Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 591 The end of the preliminaries

"Victor - Kunin!"

With a bang, the arena lit up with blue light again, and fireworks exploded in the air, seemingly celebrating Kunin's promotion.

The surrounding audience also burst into violent cheers, and it was very lively for a while.

Kuning breathed a sigh of relief. Without even looking at his opponent, he jumped off the ring and trotted to Dak and Banyan Tree. He shouted excitedly: "Dad, Teacher York, I've advanced!"

He was a seasoned fighter in the ring, but reverted to an excited kid in front of the two.

The banyan tree looked at Dak and joked with a smile: "I said don't worry, this potion can make his physical fitness soar to a level close to the limit of the human body. The effect of the medicine lasts for three hours, and the side effect is that he will be weak for two days. .”

Dak also nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad. I will try to keep up my efforts and get a good ranking."

But he immediately put away his smile and said to Kunin with a straight face: "This time it is forced by the situation, forget it, but if you dare to take this magic potion again in the top 128, see how I deal with you!"

Kunin shrank his neck and responded: "I know, Dad."

After the game, the three of them had no intention of staying here any longer and quickly left the suburban arena and returned to the city.

The three of them were getting closer and closer to Dad's Fighting Club. When passing by the Langke Manor, Dak glanced at it and said with a strange expression: "I don't know how Alex is feeling now."

Kuning also turned his head and glanced, and his expression became subtle.

The banyan tree said with a smile: "It's really strange that we stayed in the same hotel as the people from the Shadow Brigade and didn't get into a fight."

During this period of time, the two parties looked up and looked down, and their eyes burned in the air every time they met, but they were very restrained and did not start a fight.

However, the depressing atmosphere in the hotel made other guests nervous and left the room one after another.

In the end, only members of the White Fang and Shadow Troupe remained as residents of Langke Manor, which made the hotel owner burst into tears.

But they couldn't afford to offend either of the two parties and didn't dare to drive them away, so they could only maintain this weird atmosphere.

"Haha, you don't care about our business anyway, the fight will be fun to watch."

As they talked, the two quickly left the Langke Manor and continued walking towards Dad's Fighting Club.

What Dak didn't know was that neither Danetta nor Charles cared much about Alex, and the other person was already a dead person in their hearts.

Even Kalin felt that even if he did not take action against Alex during this martial arts festival, as long as Ain was still there, the other party would not be able to safely return to the Blood Plains.

Now he needs to ensure that Banyan Tree will be able to face Alex in the game before the top four.

Eric in the virtual kingdom of God was writing the script hurriedly. After writing for a while, Carlin suddenly felt a little weird.

It’s not that the script consumes a lot of money, but it’s very small.

This situation made him wonder if his script happened to fit perfectly with the schedule arranged by the Knights of Fire?

He soon put the matter behind him, it would be better if he could relax.

The suburban preliminaries are still in full swing, and the emotions of both the players and the audience have reached the extreme with cheers and cheers.

There are only a handful of arenas like Carlin and Kunin that have won consecutively in a short period of time.

Most of the arenas are still being pulled repeatedly, and many champions were kicked off the arena midway, bidding farewell to this martial arts festival in disgrace.

One after another, previously unknown extraordinary beings stood out in the preliminaries, and their names became known to many people.

Time passed by minute by second, and towards the end of the night on the first day, a blue light finally lit up in the third game arena, which meant that the winner of this arena had appeared.

In the following time, as one stage after another lit up, one extraordinary person entered the top 128 of his own level competition with the cheers of everyone under the spotlight.

Miraculously, the trainee group had the largest number of participants, but was the first to finish the preliminaries, and the top 128 were decided on the third day.

On the fourth day, the professional group also decided on all the candidates for promotion. At this time, only three-quarters of the list of mentors had been decided.

However, neither the audience nor the players were surprised by this situation.

This is a martial arts competition, not a life-and-death fight, not a battle based on killing the opponent with all your strength.

In the competition, many of the best killer moves and extraordinary items were not used by the players, so the battle rhythm of the mentor-level players became a bit slow.

As long as it is not an absolute one-sided crushing, it will fall into a long tug-of-war.

The endurance of the contestants is far beyond that of ordinary people, and some seemingly terrible fatal injuries only require a few days of rest for them, so the battle is also very protracted.

In a game, it would take more than half an hour to finish a fast game, and it would not be surprising if it takes up to two hours for a slow game.

Even if both participating parties play very cautiously and conservatively, it can even drag on for four hours without a winner being decided, and even the audience will be dozed off by them.

However, when the preliminaries dragged on to the fifth day, July 5, the last arena finally lit up, and the martial arts festival preliminaries were finally over.

Many spectators also left the suburban arena and walked into the city. Among them, the faces of the Blue Fist Adventure Group were extremely excited.

"Westmin, I really didn't expect that your eyesight is so good. This time we were able to make a net profit of more than 50,000 gold pounds, all thanks to you!"

"Yes, yes, sometimes I wonder if you really only have a professional level."

"Hahaha, forget it, go and drink after making a lot of money, I'll treat you this time!"

The group of people all discussed with joy on their faces. They had made a lot of money relying on Carlin's guidance in the preliminaries, but Carlin just smiled modestly.

At this time, Chris curiously said casually: "I just don't know if there will be any legendary seeds in the top 128 finals."

Karin curled his lips and said: "No need to guess, the foreign legendary seeds who come here to participate in the fighting festival must have reached an agreement with the Knights of Fire.

Even for the sake of the spectacle and drama of the game, it is impossible for the Knights of Fire to let them encounter them in advance.”

As soon as this was said, others began to agree.

"Yes, unless a dark horse appears, this situation must not happen."

"Haha, do you think there will be a dark horse showing up this time?"

"It's not that easy. Do you think the Knights of Fire are just a living person? You don't know anything about the strange legendary seeds that come to your territory?"

"That's hard to say."

While the Blue Fist group was excitedly talking about the finals of the martial arts festival, there were several extraordinary beings in an office hall somewhere in Blue Helmet City who were nervously arranging the list of the top 128 mentors.

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