammed into the barrier, making a loud roar. The opponent behind the barrier was so frightened by this powerful momentum that he collapsed to the ground and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"My life was finally saved."

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